Chapter 17: Enough is ENOUGH

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It took about 2 days to get everything in place. So it turns out that when you live in a place like Maine there aren't really any sketchy bars. So we opted to go with Applebee's. Izayah let us have his brother Axl for today and we told him that he was supposed to pretend to be our son. He picked up surprisingly fast. So I texted my dad and said we could meet up with him later today. I made the excuse that I had been camping with friends and had no cell service. I texted Jax and told him to pick me up at 7:30 tonight. In 3 hours. First I took a really long shower. Then I straightened my natural curly hair. After I applied some concealer and some eyeliner. I drew cat eyes and applied silver eyeshadow. I then painted my lips ruby red. My outfit though sent the whole thing over the edge. I wore a tight crop top that had the words Eat Me on the front. I wear a leather skirt and a pair of fishnet tights. I added a bunch of bracelets and I finished it off with 6 inch red heels. I realized that I had gone all out for a person I hate.

Surprisingly 3 hours pass way too quickly and Jax rings my doorbell. I greet him at the door and his face changes. He examines my body before nodding in approval. I blush and he smirks and says,

" You know I you dressed like that all the time I might've already banged you. You should show off your legs more Allen." He says winking at me.

I ignore him and his crudeness and walk out my house. I see Axl in the car and wave to him. He smiled at me and waved back. We dove to Applebee's and when we got there I started to get nervous.

" Jax I don't think that I can do it. Lets just go home." I say staring at the doors to Applebee's.

" Come inside we have to do this." Jax says looking at me with a look of determination. We walk into the restaurant and see my dad and sister at a booth. I grab Axl's' hand and Jax takes mine and we walk to the table. I see his face contort before turning into a scowl .

"WHO are these young men?" He asks sharply.

" THis is my fiance Jax and my son Axl. " I say smiling at him .

" What do you mean son?" He asks as if afraid of the answer.

"Well when I was 10 Jax and I started dating. When I was 12 I got pregnant with his son. So we continued to date so that he would have two parents. Then 3 weeks ago Jax here proposed." I say looking up at Jax begging him to be believable. He grabs my hand and winks down at me.

" Bianca?" Phoebe asks.

"Yes?" I say not daring to look her in the eyes.

" What are you wearing?" She inquires with slight disgust .

"Well I found my best clothes to meet you guys. It's just been so long." I say faking the words out.

"Oh." I all she says.

" What can I get you?" The waiter asks. I look up from my menu and practically facepalm into the table. It's Cyrus from the Movies smiling down at me. I give him a look of sympathy. He scrunches his nose in confusion.

"Excuse me." I say practically pulling Cyrus behind me.

"Hey, Princess Leia ."He says happily.

" Look. I'm not gonna lie to you. I hate my dad and right now my twin. So when you get back to that table pretend you're my friend from school. And the little boy is my son. Please remember that." I say in a rush.

"Okay." He says. I look up at him with a smile. His green eyes shining. His eyes scrape down my body as if just realizing I have barely anything on. He cocks an eyebrow.

"Longer Story. I'll tell you later." I say smiling. I hear Jax yelling from across the restaurant, we run over to the table.

" You don't deserve her!" He yells at Ringo.

"You're a child. What would you know about raising a child. Oh wait your a father i forgot. So you're an irresponsible child." Ringo yells back, I push my way through the forming crowd of employees and customers.

" Jax! Stop." I yell at him grabbing his hand.

"And you," Ringo says to me, " You are a slut. I thought I at least raised YOU better than that." He says eyeing Phoebe.

"First off," I say my temper rising , " You did not raise me. Mom and Nate did. I had to rely on myself because my 'Father' decided to leave his 6 year old. Secondly, do not disrespect Jackson. Jax has helped me more in the last few weeks than you have in my life. So you know what how about we just forget this little incident and you go back to not being in my life. You are the reason I could've ended up like this. Meanwhile, my little sister is going to be a mom in a few months. I thank god that mom didn't let this happen because if I was left with a person like you I wouldn't be who I am today. So you know what? Thanks for leaving. You made me who I am today."  I exclaim at him. All of the pent up anger from years of being alone spills out. 

I walk out of the restaurant to breathe. I lean against the wall becase that rant actually took a lot out of me. Cyrus comes out and wraps his jacket and arms around me.

"Let go." I say


"Let go, please." I ask again getting annoyed

"Don't get excited." He answers.

"Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited." I respond quoting Princess Leia from Star Wars.

"Sorry sweetheart. I haven't got time for anything else." He says quoting Solo . I smile at him.

" Thanks for being here." I say thankful for the company.

"Always" He says smiling. 



If Anyone can tell me which Star Wars Movie the quotes are from I will update. Also thanks for all the reads I love you guys.

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