Loud Commotion

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"That's good." Mira chirped.
"Oh, your rose fell out. Let me help you."

She picked up my pale flower and stuck it back in my hair.

"Thanks." I chirped, brushing the petals one last time.

Mira smiled and rested against the wall like I did previously; I joined her.

"You look tired." My maid hummed.

I was tired. Little did she know, I had danced nonstop for three whole songs. My shoes were now giving me sores and my dress now feeling like a thick winter jacket, keeping all the heat in next to my rosy skin.

"Yeah, I am." I said with a small sigh.

"Balls do tend to do that."

Mira and I stayed there next to the ballroom wall for a little while. Talking about our night so far. I told her about the Prince and what we talked about during our dance.

"Wait Nashi, Do you hear that?" Mira told me in alarm, looking around at the crowd.

I looked in the same direction as her, trying to figure out what she was talking about.

"What? Hear what?" I asked, trying to look over people's heads.

The level of chatter grew to an unusually large volume. People began to shift around at a faster rate. Well, until that chatter became screaming and the shifting became running.

"Mira! Mira! What's happening!?" I called out over all the noise.

"Princess! Princess be-" My dear maid began to say. . . before she got swept away in the crowd.

"Mira!" I called out, trying to look for that familiar silver haired women.

But I couldn't find her. People rushed to the exits in mobs. Yet I still couldn't figure out what's happening.

I ran the opposite way of the panicked sea of masked people, brushing past the skirts and elbows of others.

As the room emptied the events occurring slowly became clearer to me.

Men in tattered clothing were located on one end of the room. They were armed with guns and clubs, looking intimidating yet. . . nervous.

I looked up at the balcony to see the royals reaction to all this chaos. Lord Gray was being held at gun point, forced to stay in his seat along with. . . my Father.

My Father was also yelling at the man who was holding a sword up to my dear Mother's neck.

I couldn't make out what he was saying because of all the noise, but I could tell just by looking at him that he was infuriated.

Everyone upstairs was in there seats held down by men under some kind of weapon. Well. . . that is except for Lady Juvia.

Lady Juvia's seat was on its side and she was no where to be seen.

"Lady Nashi." A voice said calmly, sticking out from all the rest.

I turn to see a beautiful maiden with radiant red hair pulled into a bun much like mine. She must have been one of the women chosen to be one of the copies for Lord Gray's game with his son because she was wearing the same dress and the same mask as me.

"Lady Nashi you must come with me." She said in a stern yet soothing voice.

"Wha-...why?" I questioned in confusion.

"Please, Lady Nashi, you must come with me quickly. We need to get you to safety."

"But my- " I began to say, pointing at the commotion on the balcony.

"They will be just fine, Lady Nashi. Don't worry about them. Come with me."

The women's voice was reassuring. For some reason I felt like I could trust her.

The women held out her hand and smiled.
I grabbed hold and we ran.

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