Here We Go!

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You looked at Mark from your hospital bed and bit your lip. "There has to be a way to make this go faster," you panted.

Mark chuckled quietly and leaned over, kissing your hair. "They're doing everything they can, babe. And from what we've read, you don't have it so bad." Your glare must've done its trick because Mark winced slightly. "That came out wrong."

"Yeah, it better have," you murmured, "because I've officially been in labor for only-" You looked at the clock behind him and groaned. "Five hours?!? How am I not more dilated?" As if in answer to your question, another contraction shot along your body and you gasped, grabbing onto Mark's hand. Mark wasn't entirely wrong, your contractions were about half an hour apart, and you'd had worse menstrual cramps. But that didn't mean you weren't ready for this part to be over and to have your daughter in your arms.

"It's your first baby, Y/n," Mark said, leaning forward to rub your back. "They said this would happen."

"Oh?" You grit your teeth, "my first? Because right now you're just a little annoying, but when I'm pushing this baby out of my body, I'm going to hate you and Dark both so much, I might never wanna have sex again, let alone another kid." The contraction subsided and you relaxed against the bed.

"Oh come on babe," Mark said with a grin, "you don't want a little boy, running after his big sister? Having crushes on her friends, all of whom think he's a loser until suddenly one of them loves him?" He was beaming at the thought.

"You watch too many movies," you laughed. "And yeah, I'm sure I'd love a little boy. But how about we get through this first baby first, hmm?"

Mark held his hands up in surrender. "You're right, you're right," he murmured. "It could be worse though, we could be having twins the first time around or something."

"I think I'd kill you," you told him honestly. "I'd have to push out one baby, get maybe a four-minute break at most, and then push out another? Oh yeah, I'd kill you."

One of the nurses came in and you sat up a bit. "Please tell me I'm more dilated than before," you begged.

She pulled on some gloves and moved to check under your hospital gown before frowning up at you. "Sorry hun, still at only two centimeters."

"Damn it," you groaned, laying back again. "Is there any way to speed this up?"

The nurse shook her head, pulling off her gloves. "Since your water already broke and you are feeling contractions, we just have to wait. But I'll ask the doc to come in and take a look, make sure there's nothing slowing the process."

"Oh god please," you said, resting your head back and staring at the ceiling as she left.

Mark took your hand and kissed your palm. "Anything I can do? Something I can get you?"

"Some more ice chips would be nice," you told him quietly, and he nodded, grabbing the little cup they gave him and stepping into the hall.

After a few minutes, he came back with your doctor, who smiled at you. "How ya holding up, hun?" She asked.

"I'm getting pretty close to trying to push this baby out of a two-centimeter hole or say fuck it to our birth plan and ask for a c-section." You grumbled, making Dr. Ellie laugh.

"Well let's make sure everything's on track, shall we?" She asked, pulling on some gloves and coming over to you. She looked at your little monitor and frowned, tapping it slightly. "Hmm," she murmured, tilting her head. "Part of the screen seems to be stuck, give me one second," she said, going to the hall. She came back with a new machine and unconnected you from the first, sliding everything else to the next machine. She connected the last of the tubes and gasped, making you and Mark look at her.

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