Chapter 35

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After taking our pictures we fully see the gym. It has been turned into a Fairytale Palace. We all immediately head to the dance floor. We dance around in our little group. I danced all night I always felt like I was on top of the world. Probably because the punch was spiked but either way it was the best I felt in a while.

It was about 11 when the final slow dance began. I saw all the solo guys and gals head off the dance floor. Liam asked me if it was okay if he sat this one out. I told him it was fine. I saw a guy that needed a dance anyway. Jansen W. was probably our class nerd. He wasn't bullied he just didn't have many friends. He was going to MIT in the fall. I walk as gracefully as I can over to him.

"Would you like to dance with me," I ask him.

"W-who me?" He asks looking around.

"Yes, you,"I say taking his hands and leading him onto the dance floor. I put my arms around his neck and his arms finally after a few awkward seconds wrap around my waist. We lightly sway to the gentle music.
"So, are you excited for college?" I ask him. 

"Yes, MIT has been my dream since I was a kid. I want to be an Engineer for NASA. What about you I heard you were going to Maine Community. What are you majoring in?" He asks. 

"Well, I think Computer Science, with a minor in the Arts," I say. 

"Oh," Is all he says. We continue to sway and I see a few odd looks from our classmates. 

"Hey get off of him," I hear someone scream. What the hell? I run over and I see a circle of people. 

"Clint, STOP," I hear the voice say again. It sounds like a girl. I start pushing my way to the front. When I get there I see Clint beating up some guy.  

"If you ever disrespect my man again I will kill you," He yells in the guys face. That's when I see who it is. It's Parker. Of course, he's a total douche so I'm not surprised. He has a black eye and his nose is already bleeding. Suddenly it clicks, Zay, this was about him. 

"Where is he?" I ask some blonde kid. 

"He ran into the bathroom, I think, Izayah, right?" The boy answers. 

"Thanks," I say running. I take my phone out of my purse and call Jax. 

"Jax! Jax!!" I yell when he picks up the phone. 

"Jax, get your tongue out of Zoey's throat and get your ass in here. Clint is beating up Parker," I say when he doesn't respond. 

"Fine! My God. I have to do everything my damn self," He says hanging up the phone. 

I run to the nearest girls bathroom and as I thought I would I found him. His white jacket is covered in blood. 

"Zay, what happened," I ask him walking to help him clean up. 

"Nothing! Just leave me alone. I don't want to talk about it," He says backing up to the wall. I sigh. I understand that he doesn't want to talk about it.  I actually respect that. I decided to wait outside till he's ready to talk. Almost a half an hour later he finally comes out. 

"Sre you going to be okay?" I ask him. 

"I think so. I need to find Clint. I need to see if he's hurt," He says. 

"Clint is fine. He gave  Parker a hell of a good beating," I say, " What happened anyway? If you don't mind me asking," I ask. 

"So, Clint and I were dancing just like everyone else. I accidentally brushed Parker. He called me a fag and then said that it was my fault that Clint is gay. He said that because apparently they were kind of cool and hung out sometimes. Then Clint got angry and told Parker to apologize. Parker said that he doesn't apologize to gays because we aren't people. Clint got mad and jumped on him i tried to break it up but got hit by a stray punch. I ran off to the bathroom and then I guess you know what happened after that," He spills out. I take in all that information and I see why he didn't want to talk. 

Suddenly, Clint speeds around the corner. Jax, Liam, Dylan and Zoey right behind him. Izayah pales and grabs my hand. Clint stops a few feet away. 

"Baby. I am so sorry. I know how much prom meant to you. I can never put into words how sorry I am. I wish that people weren't total douches but I can't control them. I can control how much I am willing to do for you. I would go to the moon and back just to see you smile at me with the love in your eyes. I love you so much sometimes I think I'm going to implode. I was one of the toughest guys in the city and you have got me wrapped around your finger. I brought my friends here because I am not afraid to be called whipped. I love you Izayah. Most of the time more than I love myself. I am truly sorry," Clint says earnestly. 

"Wow," I say. Where can I find me a man to come and apologize for something that technically was not his fault. 

"I forgive you, Clint. I love you too. I've never felt this way about anyone and I don't think I can live without you. " Izayah says. Clint walks over and hugs him as if Zay was the air he needed to breathe. I smile. All is well that ends well. 

As we all filed out of the building, I recounted everything that lead up to this night. All of us had gone through so much as friends. Suddenly, bringing me back to reality my phone rings. 

"Hi, mom!" I say happily. 

"Honey, Cyrus is here to see you. I think you guys should talk. But, if you don't want to I'll make him leave," she says. I suck in a breath of air. 

"You know what. I don't want to ruin my prom with this crap. Tell him we will talk tomorrow. Ok." I say into the phone. 

"Sure, sweety," My mom says before she hangs up. 

"What was that about?" Liam asks. 

"Cyrus," I say rolling my eyes. 

"So, guys I say we take the limo and grab some food. Because I am freaking starving. " Jax says.

"Yea," We say in chorus. The limo driver takes us to the place where pretty much all of my friendships started the diner. The kind lady smiles at us and gives us the biggest booth in the back corner. We all sit down and start to pick out meals. I love this little diner. It's the escape from the world. When we are all here nothing could go wrong. And I'm going to miss it when we graduate. 

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