Wait, What?

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The next morning you woke up to your phone buzzing from the bedside table. You groaned quietly, getting out of bed. You loved your job, you just hated mornings, you thought as you headed for the shower.

Leaving your apartment with a granola bar and a yogurt in your hand, you headed to your car, putting your bag on the passenger seat. You thought about saying good morning to Mark as you drove to work, but it was kind of early and you didn't know what he did for a living. You'd wait until 10, then text him, in case he needed the rest.

Pulling into your parking space you got out and looked around. Walking inside you waved at Penny as you headed into your office to put your stuff down before going to the main office and clocking in. "Morning Y/N," Aaron said from the coffee machine. 

"Good morning Aaron." You replied, waving as you headed back to your office. You sat and started eating breakfast, looking over the notes on your table. You had four new patients today, so you'd be pretty busy. Glancing at the clock you nodded, knowing your first client of the day would be here in about half an hour. 

You were reading through her file when your phone buzzed. It was a call from your sister. "Hey loser, what's up?" You asked, smiling.

"Guess who's got a ticket to LA for next weekend!" She squealed into the phone. 

"Really?" You asked happily, grabbing your planner. "That's great! We can explore the city together."

"Yeah," she laughed, "and I can meet all your famous friends and we can go celebrity hunting." 

You rolled your eyes, smiling at the excitement in her voice. "I don't have any famous friends, Alex." You told her.

"Why not, you live in LA! You better find some famous friends before I get there or we'll just be all creepy stalkerish to the first celebrity we find." She said, laughing. 

"You're ridiculous." You told her, feeling your phone buzz against your ear. Glancing at it you smiled softly. "Hey Alex I've gotta go, I've got a client in ten and I need to finish reading her file."

"That, and you just got a text. Your phone vibrates really loudly. Who's it froommmm?" She asked in that nosy little sister way.

You thought about Mark, smiling into space. "His name is Mark. We went on a date last night and I had a really good time." You confessed, twisting your fingers into a strand of hair by your face. 

"Aww that's great!" Alex told you. "I'm glad you're getting out there again, I know He Who Shall Not Be Named shook you pretty bad." 

You bit your lip and let go of your hair, twisting your hand into a shaking fist. "Y-yeah well, hopefully I won't have to deal with He Who Shall Not Be Named anymore." You told her quietly. 

"Right, sorry. I'll let you get back to work, and Mark." She said, a grin in her voice. "I'll talk to you later. Love you."

"I love you too Alex." You said, hanging up and putting your phone down. You frowned slightly and looked at your unfinished breakfast, tossing it into the little waste bin in the corner of the room, appetite lost.

After a minute you lifted your phone again, opening Mark's text. "Good morning beautiful." 

You smiled softly, brushing the strand of hair from before behind your ear. "Good morning handsome, how'd you sleep?" You replied, going back to your files. Almost immediately, your phone started vibrating. You smiled and picked up the phone. "Do you call people a lot?" you asked him.

"No not really, but I like hearing your voice. I slept fine, thanks, you?" Mark told you, making your cheeks heat up. His voice was still deep and groggy like he'd just woken up.

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