Chapter 13 : Drinking is NOT my favorite Pastime: Part 2

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We pull up to a huge house . Music blaring so loud we heard it down the block . We park and climb out . The lawn is already covered in Blue Solo cups and drunk people making out . I scrunch up my nose. I hate parties . Zoey runs inside something about parting and her free side . Dylan and Clint waltz in and start flirting with two blondes . They giggle and twirl their hair . Then Clint and blonde 1 run off together .

Well that escalated quickly I think to myself as I walk in with Jax . I find a place on the wall and lean back reading this really good book .

" Wanna Dance ? " He asks me motioning to the group of teenagers dancing on top of each other.

" Pass . " I say .

" Well I am so come with . " He says pulling me onto the dance floor . We start to dance and honestly I start to have fun .

After Dancing for about 20 minutes I leave to go get something to drink . I walk into the kitchen which is filled with people drinking and the smell of alcohol makes me throw up a bit . I grab a can of Pepsi and a beer for Jax make my way back through the crowd . I see Candace flirting with Jax . He looks at her with disgust but she does not seem to notice .

I walk over and hand him and hand him the can . He smiles down at me with a look of warning in his eyes .

" Hey Babe . " He says emphasizing the babe part . I try to play along by smiling at Candace and taking Jax's free hand

" WHAT !!!!! " Candace screams her breath reeking of alcohol . Jax shrugs and walks us away his arm around my shoulder .

" WHat about Candace ? People might think we are - you know - dating " I ask worried .

" Don't worry . She's too drunk to remember anything tonight . " He says shrugging it off . I see Zoey making out with some guy in a corner . She is gonna regret that tomorrow morning .I look at Jax who now has stopped moving . His fist clench and his face hardens . He stomps over to them and yanks the guy off her . He starts yelling at him and throws punches like a lunatic . I would step in but I might get hit by a stray punches .

" You disrespectful bastard . She is an amazing human and here you are sucking at her face like a she's some whore . You will never deserve her ! " Jax screams and I see Zoeys face change . It's something between happiness and confusion .

" Jax ! Stop . " I yell trying to stop him before he kills the poor guy .

"Jax ! " Zoey yells .

Jax gets off him and resets himself . He walks away in long strides as if that didn't happen . Zoey is left in shock and me alone . Zoey runs after him leaving me alone with some guy bleeding on the floor . I hand him a rag and leave .

I start to walk around enjoying the house . I walk outside and see a huge pool . People are swimming and splashing around . I see Dylan with the blonde from earlier talking . He smiles at me and give him a small wave . I decide to go back inside since it's getting a little chilly . I go inside and someone pulls me backwards into the wall . I try to run but they pinned me to the wall .

" Hey Suds . " Parker says .

" My name is Bianca . And leave  me alone I have to go . " I respond without missing a beat .

" I want you . " Parker says his breath hitting my face and reeking of alcohol .

" Well too late for that ." I says sickly sweet .

" Shut up. Or I'll tell everyone about your dad . " He says gruffly . I shake my head violently . He kisses me angrily . I kick him . He just grabs my back and pulls me into him .

" Let me go . WE're over . " I say wiping my lips .

" SHUT UP . " He says punching the wall next to my head . I throw my fist and it crashes into his nose .

" S*** . " He yells .

" Gotta Blast ! " I say sweetly . As he grabs his nose I take the opportunity to run . I make it into the kitchen and hide . I look at all the people carefree and having the time of their lives. I need a distraction . I grab a Blue solo cup and pour myself some toxic drink . I chug it down . I feel it slide down my throat and give me a bit of an odd feeling . I smile thank god for liquid courage. After that things get a bit hazy .

Izayah's POV :

Why have you forsaken me . In your eyes forsaken me .

I bop my head to Chop Suey's System of a Down as I cook dinner for my little brothers . As I pull the pizza out of the oven my brother bounds down the stairs . 

" Hey 'Zay . Pizza Time?  " My youngest brother Axl asks cheerily .

" Sure is bud . " I say lifting him onto the counter . There are four of us all boys . Me and the triplets . I'm 17 and the triplets are 9. It's me Izayah , then Blaze , then Titus and Axl . My mom was almost always drunk when she picked the names so we all have very odd names .

As if they have some telepathic power Blaze and Titus run into the kitchen and plop in their chairs . I serve them pizza and grab a slice for myself . When we are all finished I send them up to bed and get ready to go out .

I heard that there was a party tonight and Bianca was gonna be there so I wanna go . I don't know what it is but I just really like her. I really like her smile, her sense of humor,and how she doesn't let anyone bother her. Jeez she's turned me into a freaking  sap . Anyway I get the boys in bed call up a friend to watch them and head out. I hop into bumblebee , my jeep , and head off.

I see a bunch of people dancing and doing anything really . I see a huge group of people crowding the kitchen door .

" What's going on ? " I ask some random guy .

" Bianca is dancing around on the table while drinking her 3rd bottle of Tequila . I have to admit she is hot and really knows how to hold he liquior . " He responds .

My mouth drops open . My Bianca? I mean not my Bianca ,well, god I'm done . I push though the crowd and see Bianca dancing on a table in a sports bra and shorts . She's waving her bottle around and singing some song I don't know . I see he blow a kiss at some random guy  and motion him over . My fists clench .

She's just drunk , She's just drunk . I chant to myself so that I don't kill somebody . She pulls him by his shirt and kisses him . I shove my way out of the crowd . I just can't watch .

" Hey there hottie . " Someone says tapping my shoulder .
" Yes? " I ask annoyed .
"What's a good looking guy like you doing all alone ?" She asks .
" Well since there's no one here of interest I figured I'd go . " I say .
" Well that's too bad I really like you. " She says biting her lip . I have to admit she is really pretty with her long blonde hair and blue eyes she's not bad on the eyes . She's no Bianca but she's pretty .
" Well maybe I'll stick around awhile . " I say playing with her emotions .
" Fab!" She says happily.
I walk around with her and avoid any alcohol. My mom has made me hate it so much . I see people crowd by the pool and I run over to see what's going on .
" Bianca 's gonna dive into the pool ." A random guy yells . What? Why? I've gotta do something . I see her waving and she climbs onto the balcony railing . I see her jump with a huge smile on her face . I watch her body smash into the water . I rip off my hoodie and shirt before diving into the water . I see her unconscious falling . I grab her by the waist and pull up to the surface . A bunch of people help me carry her onto the table . Thank god I'm a lifeguard . I start compressions and after 5 pumps she begins to cough up water . I hug her tight . She scared me . If anything would've happened to her I would've killed myself . I give her my hoodie so that she can keep warm . She looks up at me those big brown eyes and smiles .
" You smell like cinnamon and honey . " She says before passing out .
I pick her up and carry her to Jax who looks at me and nods before taking her . Suddenly Dylan, I think his name is, is carrying her back to their car.
I get in my jeep and drive home . I'm too tired to party . 
Hey lovelies ,
Sorry for the late update . Hope you like this chapter . Also first time writing from a male pov . How did I do . Let me know . Hope you have a good week .
Love and chocolate puddin ,

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