PAX, Day 2

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The next morning you woke up to Mark closing the hotel room door, a tray in his hands. "Morning Angel, I got us breakfast. I wasn't sure what you'd want so I just got a few different things." He set the tray on a small table by the bed and sat down beside you. "I'm so sorry about yesterday, I-"

"Mark, stop. I'm okay." You said, sitting up and taking his hand. "Yesterday was great. Being here with you has been great. I don't want to get between you and your fans, but I'm not going to let a few bad fans get between us. If it's really only a few of them, then okay. You are a YouTuber, and that means you come to these conventions. I'm not going to let one bad experience stop me from coming with you."

Mark smiled and pulled you into his chest, pressing his lips to yours. "God I love you." He murmured, brushing some of your hair back.

You smiled back at him and pecked his lips once more before pulling away. "Come on, breakfast is gonna get cold, and we still have to get ready."


You stood backstage with Mark, Jack, and Alex, waiting for the stage crew to tell them to go on. You and Alex were going to watch from behind the curtain, deciding it would be better if the fans didn't see you, in case some got angry. After a minute, someone told them to go ahead and Mark squeezed your hand before walking on stage, Jack behind him. They both sat down and you smiled, hearing the fans calling both of them.

Some fans started asking questions and Mark and Jack did their best to answer them, mostly questions about games they would play in the future and series the fans wanted them to continue.

One fan stood up and smiled at them both. "I have a question for Mark."

Mark smiled and nodded. "Go ahead."

"Why are you with Y/n?" She asked, taking out her phone. "You've changed since you got with her, and we don't like it. I have a video someone took of you getting arrested, and Y/n is in the background." Mark's smile dropped and he sighed as the crowd murmured and Jack, gave him a curious look. The fan handed her phone to one of the floor crew, who brought it up to the stage.

Dark had taken over and walked to the edge of the stage. He looked at the phone and didn't even watch the video, handing it back before he went to sit down again. "If you don't like the change, you don't like me happy and you can leave."

There were gasps and more murmurs from the crowd, and the fan shook her head. "That's exactly what I mean. You don't love us anymore."

Mark stepped forward and went for damage control. "My love for Y/n doesn't take from my love for you guys. Love is infinite, we always have enough for everyone. But I don't appreciate when people who claim to love me try to chase away someone who makes me happy, and that is why you can leave. Yesterday, some of my 'fans' came to my table, told me they didn't like Y/n, and threw a drink in her face. She ended up going back to the hotel, by herself, because she knew that there were still fans waiting to see me who had been waiting for hours, and she didn't want me to punish them for what a few had done to her."

Some of the crowd clapped while others waited, seeing that Mark had more to say.

"And yes, I have changed since meeting Y/n. But that change is for the better. I'm sure most of you know about Darkiplier-" Everyone started clapping and cheering, and you could imagine Dark smirking.

"What you don't know is that Dark is not a character I play. I thought he was, but he isn't. Y/n is a psychologist, and she was going through something, so I asked her to stay with me for a while. I wanted to make sure she was safe. And when she was staying with me... I was acting weird. I was doing things, and not remembering them. I was coming to talk to her after I'd gone to bed, and not remembering it at all. So we set up a camera and then Y/n's theory was confirmed. I have what's called Dissociative Identity Disorder. You probably know it as Multiple Personality Disorder. It means that there is more than one person in here. I'm one, and Dark is another."

Markiplier Vs Darkiplier (Markiplier/Darkiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now