First Hit (Pt. 4)

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                      [Flashback continued]
~Levy's continued~

I looked to Gajeel but he already was off.
He looked like he knew what to do.

My husband ran up to the kings and Queen who were held to the seats while the crowds were panicking below. There he begun to knock out the colonists one by one.

The first man was knocked out with on swift punch, falling to the ground, getting the attention of the others.
The second man turned his weapon to Gajeel but my husband quickly knocked the weapon out of his hand, kneed him in the gut, picked him up, and threw him into the man behind.
Leaving on last guy.

The last colonist was younger than the others.
Gajeel quickly picked him up and swung back his arm. But before he hit the young man.....Gajeel stopped.
He look at the boy for a few moments before dropping him, sighing, then telling him,


The young man rushed away from the scene and out of sight.

"Are you alright Gajeel?" I asked, running up to him.

"Yeah." He grunted

"Hey look! How are you two pansy?!" Gajeel shouted, looking to Gray and Natsu, two of our dear old friends from when we were young.

"No time for a reunion, I have to get back Juvia." Gray growled, rushing away from us and towards the opposite exit I entered.

"Gajeel go with him please, help him get back the Queen."

Gajeel looked hesitant leaving me but eventually followed through with my request. He kissed me on the forehead and leaped after Gray.

"Natsu I need to discuss an important matter with you." I said to an old friend, as the crowds died down.

"What might that be?" Natsu muttered, still looking a little shook after the previous events.

"It's about Norman. He was looking at some records in the library and..."

"Say no more." The pink hair royal said with a tired sigh, "let's talk about this in private."

"Ok." I said, nodding.

"But, I can't worry about Norman until I know if my daughter Nashi....."

"She will be fine." Lucy piped up, a stern expression. The queen looked like she knew what she was talking about.

I glanced over to Natsu who was looking at his wife questionably. Then it turned to understanding.

"I see. Very well. Let us go somewhere more private."

The King, his Queen, and I left through the halls and enter a nearby study.
It was dark before we lit a candle or two. The room was a bit dusty, most likely not a place used as often as most. But it was perfectly sectioned off for what we were about to discuss.

I placed down all the papers in my hands on the table and payed them out for Natsu to see.

"Norman was in the library, looking at everything on these pages." I informed Natsu.

I explained to him how I got to my conclusion of why Norman had left and everything that happened outside.
Natsu listen to what I was saying, holding the expression of worry, sorrow, and anger.

"Yes I see." My pink haired friend said after my explanation, "I guess he finally found out the truth."

Natsu sighed and slouched down in a chair not too far from the table.

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