Chapter 16: The very Important Filler Chapter!

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This chapter is extremely important although it come right between two very climactic chapters. Hope you like it !

I paced my room sack and forth.

I'm literally bored out of my mind.

The boys are off doing something and Izayah is not home. I've already done all my homework and I'm tired of playing Halo with Nate. I hop on my laptop and check for things to do today. An ad for a Star Wars Marathon pops up. I smile and thank god for nerds. I grab my skateboard and ride to the movies. As I ride I think about the last time I rode. Maybe 3 years? I guess it really is like riding a bike. See what I did there. Sorry bad joke. I get to the theater and purchase at ticket. The lady seems so into her job( note the sarcasm). I walk over to the little stand and order a large popcorn and drink. The guy behind the counter looks at me in confusion as to how a girl like me can eat a large popcorn, but he gives to me anyway. I turn and walk toward the butter machines when I crash head first into someone.

" Oh damn I'm sorry I'm really a klutz and I should pay attention more. Here I'll pay for a replacement. I look at him and smile as I stand up again. He stands up and I realize that he's,like taller than Dylan. I smile at him and shake my head.

"It's okay I'll just tell the guy what happened." I smile at the boy and walk back to the stand and convince the guy to give a replacement.
I find the seat printed on my ticket and sit down. The first movie A New Hope begins and I smile at the children watching for their first time having seen the movies. All of a sudden someone taps me in the shoulder. I'm face to face with popcorn boy.
"Hey! "He says happily munching on his own popcorn.
"Hey there. "I respond.
The lights come up signaling the end of the first half of the marathon. I love Star Wars. Then again who doesn't? Well I mean what if I never saw Star Wars? Would I be like some super politically sensitive person that likes watching stocks?
"Do you do that a lot?" The boy says snapping me out of my trance.
"Huh?" I ask confused.
"Ya know zone out like that and like leave planet Earth." He asks
" I don't see why that's any of your business. " I say going back to my phone.
"Well I don't know maybe I need a new friend and you seem pretty and cool. "He says scratching the back of his head.
" Well Mr. Popcorn spiller what's your name?" I ask acting as if I'm a snotty brat.
" Cyrus Audi "He says extending his hand.
"Bianca Allen." I say grabbing his hand. We chatted for the rest of the break and when the movies came back we spent most of the time throwing popcorn at each other. Soon enough a guy from security came and told us to quiet down or leave. Not seeing much of a choice we settled down till before he made us leave. The rest of the marathon we say not speaking a word. When the end credits rolled I got up to leave when Cyrus grabbed my arm.
"Hey don't forget this," he says handing me my cup some numbers a re scribbled neatly across the top, " call me in case you know something like another marathon or something comes up. Or I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." He says babbling like a little kid.
"Shhhhhh." I say silencing him. " I'll call you." I say as I walk away. He gives me a crooked smile before we part ways. I ride home kind of glad that I met Cyrus and got the chance to meet new people. I walk into the house and see my brother pacing back and forth.
" Bro your making me dizzy what's wrong." I ask seeing him worried is bad very bad.
"My girlfriend wants to meet you guys." He says frowning.
"Well I think that's great. " I say
"Of course you do! Meanwhile I like am panicking because there is no way dads gonna approve." He says.
"Well dads opinion is irrelevant so just bring her home." I answer him shrugging.
"Well I wouldn't be making this effort if I didn't wanna marry her." He says more to himself than to me. I smile into the biggest smile in human history.
He looks at me and runs up the stairs his face reddening with every moment. I go into the kitchen and start dinner. Finally for the first time in a while I'm perfectly happy.
So recently I have been getting a lot of angry messages saying I need to update. As a student, employee, and teacher it's just not possible to be a consistent writer. Please bear with me for a while. Well Hope you enjoyed !!!!!

Love you 😘,

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