Past Shared

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>Nashi's POV<

The crowds began to leave the church, exiting the chapel in small groups.

My mother and father were going to stay a while longer and said I should go back to the castle and rest for the events this evening.

I exited the church soon after and looked out onto the cool morning atmosphere. People in dark noble clothing were venturing through the snow to return from whence they came.

The trees in the church yard where bare and frozen. Icicles hung from there small branches, glittering in the suns early light.

"It's beautiful isn't it? Still too cold for me though." Said a voice from beside me.

It was a tall, broad, young man with ocean blue hair and dark navy eyes. He wore a noble hunting wear one would only wear for the season. A dark brown hood was draped on his shoulders, held up by golden twine.

"The name's Rin L. Fullbuster." He said proudly, "What's yours?"

"Fullbuster?" I proclaimed in confusion. "You're part of the Fullbuster family?"

Rin nodded and smirk at me, "In a way."

"He's my step brother."

I turned to see Storm approaching us from the church exit.

"Your Storm's step brother?" I asked my new acquaintance.

Rin nodded and looked to Storm.
"Welcome to the conversation Storm. I was just talking to..."

He turned to me, signaling me to fill in the blank. I quickly responded by saying,
"Nashi Dragneel."

"Yes, I was just talking to Nash-.... did you say Dragneel?" He finished by asking me.

"Yes, Nashi Heartfilia Dragneel."

"The princess of the fire realm?"

"That's me." I chirped.

"So this is her!" Rin cheered, looking to his step-brother.

Storm nodded in response, making eye contact with the ground beside him.

"It's very nice to finally meet you Lady Nashi." Rin told me with a smirk.
"Please, will you join me on a walk?" He said offering his arm.

I had no excuse to deny his offer so I excepted, placing my arm in his.

"Do join us if you feel obligated my dear Storm. I do wish to speak with you too." Rin told Storm that stood behind us.

"Indeed I will." The prince responded.

The three of us began to leave the church and travel out into its yard. The white crushed under our feet as we walked, the only noise we heard at this point. 

Once we were a good distance from the church I began to grow curious of this new character.

"I'm I correct to assume that you are the son of Lady Juvia?" I asked Rin as we trudged along with Storm a few paces behind us.

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