Home Again

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You sat in a hospital bed, Mark by your side, waiting for the doctor to come back. They had stitched your hip, which felt tight now that the painkillers were wearing off, and given you some scrubs to wear instead of your blood-splattered clothes, and you were just waiting for your labs to come back. The doctor had wanted to do a full workup when he found out that an officer had died, hoping that it would help the case against Michael.

"How are you feeling?" Mark asked quietly for the hundredth time.

"I'm fine, Mark, really. My side is just sore."

"I meant... I'm nervous," he said, then frowned. "Not that I'm hoping you're not or anything, I'm just anxious to get the results back."

You squeezed his hand softly, kissing him. "I'm sure it'll only be-" The doctor walked into your room and you smiled at Mark. "A few more minutes," you finished.

The doctor looked at the two of you before opening your chart. He went over the basics, making sure he had the right chart before he nodded. "Everything seems fine. You're stressed, but we already knew that. Your side is all stitched, so you shouldn't have any problems, but if you have some pain, take one of these every six hours," he pulled a small medicine bottle from his pocket, handing them to Mark. "And, the thing I know you've both been waiting for me to say, congratulations, you're pregnant." He smiled wide at both of you. "I have some prenatal vitamins coming for you in a bit, but you should talk to your doctor and see what's right for you. Congratulations again," he said, then left.

You turned to look at Mark and he grabbed your face in his hands, kissing you happily. "I love you so much," he breathed, pulling you into his lap.

"I love you too," you beamed, resting your forehead against his.

"I love you more," Dark teased, smiling at her.

"Oh shush and be happy with us," you laughed. Dark kissed you and brushed some hair from your face.

Alex and Jack came into the room and you turned, smiling as Alex hugged you. "Are you okay, what happened?"

You just shook your head. "Nothing, I'm fine. This was just a precaution. But we do have some news."

Alex nodded and leaned back to look at you. "So do we."

You raised an eyebrow and looked at Mark. "I hope it's not the same news as us," you laughed, and Alex and Jack both tilted their heads.

"Um..." Alex stepped back and stood beside Jack. "Unless you guys broke up and then got together again, I don't think you'd be telling us you're together."

You and Mark smiled at each other. "Told you," you murmured, then grinned at them. "We figured."

"Though we thought you'd been together for a while," Mark added with a chuckle. "Congratulations."

"And here we thought we were being subtle," Jack laughed, taking Alex's hand. "What was your news?"

You smiled up at Mark as he took your hand, giving it a light squeeze. "I am pregnant," you told them, "the doctor just confirmed it."

"Hey!" Alex said happily, hugging you again. "I'm gonna be an aunt!"

Jack smiled, hugging Mark. "Congratulations man," he said excitedly.

"Thanks," Mark said as a nurse came in with a little bag.

"These are your prenatals, but you should talk to your doctor and make sure that they're perfect for you in a couple of weeks." He said before walking out.

You turned to Mark, smiling. "Um... I should probably find a doctor then," you pointed out, and Mark shook his head, kissing your hair. You reached out, taking Alex's hand. "Okay, you can NEVER tell mom about the last week, or she'll kill us both."

"Agreed," Alex laughed, and she grabbed the vitamins for you. "Now let's get you home."


As soon as you walked through the door, Chica tried to jump on you and Mark caught her. "No, Chica, no jumping," he told her happily, "you have to be careful with Y/n now."

You rolled your eyes and knelt on the ground beside the door, petting Chica happily. "Hello sweetheart, I missed you!"

Mark shook his head, looking at you. "Baby come on, you have to get up, you're supposed to be resting."

You looked up at Mark and pouted, pressing your cheek to Chica's head. "But wook at her, she's so pwetty!"

Mark smiled and leaned down, kissing your lips softly. "Yes, you're both very pretty," he said happily.

You got up and took Mark's hand, Alex and Jack pulling up into the driveway.

Mark left the door open for them and pulled you up the stairs so you could change out of the scrubs.

When you had both gotten changed, you looked at Mark. "You should really let everyone know what's going on."

Mark tilted his head and nodded. "You know what, yeah, come on," he said, sitting at his computer and pulling you into his lap. After a few minutes you guys were live, and when people started popping in, Mark smiled, waving. "Hello Everybody! My name is Markiplier, and I'm sure you know my Girliplier by now, Y/n." He smiled at you before looking back at the camera. "So we figured you guys would want to know where we've been. It's kind of... Complicated, but we do have something special for you guys. Later today, I'm going to post that project I told you guys about."

"We hope you guys like it, Mark and everybody worked really hard on it," you said with a smile.

"Yeah, and it was really fun to work on." He told them. "I'm gonna take another few days off, we had a bit of a... Health scare here. Everybody's fine now, just need to take a few days to rest, but we'll be back soon."

You rolled your eyes, "Mark will be back, I am just kind of here."

Mark chuckled, looking at you before looking at the camera again. "We've got more news, but that's for another time. Y/n's sister is here, and so is Jack, so I'll post that project in a few hours. Thank you so much for watching, and we'll see you, in the next video. Bye-bye!" He ended the stream and turned to you. "I love you," he said quietly. "I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried about you..."

You shook your head, cupping his face in your hands. "I love you too. And I'm sorry, but I promise, I'm not going anywhere. Never again."


Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait, between finals and holidays, I was super busy. But I swear, the next update will be soon, two weeks TOPS. There are only a few more chapters in this book, and I may or may not do that Jack and Alex spin off some of you have asked for. Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

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