Foggy Speach

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>Storm's POV<
[flashback over]

We walked through the halls of the castle in silence. Nashi was a few steps behind me, most likely in a cloud o confusion.
I'm just glad she trusted me to come with me to this. It's only appropriate to have her attend too.

"You were kidnapped and put in a warehouse. Fairy Tail infiltrated it, all entering the building but....not all of us were able to leave." I spoke, breaking the silence.

Nashi let out a small gasp. She said nothing to this so I continued.

"While Rosemary and Gale entered from the side, Nova, Reiki, and I entered through the front. The three of us had to battle our way to the main entrance which we were able to get through successfully. When in the building, with the doors secured, we found out that Reiki got badly cut in his leg."

"What did you do?" The princess chirped in almost a shocked whisper. I didn't turn around to see her face.

"Nova said she would stay and help Reiki in the entrance while I went to go look for you. I went up, met up with Gale and Rosemary to find you were already out of the building. As the three of us went back to the bottom floor, we found that Reiki had...."

I stopped speaking and turning to Nashi.
The princess looked deep into my eyes for answers.

"....we had found that Reiki had passed. He had lost too much blood all at once for that large cut so he had left us."

That is when I saw the princess cry.
She has cried so much here with me in this kingdom.
This was probably too much for her.

Maybe we weren't meant to be.
I have only brought her pain and sorrow.

I should jut grow up, take my father's thrown, and nothing more.
Nashi should grow to become a wonderful Queen of a kingdom of sunshine and warmth while I stay in my cold, dark one.

"I-I didn't k-know." The beautiful princess said through sobs.

"I know. I'm sorry Nashi."

"You all came to save me but....Reiki and....Lady Juvia....Romeo."

Nashi's face was drenched in tears.
Her face soon faced the grown as drops hit the floor.

I didn't know what to say.

Stepping over to the weeping princess, I stopped when I was only a few inches away.

Placing my thumb and index finger on her chin, I gently lifted her head up to look at me.
She followed and her hazel eyes looked into mine.

"Nashi...." I said in a low whisper, "you did nothing wrong."

I lightly pulled her into my arms and let her cry into my shoulder.

"I' sorry....Storm." She mustered out through her cries.

"There is nothing to forgive. You were just caught in the cross didn't start the flames."


The Princess and I stepped out of the side exit and out into the royal court yard.

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