Chapter 11 : No Fairytale Ending

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" This years production is Cinderella . It was re written as a a hip hop versus ballet story . You will audition solo and with a partner . "  Ms. Krofski says looking at each of us . There are about 10 girls auditioning as Cinderella . The sounds of Ms. Krofski talking snaps me into reality . 

She gives as a 32 beat combo and 16 counts of freestyle that will show your talents . She also teaches us a part for our duets. She starts the music and Panic ! At the Disco's " There's a good reason these tables are numbered , honey you just haven't figured it put yet " plays . I smile and Ms . Krofski smiles back . Candace shoots her hand up . 

" UMmm this is not the ballet song that you said we were using . I've only practiced dancing to that one . Perhaps I should use that song instead  " She says trying to weasel her way out of dancing to this song . 

" Well then I suppose you can try this anyway ." Ms.Krofski says smiling at Candace . She turns around and walks out the door . Prbably to get the boys .  Candace scowls and goes back to practicing the routine . I mark the dance and start to turn when I crash into some one . 

'Watch it you freak ! " Candace screeches . 

" Well who spit in your cereal this morning ? Remind me to thank them  " I say the sarcasm obvious in my voice . The next few seconds seemed to slow down . She punches me right in the mouth . Her skull ring landing in the middle of my top lip . The metallic blood taste fills my mouth . I spit out some blood and wipe my mouth . 

Keep Calm . Don't retaliate that's what she wants . Don't hit back . The wiser part of me chants .  She goes again this time right in my eye . I blink trying to hold back tears . The adrenilene pumping through my viens dampens the pain but that won't last forever . 

" Watch your back " I say angrily my voice surpirsingly gruff . I shove her as I walk out . I run out of the auditorium soon as I'm out of sight right into someones bare chest . 

" Woah slow down princess . What happened ? " Izayah says worried. 

" Candace punched me . " I say in barley a whisper . His calm features morph into a look of determination . He pulls me into his chest and I start to sob . It hurts so much and I'm a tough girl . I used to box but I stopped so I could dance . I'm used to punches but not ones with rings and when I'm not prepared . 

Izayah leads me to the girls bathroom to clean myself up . I don't want to leave him but I have to . I look at myself in the mirror . My lip is swelling and I see a black eye is forming . I rinse my face off and wipe the blood off my lip . I pull my self together and my pain becomes determination . She 's gonna wish she hadn't punched me . Now she has no chance of getting the boys or Cinderella . 


I walk out of the bathroom with a new determination . Izayah looks up and walks toward me . 

" Are you sure ypu wanna do this ? " He asks reading my face . 

" You have no idea . " I say .

I walk back into the auditorium and Ms. Krofski runs toward me . 

" Are you okay sweetheart ? Angie told me what happend . Candace will not be in the musical to pay for her actions . " She says with destain . 

" Let her audition . She's not gonna get it anyway . " I say confidently . 

" Okay ." Ms. K says confused . 

She switches on the music and Candace and I start . I dance with an amount of emotion I've never had before . 

When I start my solo I leap into the center . I start a sting of 5 pirouettes . I dance and before i know it I'm backing up to let Candace go . I have to admit that she was good . But I have this in the bag  . The song ends and we freeze . I smile . I've got this . 

" Fantastic job ladies . Now I have to also see the amount of chemestry between you and Prince Charming .  Candace your up first . " Ms . K says as she writes something down . I sit down and watch . Izayah walks onto the stage and his face falls . He sees me and smiles again . They begin to dance . Izayzh is so good . His muscles flex as he dances . ANd even though he obviously dilikes Candace he still plays the role well . 

They finish and bow . 

" Great job . Next ! " Ms . K says dismisvely . 

I walk onto the stage and Izayah looks at me . His eyes look different somehow but I cant dwell on that because the musci starts . We dance and I can't lie it was very good . We danced and I realized how beautiful he is inside and out  . We lock eyes and something flashes past his eyes . He smiles at me and I smile back . We finish the dance and he pulls me into his chest . We lock eyes and I feel butterflies form in my stomach . 

WHAT ! I mentally scream . I never have butterflies ;  what is he doing to me ? WE break away and Ms . K looks at us with something I can't really make out then she says the greatest line in my life , 

" I think we just found our new Cinderella and Prince Charming . " 


Hey , 

Well we are 10,000 words into the story . Also we broke 200 reads . Thanks guys I didn't think it was gonna do this well . I will be updating less since school is starting but I will try to update as much as possible . This was not my original plan for INWTBB but it is going in a new direction . I hope you like it and please comment . I love to hear what I could improve and what you like in the story . 

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Love and Chocolate Puddin , 


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