Chapter 38

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I sat in Liam's lap for hours. I didn't move. I needed to know that she was okay. I needed to be sure that the twins were healthy. Liam just fell asleep but I couldn't bring myself to. Cat comes back from the bathroom and hands me a cup of coffee.

"Thanks, Cat," I say my voice is scratchy and sounds unfamiliar to me

"No problem, I can't even imagine what you are feeling right now," She says sitting down. I nod and sip the coffee.Finally, the doctor comes out of the I.C.U.

"Are you guys, the Family of Candace Cassidy?" He asks looking at the group that was starting to stir.

"Yes, I am the godmother," I say trying to get up. Liam's arm tightens around my waist and I smack him. HE let's go and his eyes snap open. I stand up to talk to the doctor.

"I'm Dr. Banner. Ms.Cassidy was experiencing blood clots throughout her pregnancy. She is alive but is very unstable right now. We don't make any promises. But, the twins by some miracle are for the most part very healthy. We believe that the girl may be hearing impaired. Otherwise, I think they are fine. Would you like to see them?" The doctor asked.

I try to absorb all of the information thrown at me and Liam steps in with a quick yes. The doctor leads us through the ICU to Candace first. THere are a bunch of tubes and monitors protruding from her skin. I want to rip them out and hold her and make her wake up. But the glass is thick and the barriers between life and death are irreversible. They start to feel uncomfortable and Liam pulls me away from the door. 

We walk through hallways with rooms filled with people having the best day of their life, the worst day of their life, the first day of their life and the last day of their lives. That thought shakes me to my core. Soon the lights get the cools turn from imperial gray to soft white to pretty pastel. We have entered the nursery. The sound of little monitors and gurgling from the people we recently let into the hell hole of a world.

"So Ms. Allen, as the legal guardian-" He starts.

"What!" I say shocked by those words. 

"Umm the forms you signed, the ones taking ownership of the twins. Ms. Allen, you'll be in charge of them until if or when ms. Cassidy wakes up. Otherwise, you've just become a mother to two beautiful children," Dr. Banner says trying to encourage me. 

I crumple to the floor again. How on God's green earth do they just expect me to raise two children? I have no job, hell I can barely afford community college for the next four years. Oh god! How am I going to go to school? I hopeful piece of me prays that Candace will wake up and take her kids. But, the longer she stays unconscious the less likely she wakes up. The room is spinning and Liam keeps moving in and out of focus. I take deep breaths. I remember I heard once that if you feel like this you could be having a panic attack. Inhale through your nose. Exhale through your mouth.The room starts to come back into focus. 

"Bianca, let's go see them, hold onto me," Liam says picking me up and slinging his arm over my shoulder. The doctor opens the door and calls to a nurse. She and another doctor go towards the middle of the room. They pick up two bundles of blankets. They walk gingerly towards me. I dry my eyes. I don't want them to see their mom cry. God this is really happening to me. Motherhood! Liam takes the girl from one doctor and I take the boy. 

"We figured you know the names of the kids. She passed out before that could be done," Dr. Banner says letting the girl hold onto his finger. 

"This beautiful girl," I say tickling her little stomach," is Peyton Candace Allen". The words sound foreign in my mouth yet amazing. She is amazing. Whoever her father was, he was handsome. He was black though. She has a slight tan, I could tell that she was gonna be a heartbreaker. She has slightly red-brown hair. I guess then Candace's real hair was red. 

"And the boy?" He says. 

"Pheonix Nathaniel Allen," I say. I figured since we kind of ruined his wedding the least I could do is give Pheonix his middle name. Liam coos at Peyton lovingly. 

"Hi Peyton, I'm your uncle Liam. We're gonna make sure you have all you need to have a normal life. I love you, princess," He says cradling her. 

"Your really great with her you know," I say trying to get Pheonix to stop fussing. 

"Thanks, you know I'm not leaving for college. If you need help with them I will be there by your side," he says.

"Thank you, you really are one of the best friends I could've ever met," I say. 

"No problem," He says smiling. 

"Dr. Banner come quick, Mrs. Cassidy destabilized," A nurse says running into the nursery.  Oh God, I think.

We all run down the hallway except Liam he is holding both Peyton and Pheonix. The heart monitor beeps sporadically. Then the worst thing in the universe happens. It flat lines. 

She's dead. 

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