Braise Bowls

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I brushed off the leather and animal fur hat, holding it in my hands.
My hair can loose from when I tied it up back in the carriage.

My hair down, free from its furry prison. It felt good to get that hat off, it was comfy but it was getting a little too warm.

"Woah." Reiki said looking at me with wide eyes. "All I know is Storm is one lucky guy." His eyes never leaving my bright pink hair.

"What do you mean?" I said in a confused-alarmed way.

"Oh uh nothing. . . Princess." Reiki said looking into my eyes.

"Oh so it's Princess now?" I asked with a small smirk.

"Wait, have I not been calling you Princess this whole time?" The teen said in a panic.

"Yes, you've called me Nashi." I said placing the hat down on the bed.

"Oh I'm sorry, Princess. Why didn't you correct me before?"

"If you did call me Princess then I would have told you to call me Nashi."  I told him, sitting on the bed next to him.

"Oh." He said awkwardly.
"Just so you know. I think you look much better with your hair out in the open like this." He said with rosy cheeks.

"Thanks." I chirped brushing a few of my hairs behind my ear.

The door handle rattled and was opened by Rosemary.
"Ok tour's over, Dinner is ready." She mumbled, sticking her head through the half opened doorway.

"Ok." Reiki said standing up.

"Right." I said joining him.

I left the hat in the bedroom and walked out of the room. The both of us entered back into the main room to see everyone but Nova waiting at the larger table.

"Sit next to me  Pri- . . . I mean. . . Nashi."Reiki hummed hesitantly.

I smiled and nodded, sitting down on Reiki's right at the end of the table.

The table had six seats, me at the top right, Reiki on my left and Gale on his.
On the other side of the table was Storm in front of me, Rosemary on his right and on her's was an empty seat that I assumed was Nova's.

"Here we are!" Nova chirped, walking in the room with a large pot in hand. She placed it at the other end of the table, lifting the large wooden spoon inside.

In the spoon was a white braise made up of chicken, carrots, greens, and more.

"Looks good, Nova." Gale commented, ooking into the stewpot.

"That's probably why it took so long to make, it is like 11:30pm." Rosemary said with a chuckle as she rubbed her weary eyes.

"Well I didn't want Nashi's first meal here to be unsatisfactory, now would I?" Nova huffed, pouring some of the braise into some bowls.

"Nova when have you ever made something terrible?" Reiki questioned, rolling his eyes.

"Never." Rosemary replied, smiling at the bowl she was passed.


We all got our bowls and spoons and began to eat.

"Nova this. . . this is amazing!" I voiced with joy, taking another bite of the heavenly broth.
Everyone nodded in agreement, continuing to eat.

"Thank you Nashi." Nova said with a bright smile.

I look at everyone eating at the table. We were quiet, enjoying our meals until they were gone.

I look ahead at Storm who was casually eating his dinner. His hair hung past his eyes when he bent down for each bite. But his sky blue eyes could still be seen between the black spikes of his bangs.

"Can I just say, I know Nashi has to wear her hat when we're out but, she looks way better when her hair is out and free." Reiki told the table with pink cheeks.

I blushed and smiled at his comment.

"I agree." Rosemary chirped.

"Oh yes, much better without the hat." Nova said look at me from the other side of the table.

"Thank you." I murmured.

"Yes she does but it can't be help. She has to wear the hat when in the presence for anyone but us." Storm said sternly.

"Yes, I know." I said glumly.

He was right. I had to wear the hat. I didn't fully understand why yet, but I knew if this group said it was best then it must be for my own good.

"Ok now for the information load." Storm said pushing his empty bowl into the center of the table.

Everyone did the same with their empty bowls, turning their attention to the raven haired prince.

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