Morning Routine

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The night grew nearer. I said good bye to my uncle and thanked him for his time.

I walked down the half lit hall on my way to my bed chambers.

"What a night." I whispered to myself as I traveled down the large stair case.

When I enter my room I saw Mira holding my nightgown, she smiled and walked over handing it to me. I yawned and went to go get changed.

When I came out Mira was tending to the fire to make sure I was warm for the night.

"I found my second guest for our travels tomorrow."

Mira turned and faced me with wide-curious eyes.

"And who might that be?"

"Norman." I told her as I got into my covers.

"Oh really." She said trying to hide her smirk.

"Yes really. Why that face?" I asked her.

"Oh it's nothing. Norman is a great person. Why did you choose him?"

"I don't know. I just like Norm. He's a good friend." I spoke, putting my head down on my pillow.

"Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow, Princess Nashi. You will need your sleep for the trip tomorrow." She chimed, heading towards the door.

"Yes, good night, Mira."

"Good night." Mira hummed sweetly as she closed the door behind her.

I sat up and listened if anyone was coming, also to assure that Mira was long gone. When it was clear no one was near I scrabbled out of bed to the window.

I opened the curtains and looked up at the sky. The night sky always fascinated me. It was so beautiful with it dark blue-black sky and its endless amount of stars.

I looked up at the stars with much wonder.
"Good night." I whispered up into the sky.

I crawled back into bed thinking about my adventures tomorrow. And slowly drifted to sleep.


I woke up to sunlight resting on my face. I squinted my eyes and slowly picked myself up. 
I looked around the room. . . then it came to me.
I'm traveling today!!

I quickly got dressed in one of my more casual dresses. I grabbed my simple sun hat and ran to the kitchen.

I scurried down the hall when I came across Mira.

"Good morning Mira!" I chirped with excitement.

"Good morning Princess, I have your breakfast for you." I then realized she was carrying a small tray with an assortment of breakfast foods.

"Oh, thank you Mira!" I said taking the tray from her. Mira looked at me up and down then said in a somewhat concerned tone,
"Princess your not wearing shoes. And your dress is on backwards. Do you need my assistance?"

I looked at myself and realized, she was right.
My dress was on backwards and like always, I forgot my shoes.

"Um I guess I was a little to excited. . .haha. . .yes please." I said awkwardly.

My maid took the breakfast tray back and gestured me to follow her back to my chambers.

"Now let me help you." She said placing down the tray on my table and walking over to me.

She helped me get my dress on correctly and find the correct shoes for the day.

"Thank you Mira. This seems much better." I said with a giggle. She smiled and said,
"Well I'm glad I could be of some assistance.
Now eat up we have to go soon."

She left me to eat in my room. I looked out the window to see the my carriage was being packed up with many suitcases.

I was truly excited for my travels. What adventures I might have was what really excited me.

When I finished eating I hurried down stairs to see the carriage. I scurried outside to see a beautiful simple carriage parked outside the castle doors, waiting to be on its way.

The carriage was to be pulled by four white horses, the best in the kingdom.

"Are you ready to go Miss?" I heard someone behind me say.

I turned to see Mira standing behind me. She was smiling and wearing more casual clothes unlike her maid attire.

"Wow Mira! You look amazing!" I said giving her a hug.

"Why thank you Princess."

"Mira, where is Norman?" I asked freeing Mira and looking around.

I immediately here someone near the front of the carriage say.
"I'm here!"

I look to see Norman not only at the front of the carriage but in the drivers seat holding the reins.

"Norm, what are you doing?" I questioned, approaching him.

"I'm your driver." He answered with a smile.

"But why?"

"Well your normal driver is already taking your Mother and Father across the country side so I stepped up to be yours."

I had no doubt the Norman could drive the carriage. Because of his history with his father in running the stables, I knew Norman had quite the history with horses.

"Oh ok. Well just be careful Norm."

I turn to take one last look at my home before I left. I see the large stone and Glass pane Windows that made up my home. My eyes wondered until they fell upon the door way, where my uncle was standing.

I quickly ran up to him when I say him.

"Good bye Uncle Zeref. Take care of this kingdom for me." I said giving him a hug.

"Good bye Nashi and I will." 

We let go and I began to walk back to the carriage when I remembered something.
I went back up to my uncle and whispered,

"And don't you dare have that wedding without me."

He laughed and nodded in agreement. I hugged him one last time and finally got into my carriage.

I closed the door and turned to Mira who was already inside.

"Ready?" She asked.


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