Chapter 29

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Chapter 29:

"Michael! We gotta go! My brother's getting married." I say climbing into the car.

"Okay," He says stepping on the gas. We get to my house in record time. I kiss Michael goodbye and I don't stop smiling. My big brother is getting married!!! I can't handle this! I unlock the door and see a bunch of Marriage and dress magazines are strewn across the floor.

"Wow," I say staring at the mess.

"Hey little sis," Carly says getting up from the floor.

" Hey girly," I say giggling.

"So, we're gonna be related. This ought to be good," She says smirking.

"Yea we both can annoy Nate," I respond.

"Enough small talk we have so much to pick out," My mom says grinning from the floor. We sit down and look through hundreds of magazines trying to pick out a theme. Carly decides to have a vintage Tumblr wedding. We cut out lots of different dresses and styles for weddings.

"Oh my god! The ring let me see it! I can't believe I forgot!" I exclaim at the awful realization. Carly blushes and shows me her hand. It's beautiful! It's a simple gold band with a small green jewel in the center.

"Is it a diamond?" I ask.

"No," she says chuckling. "It's jade. He actually found this piece back on the base when we went on a recon mission,"

"Wow, that's so cute! I guess my brother is not a complete idiot," I say giggling.

"Yea he's actually the sweetest guy ever," Carly answers.

"Well, let's end this gross conversation about my brother before I am officially grossed out," I say shuddering.

"Alright fine! Let's make some more decisions," Carly says. We put some more stuff into piles sorted as cute, goals, and dresses. At about 10:30 we stop get some coffee and go back to work. We were deciding on a color theme when Nate bursts through the door.

"I did it," He says holding a paper over his head.

"Oh! Hey, babe! Damn this was supposed to be a surprise but you here. I guess I can tell you." He says slowly lowering his voice as if he was talking to himself. Carly gets up and kisses him snapping him out of his trance.

"Oh, yea the big surprise," He says grinning.

"Carly, remember the apartment you loved when we were in Boston?" He asks.

"Yea but it was way out our price range." She says raising an eyebrow.

"Well, I did some negotiating and we move in August!" He says showing her the lease papers.

"Oh my god! Nate! I can't ... oh my god... I love you so much " she says hugging him.

"Wait, does that mean that after your wedding you guys are moving?" My mom asks.

"Yea but mom I'm 22 years old and I can't keep living with my mom," He says earnestly.

"Well, good one less mouth to feed," She says smirking.

We all laugh at her weak joke and Carly and Nate leave to go see her parents. I help mom clean up and head to bed. I jump into my bed and instantly fall asleep.

Light is shining in my face. I can feel it. I blink and I see Candace sneaking across the room.
"Candace, what the hell?" I ask.
"Oh, I'm so sorry that I woke you." She says. Her eyes are puffy like she's been crying.
"Woah. What happened? What's wrong?"
"For the first time, the tears are of joy." She says.

"What happened C?" I ask sitting up. She crosses over to her bed and sits down. When she moved in we took the spare couch and put it in my room. Im so glad that my mom is so understanding. She even sets up Candaces' OBGYN appointments.  

"The guy that I like asked me out!" She says grinning. 

"OMG. Who? Does he know your pregnant?" I ask. 

"Ok don't freak out but it's Parker." She says. I blink. Then I blink again. 

Not Parker. He's a liar and a cheater and he hurt me. Candace should do better. Why? Couldnt it have been anyone but Parker. 

"OMG! You should've seen the look on your face. " 

"Ok that is not funny, " I say throwing a pillow at her. 

"I'm actually dating this guy named Scott. He goes to Saint Dominiques. " She says smiling. 

" Oh! I know him. He used to box with me. Good choice he's really a good guy," I say. 

"Oh well enough about my love life what is going on with you and Cyrus?" She asks smirking. 

"Actually his name is Michael. And he is absolutly amazing." I answer. 

"WEll, that makes me glad. I also need to ask you something." She says bitting her lip. 

"What's up," I respond. 

" I wanted to know if you wanted to be Pheonix and Peyton's godmother?" She asks. 

"OMG! Yes!" I whisper scream. 

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