"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning how to dance in the rain"
Bianca Allen is perfectly average. At least that's what she wants you to believe. She stays out of drama and never crawls out of her comfort zone. Althou...
" Come on B ! You look great lets go . " Zoey says aggravated .
"No ! " I yell back . Now let's me explain how we got here . I went school and of course everyone asked me what happened with Candace . Of course I answered with something being the sarcastic amazing nerd I am . It was a long week so I was happy for a Friday . Usually I stay home and watch movies . Occasionally I help Zoey at parties because she's a hippie she can get a little crazy . She is wearing a halter top and a pair of shorts with sandals. She is in full hippie form . So now I'm sitting in my chair looking at myself . Zoey straightened my hair and put it in a ponytail luckily but my clothes are a bit much . I don't have bad fashion taste at all . I just don't like hanging out with too much skin showing it makes me really uncomfortable. When I was younger I was really chubby so I wore a lot of loose covered stuff . Now I fit my body a bit better so I am a bit more confident . So Zoey decides to make me wear a Black crop top that shows a bit of my stomach and a pair of high waisted shorts with heels . " I look like a streetwalker . My butt is completely out . Can I change ? " I ask her . "Fine ! " She says observing her nails . I change into a long sleeve shirt because it gets cold at nighttime but I keep the shorts and add tights under . I add a scarf because I love them . I figured I'd wear the heels and keep a pair of Converse in Jax's car just in case . I walk out and she nods in approval . A car horn tells us that the boys are here . Zoey squeals in excitement . And I shake my head . It's gonna be a long night . (A/N this is Bianca's outfit . )
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We walk out the door after saying bye to my mom . We hop in the car with me in the front with Jax and Zoey behind me next to Liam . I see them stare at me . " What ? " I say feeling slightly weird. " I didn't know you had legs . " Jax says shamelessly checking me out . " Drive before I kick you in the shin . " I say glaring at him . He steps on the gas and we lurch foreword to my inevitable doom . ---------------------------------------------- I am so sorry for the short update I have started school and I just was so busy . Sorry .