Open Eyes

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                    ~Nashi's Point of View~

A shiver passed through my cold body.
The ground was hard, the air was dry and bitter.

My throat was sore, eyes watering from their temperature. A thick band was tied tightly around my wrists, keeping my hands behind my back. Ropes also around my feet. . . it's going to make it hard to run but I don't think I'll be doing any running anytime soon when I'm in this state.

I slowly open my eyes. My lids were heavy and my sight was blurry. From what I could see I was in a small wooden room, a little smaller than Fairy Tail.

It was drafty, a nipping breeze traveled through the room.
But as I continued to look around in that barren room, I realized something.

I wasn't alone.

To my right, slouched agents the wall, was the beautiful Lady Juvia.
Her eyes were lightly shut as she silently sat next to me.

"Lady Juvia." I said weakly in a mumbled-whispered tone.

The queen's eyes opened slowly, but expanded largely when she saw me.

"Miss Nashi." She squeaked quietly.

"Where are we?" I asked, still in a haze.

"I don't know. . . but I do miss my Gray."

"We need to try to. . . ugh. . . get out of these ropes." I grumbled, trying to wiggling my hands out of the ropes.

The knots were tightly tied on our wrists. Decreasing our hope of escaping.

After fumbling around for a minute, I got to tried to carry on. I was just to weak to keep struggling.

I leaned back up agents the wall to rest. Hopefully no one was coming in any time soon.

As I rested, something came to mind.
I had trained for several days so Lady Juvia must have been. . . oh no.

"Lady Juvia?" I mumbled to get her attention.

She opened her eyes, revealing a pare of tired, sorrowful eyes.

"Yes, my dear." She murmured with a weak smile.

"How long have you been in this horrible place?"

"I lost track. . . several days?"

An overwhelming feeling of anger and sadness came over me. This kind women has been in this horrible state for days straight while I've just been hiding way in comfort.

"I'm sorry." I whimpered. Light tears falling from my eyes.

"Oh no, Nashi, please don't cry over Juvia." She said sitting up and looking at me with a very motherly expression.
"Tears are better spent for joy."

I smiled at her wise and comforting words.

"Thank you." I said in hushed tones.

All of a sudden, the doors of this chilling room slammed opened on the other wall, opposite to us. It was the women that kidnapped me!

"Wendy please! Let her go!" Lady Juvia calls out.

"I'm sorry, but I can't do that." The women addressed as Wendy chirped in a menacing way.

Wendy, so called by Lady Juvia, walked into the room, two men at her side.
She was wearing the same long cloak as I saw her wear before, at the field. This was paired along with a light blue shirt, black pants, and tall brown boots.

Wendy lowered her hood revealing very long lapis hair, and the same unforgettable, penetrating cocoa eyes.

"You two are finally awake. Oh how I do love the attention." She said with a small smirk.

Wendy snapped her fingers and pointed to the ground. Immediately a chair was brought to her and she sat.

She looked into my eyes when she situated herself in the wooden chair. Her cocoa orbs were full of so much sorrow it almost made me pity her.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked harshly.

The lapis haired maiden smirk then answered,
"Because. . . Nashi, I want you."

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