Chapter 31

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Although Christmas is tomorrow I'm not really in the spirit. I've mostly spent the last few days packing up my dance things and planning for the future. I had no job, no company offers, and no college acceptances. I had put so much work, hours, and tears into my dance career just to see it all be thrown away. I sat down and looked across at the boys. They were all sitting on one of the bunk beds huddled together. They seemed to be planning something. As much as I wanted to call them something maybe a demon held me back. I decide to take a nap. At least I won't have to think. Just when I was about to fully fall asleep my door bursts open.

"Bianca Zendaya Allen get dressed we're going out," Zoey says.

"What?" I say the sleep heavy in my voice.

"We ARE GOING OUT!" Candace repeats annoyingly loud.

"No I wanna stay at home." I say pulling the sheets over my head.

"Listen you have sat here for the last 48 hours and sulked about dance. You need to get back out into the real world. Me, you, and Candace are going bowling. We are leaving this house in 20 minutes. Be ready." Zoey says. I look to Candace hoping she'll convince Zoey to let me stay home. Of course she just stands there rubbing her stomach and staring into space. I roll my eyes and crawl out of my bed. I change into jeans and a cute tee shirt. I check my phone for the first time and see that there are several texts from Dylan, Liam, and Jax. One call from Izayah and One call from Cyrus. Well, technically Michael. But I will forever and always call him Cyrus. Anyway I pull myself down the stairs and out the door.

We pulled up to the door of the bowling alley and surprisigly I was glad. At least ouside of the house there was fresh air. We walked in and went straight to rent a lane and shoes. After much debate on whether pregnant women should be bowling we finally got into the game. Of course we absolutely sucked. We got like 8 total gutterballs. But we had a lot of fun nonetheless. We then decided to order an entire pizza and fries just for us. We devoured it like savages and after we hit the arcade. The best part of this bowling alley was that in the back there was a huge arcade filled with old and new school games. I bought us a total of 30 tokens so we each got 10. I went straight to the corner where a little Pacman game was sitting. I push the coins into the receiver waiting for that beautiful, powering up sound. Finally, it rings in my ear and I'm off. I'm no master at this game but I like it and it's fun. After a few rounds, I leave to find Zoey and Candace. I finally find them staring at the bar. Now one thing about living in a small town is that you know every single person. When I stood next to them and peered in I understood exactly what the were seeing. Inside the bar was a guy. No scratch that a man drinking what looked like a beer. He just sat there occasionally taking a sip from the glass. His eyes were trained forward as if looking through the bartender. He then slides the chair out from under himself and slides a few bills onto the table. Suddenly a little boy runs into the bar. The man picks him up and smiles. Not an award winning smile not a set of perfect pearly whites but the kind of smile that makes you happy.

I pulled the girls away from the window and we go to turn in our shoes. As we walk out I smile. Look at us the black girl, the Spanish girl, and a pregnant white girl. And I never thought I'd say it but I liked that combination. 

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