Chapter 9 : Hunted by the She Devil

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For the rest of the week the boys hung out with me and Zoey . And Zoey loved it . She loved the unwanted attention . Although I swear I saw Candace glare at us a few times before . Anyway I was in the bathroom Thursday during lunch when Candace and her fellow Plastics walked in . See what I did there ? Mean Girls refrence  . Never mind I'm getting distracted . She comes in and steps up to me . Candace and I are the same height but she wears 4 inch heels to school and I wear converses. So yeah she was looking down at me . She puckered her artifically colored lips and shakes her head .

" What do you want ? Money ? Popularity ? I might even stop telling people that your a lesbian ." She says . I cock my head to the side in confusion . I have literally no idea what she's talking about and I'm not les so I really have no idea what she's talking about . She's also gonna make me late to 4th period .

" Mind telling me what your talking about ?" I asks annoyed .

" The Horsemen . I don't know if your dating one of them or all of them . Well both are unlikely considering I couldn't even score with any of them . " She says fliping her blonde hair in my face.  I mean I understand why she thinks she's so hot . She is the american version of beauty . Blonde hair , blue eyes , tall . But I mean she's a evil spawn of satan .

" Well there jst my friends so you have no problems . " I say trying to step around her . One of her cronies steps and blocks me . I blink she looks at me as if she's saying to me we're not done .

" See when I flirt with them all they say is gotta go . Then I go and see that there with you so am I missing something . " Candace asks raising an eyebrow .

" Well their my friends so their unintrest in you has nothig to do with me . So I would like to go to class please . " I say now getting irritated . Class will start in like 2 minutes .

" You better watch it or you'll be in the hospital . " She says snarkily .

" Oh I'm so scared . " I say not holding my tounge . Suddenly I feel something cold splatter against my shirt .

"Oops ." She says with fake smile . 

" Did you just pour fruit punch on my shirt ? " I ask confused ?

" Maybe " She says shrugging her shoulders .

" You immature little Ugh . You know what your so fake I swear I can see  made in China etched into the back of your neck . So don't come over here acting like your all that because your so needy . I mean you should've just changed your Facebook status to 'Needs Attention ' so good luck with your life . And excuse me I would like to leave but I don't want to risk getting slut on my hands beacuase I don't want to be like you. " I shout at her . She blinks at me and steps to the side as if in shock that I did that . To be honest I'm shocked too.

I look at my shirt and see that I don't have anything to wear . I walk to my locker and see Izayah leaning against it .

"Hey what happened ? " He asks looking at me and sounding concerned . I can't help but internally sigh . I mean heres this hot guy that dances which is super sexy  . And he cares about me . I look at him . He's wearing a white tee shirt which shows off his tattoo and a leather jacket.

" Enjoying the view ? " He asks smiling .

" No " I say way to quickly .

"Here " He says handing me a shirt . I look at him confused how did he know before I did ?

" I just came from dance if your wondering why I had a shirt ." He says noticing the look I have on my face .

" Thank you so much " I say hugging him and running to the bathroom . I change and run back to class . I see that I'm 8 minutes late . And it's for History . Just Peachy.
" Ms. Allen so glad you could join us . Now mind telling us why your almost 10 minutes late and your wearing a boys shirt ? " Ms. Duncan asks. My face burns bright red . It must look really bad . I bite my lip and look at the ground .
" It's my fault . I accidentally spilled mfruit punch on her during lunch and she had to get a new shirt ." Izayah says to her .
" Huh yeah right . I'm not stupid you know . Both of you are to leave my class for inappropriate behavior. Go to the office at once . " She says angrily and hands us a hall pass. Izayah and I walk out of class and he scrunches the paper and tosses it into the rubbish .
" Wanna ditch? " he asks .
" And get in more trouble no thanks I'll pass . " I answer .
He just smirks and says , " Is the goody two shoes afraid of the Principal? "
I glare at him and shake my head . I'm not afraid of anything except clowns and dolls .
" Then let's go . " he says grabbing my hands . I remember that my backpack is in my locker . You know what I'll get it after dance practice. He leads me to a yellow jeep and opens the door . And I thought chivalry was dead . I hop in and we drive .
" Where are we going ?" I ask .
" Somewhere it's a surprise." He says smiling at me .
" Okay . " I say . I love surprises .
I turn the radio on and my favorite song comes on . Not Greased Lightning. Eminem's " Without Me " . I start to rhyme with him . Remembering how he helped me get over my father and Parker .
" This must mean I'm disgusting. " I rap along in glee . Izayah looks at me and raises an eyebrow.
" I never pegged you as an Eminem type girl . I thought more Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift . " He says .

" Well I don't know it's just ... his music speaks to me . " I respond . Izayah shakes his head and turns into a parking lot. It's a go-carting rink .

" This is so cool ! " I say as we walk in . We get our waivers and start to fill them out .

" Wait I can't do this . " I say shaking my head .

" Why not ? " He asks .

" Because you have to be 17 or older and I'm 16 . " I reply .

" Oh no biggie just say your 17 trust me no one will know . " He says smiling . We hand in our waivers and get suited up . I pick a car with the number 27 because I love that number . Izayah is in 13 . The light turns green and I press the gas . I race forward and keep a lead at all times . Suddenly on the last lap Izayah pulls in front . Putting me in 2nd place . I climb out my car and pout at him .
" Aww princess are you sad that I won?" He asks smirking . I stop away refusing to talk to him . I'm not a sore loser or anything it's just that I worked so hard . Out of nowhere Izayah wraps his arms around my waist and starts to sway .
" Are we going to dance in the middle of the track ? " I ask him trying to keep my voice steady . I mean he's really cute and I'm not used to this closeness.
Noticing my discomfort Izayah says ,
" Making you nervous princess ? " He asks cockily .
" No ." I say unconvincingly .
" Let's get you home . " he says leading me to the car .
On the car ride home we sat in a comfortable silence . He dropped me home and I went inside .
" Where have you been young lady ? " A deep voice asks .
" Nate !" I scream pulling him into a hug .
Hey ,
Hope you like this chapter . I bet you want to know who Nate is . Well you'll have to wait and see .
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Love and Chocolate Puddin ,

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