Chapter 8 : Greased Lightning

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When I woke up this morning my mom was cooking breakfast already . I grab my phone and check the time .
Holy Hufflepuff . It's 8:05 . Class starts in 15 minutes . I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom and brush my teeth . I take my hair out of the braid and look at it . I decide to leave it down and put a headband on . I run to my closet and pick out a a white shirt that says " Daddy's Lil Monster " which is ironic considering I haven't seen my dad since he ran off six years ago . But anyway I also pull on my favorite pair jeans . They are light blue and I splatter painted them at camp while i was teaching Arts . I grab my phone and my headphones before running downstairs .

" Morning ! " My mom says cheerily .

"Morning . " I respond . Mom gives me my coffee in a travel cup and gives me a muffin .

" Gotta go. " She says as she kisses my forehead .

" Okay bye ." I say . I bite into my muffin and see my phone flash . I look and see it's a text from Zoey saying she won't be able to get me .

I honestly feel like faceplaming into the table . I throw away my muffin wrapper and grab my converses and backpack . I guess I'm walking to school today . I look at my phone . If I jog i might make it in time for first period . I start to jog down the street and take in the secenery . It looks much prettier up close . I see a black pick up truck pass me . I notice that it has tainted windows .  Then it reverses back to me . I continue to jog . I mean it could be a rapist or something and I am enjoying life so yea .

The window rolls down and an annoyingly familiar voice asks ,

" Need a ride ? "

" No thanks Jax I enjoy running . " I say annoyed .

" You sure it'll be faster if you come with us . " Dylan says .

" Fine " I say climbing into the car . As soon as my seatbelts on Jax presses the gas and we lurch foreward . He turns down some unknown street and starts humming .

" Um schools that way . " I say pointing behind me.

" We know . " Liam says happily .

" Am I gonna be able to go to school today ? " I ask

" Yeah we'll make it for third period . " Liam responds . Jax pulls up to an old looking diner . THe writing on the front that says Frosty  Palace . He parks and we all hop out .

As we walk in an older lady greets us with a smile .

" Aww look at my boys . They are so grown up . It's good to see you again .  " She says pinching each of their cheeks affectionatly . Then she sees me .

" Now you must think I'm so rude for nit saying hello to your friend . " She says smiling at me .

" Hello . " I say shyly . I was never good with meeting people .

" Which one of the boys is yours ? " She asks with a cocked eyebrow . I feel myself blush and Clint raises an eyebrow at me . I break eye contact and my blush deepens .

" None of them . I'm just a friend . " I respond quietly .She simply raises an eyebrow and leads us to a table . I loved the feel of this diner . It was just like the one in Grease . Clint looks at me and smiles like an actual smile

" What ? " I ask him

" You look like a little kid in a candy store . " He says chuckling . He shakes hos head and go back to read the menu . I look at these four boys and smile . Each of them is special and for lack of a better word hot so why do they want to be friends with me ? They must've noticed my face because they're all staring at me .

" Why do you guys want to be my friends ? " I ask refusing to make eye contact with anyone .

" Because your really cool . " Jax says

" And funny " Liam adds

" And nice " Dylan joins in .

" And you never seem to want to hurt anyone . " CLint pracically whispers .

"Is this a prank ? " I persist .

" Of Course not . What kind of people do you think we are? " Clint answers quickly .  I smile . For a second I though that they would not want to befriend some nobody like me and this was all some sick prank .

The lady who I learned was Jemma took our orders and menus before leaving. Over the P.A system Greases " Greased Lightning " comes on . I literally love this song . And Grease is my favorite movie . I start to sing along and the boys all look at me funny . I stand up and start sing like a lunatic .

" Go Greased Lightning your burnin up the quarter mile .  " I sing loudly and probably off key . The boys are laughing so much I send them a glare . How dare they insult the best 60's movie in history .  As the song finishes Jemma comes with our food . She smiles at me and leaves .

We did into our food which is delicious and as we finish we check the bill . Jax insists on paying so he pulls out an 100 dollar bill and leaves it on the table . Jemma goes to get change but he tells her to keep it .

They boys drive to school and as promised we were there by third period . To avoid getting caught we run in with the gym class and cut through the locker rooms . I run into Art class and sit in the back . Zoey waltzes in and locks eyes with me . I give her a wave and she waves back . She slides into the seat next to me and elbows me hard .

" What was that for ? " I ask rubbing my side .

" When were you gonna tell meyou're friends with the Horsemen ? " She asks her voice rising with every word . So the four boys that I started unfortunately friends with are known as the 4 horsemen . Like from Now You See Me . THey are supposed in a gang and stuff . But those are just rumors .

I smile thinking about how Zoey and Jax would make a good couple . Both loud and crazy .

" Hello ? Earth to Bianca ? " Zoey says snapping her fingers in front my face . I nod to show her I'm listening . She starts to talk about some party on Fiday that is supposed to be really important . I start to doodle in my sketch book . At first it was just eyes but before long it was a whole face and then a body .

" Wow " Zoey says . I actually look at my picture and see that it's a drawing of Izayah leaping like he was yesterday . I didn't even mean to draw him on purpose . I blush . I drew him with out a shirt on . Thankfully the bell rang so I put my sketch pad away and ran out the room . The boys catch up to me and we walk to lunch . I expect them to sit with like their crew but instead they join me and Zoey at our table . Zoey's mouth drops open at the mere sight of them . Jax smirks before sitting next to her . She nearly faints as Liam sits down on the other side . I smile at least my friend is happy . I look around and see that most of the Cafeteria was watching our table. All the girls sending us glares and the boys looking at the girls longingly. Wishing that they were the Horsemen . I squirm in my seat . I was never a fan of attention.
" So there's this party on Friday night ." Liam says testing the waters .
" No ." I answer before letting him finish .
" Pretty Please ?" He asks again .
" The appearance of the please has no affect on my decision." I say proudly for coming up with that .
" Please ? " Zoey asks with a sad look on her face . I am such a pushover.
" Fine " I respond . The boys look at each other and smile .
What have I gotten myself into ?
Hey ,
Hope you liked this chapter . As you can see I also changed the cast list . But that's only because I started my obsession with Teen Wolf . Anyway
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Lots of love and Chocolate Puddin,

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