Chapter 30

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I sat in my room after Candace dropped her news. I couldn't fall back asleep. All I could do was let my mind wander. Soon my thoughts turned dark and I was back as a small child.

8 years before

I sat on the floor of my closet. The tears fall off my cheeks. My eyes burn from the tears that have been falling for hours at a time.

"Ringo!What are you doing with your life? You sit here in this house every single day while I work full hospital shifts. Then you have the audacity to come and act high and mighty in this house. If you wanna do that sign the papers and leave," My mother screams. Pheobe runs into the closet with her teddy bear. Her eyes red and puffy as were mine. We sat there in that closet for what felt like an eternity. The yelling and screaming rattled the doors.

"Fine! I'll leave!" My father finally screams. The house becomes silent.

"Pheobe. Promise that we'll be okay," I say grabbing my twins hands.

"I'm not going anywhere Bianca," She says. We smile at each other and hug as if we knew what was coming. We hear our room door open. His heavy boots ring in the silence. I push myself deeper into the closet until I'm completely covered by clothes. The closet door swings open.

"Where's your sister?" He asks her.

"I don't know," she says.

"Well, never mind then I guess I'll take you," He says in a growl. He grabs her by the wrists and slams the door. I whimper as he leaves.

"Ring-," My mother started to say.

"Shut up!I'm leaving!" He says as he slams the door close. My mother runs upstairs to find me. She pushed the closet door wide open and pulled me out. I hug her and start to cry she joins me. We sat there crying for what felt like an eternity.

After my father left we moved from Chicago to the town we live in now. I quit boxing and took dance lessons. We started over.


I feel someone shaking me and I realized I was crying. I wiped the tears from my eyes.

"Bianca are you alright?" She asks me.

"Yea...I'm fine," I say trying to get it together. My hands fall to my sides and Candace's eyes widen. I realize what she's looking at and try to shove my hands under the blankets.

"Bianca, why do you have those?" She asks taking my hands.

"You wanna know why I was depressed? I felt worthless. My dad left me and my mom and I had no real idea why. Then Nate left and I felt even more like no one wanted me. Add to the fact that I had just caught my boyfriend cheating on me. I didn't want to be here anymore. I didn't want to take up people's time and energy if they didn't want me there," I said holding back all the tears trying to spill over.

"Oh my god Bianca. I terrorized you and it was for the simple reason that you're so pretty. I could've killed you. I am so so sorry," she says between sobs.

"Look it's okay, it was a long time ago. I say rubbing my wrist.

"Look if you ever need anything just call me I'll be there as fast as I can," She says hugging me.

"Thanks," I say embracing her. I lay back down and try to get some sleep because my show is tomorrow. I slowly with a lot of difficulty I finally fall asleep.

"ALRIGHT LADIES UP AND AT EM! WE'VE GOT A FULL DAY AND WE CAN'T BE LATE. BREAKFAST IS IN 15 MINUTES." My mother screams. I groggily get out of bed and look at the clock. The red numbers practically blind me. But it's about 8:30 in the morning. We have no school because of the show and that makes everything much easier.Today I have to take Candace to the OBGYN. Then we have to go to the store to buy a new flat iron. THen we have to straighten my hair and do my make up for the first act. Then we have to actually drive to the school for the show. I jump up out of bed and decide to take a shower. After I finish I thrown on some clothes and run downstairs. A few minutes later Candace comes down stairs. At this rate she's got a full baby belly. I remember when she "exploded" and everyone found out. Her friends tried to make fun of her about it but she quickly shut them down. Now she hangs out with me and the guys at lunch and in the halls. So today is the day where we get an exact birthday of the twins. I'm so excited for her since she's been so tired recently. AFter breakfast we drive to the doctor.

"Hi Candace," Dr. Cerci says smiling.

"Hi, Dr. C," She says lying down on the table.

"Alright everything looks okay. Except that one of the twins...her lungs are a bit small. But overall very good. You can expect them about August 20th," seh says smiling.

"Good, that means I can go to Nate's wedding!" She says happily. I grin. At least now I won't be alone at his wedding. I mean it's his big day but i need someone to talk to. After signing a few papers and getting ready we leave the hospital and head to the mall. If there is one place I love it's the mall. I don't go often because I don't have unlimited money though. We go to the Target and to the Sephora. I see Zoey and I wink at her. It seems like she's on a date with some guy. It's odd though he looks alot like ... oh my god it's Jax! I internally scream because that will literally be the cutest thing I have ever seen! I smile and skip off back to my car. After hours and hours of pulling and untangling I finally have my hair straightened. By that time I only have about an hour before I need to be at the school. I take another shower because all that heat n my hair made me sweaty. I do my make up and start to get dressed for act one. Even though my costume is at the school I still have to bring an extra pair of clothes for after the show, my resume for ABT, and an extra pair of pointe shoes in case of an emergency. By that time we have to go. Of course my mom take pictures of everything. But I find her efforts endearing. We drive there and I run backstage. Everyone is stretching and doing make up. I stretch out all my muscles and put on my rags for Act one. Ms.K call all of us over for one last message before we grace the stage.

"Look. For one or two of you this is your big break. This is the last time you dance small scale. For the rest of you it is a chance to perform for an audience which is a gift that should always be taken seriously. I want you to work hard but most importantly have fun, because for our seniors this is your last time dancing with us." She says. Just as she finishes Izayah and Clint run into the wings. They stand there holding hands and scanning the crowd of faces. They lock eyes with me and motion me over.

"Bianca, we have something really serious to tell you. Do you want to know now or after you perform?" Clint asks me.

"After. I have to be focused. I'll see you later Clint. Izayah this is it. This is our moment, own it," I say smiling. He nod and runs through the curtains to the other side of the stage. I hear Ms. K finish her welcome and the audience applauds. The stage goes black and I step onto the stage for the beginning of the dance. After that the light shines in my face and I begin.

3rd person POV:

Bianca starts to dance. She moves well across the stage and is working hard. She leaps across that stage and the audience claps for her. THe chemistry that she and Izayah have remains unwavering and the crowd loves it. By the end of the first half people are forgetting that life outside this stage exists. Intermission starts and the dancer go off stage. Cyrus is sitting in the front row clapping but he seems very distracted. Before long the intermission is over and it is time for these people to start again. Right off the start they recapture the audience. They dance and sing and dance some more. By the end everyone is clapping and smiling for the amazing performance that they just witnessed. The dancers, actors and singers come out from the wings to take their final applause. The representative from ABT stand up and walk toward the stage. They have made a decision.

Bianca's POV:

As I walk off the stage my body completely deflates. I'm so tired I just want to fall on my face into a bed somewhere. Everyone is chatting and helping each other out of their costumes. Suddenly, it goes quiet. Two studios looking people have walked up to the dressing rooms. The women look at us and they don't move.

"I just want to congratulate all of you on a wonderful performance. I really think you all will go far. Now you all know that we have come here to offer one or even two of you the chance of a lifetime. To join our company. Not all of you have what it takes but one of you does. Can we please have Mr. Izayah Anderson to speak with please?" THe older one of the two asks. My face falls. THat's it? All the work that I've been doing since age 8. All of it has gone to nothing? Izayah looks at me with complete sympathy and regret. I pull off my pointe shoes and put on my uggs. I walk out of that dressing room with my head held high because I will not let the tears fall there is no way they can see me cry. 

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