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Stepping off the plane, you frowned, clutching your bag to your side.

Michael smiled down at you and waved his arm forward. "Let's go."

"I'm not staying with you, I told you that."

"Then where are you staying?"

You shook your head at him. "Not with my family and not with you. That's all you need to know." He moved to grab your arm and you sidestepped. "I'm not gonna tell you, just for you to threaten my friend. She's nice and sweet and she has no idea why I need to stay with her, and I want to keep it that way."

Michael scowled but nodded. "Fine. But don't use your old phone anymore, I got you a new one." He led you towards the exit, where some of his friends were picking him up. One brought a phone box to you and you took it, frowning. "If you don't answer, I'll find you. Don't make me come find you, Y/n."

"I'll answer," you murmured, looking away.

"I'll text you later. My number's already in there. Let me know when you get to wherever you're going. And if I find out you left-"

"I'm not going to put anyone's life in danger, Michael. I'm not going anywhere." 'Not to mention I have nowhere to go.' You added in your head.

"Good." He bent to kiss you and you jumped back so quickly you fell. He scowled again but just turned, getting in the car.

You got up and called your friend Jennifer, letting her know you had landed. She was already waiting and smiled when you opened the door. "Hey! How was LA?" She asked.

"Hi Jen," you said, ignoring her question, "thank you for doing this. I really appreciate it."

She waved you off happily. "Don't even worry about it, hun. I'm just glad to help out!"

She drove to her apartment in Harlem and you guys made small talk. She seemed to pick up that you didn't want to talk about LA because she didn't ask anything more about it.

When you got to her apartment, you went into her guest room, recently empty since her sister got an apartment of her own. You sat on the edge of the bed and pulled your phone out, staring at it. After a few seconds, you turned it on, and saw a bunch of texts and missed calls from Alex and three voicemails. You read through the texts, your stomach twisting into knots. She wanted to know how you could do this to Mark and Dark, and what Michael had said to make you just up and leave; something you'd never do otherwise. She also wanted to know why you lied about the time your plane took off, and where you were staying. You decided to listen to the voicemails. The first one was Dark, and you skipped it, your eyes watering. The other two were Alex's text, but now you could hear her confusion and disappointment. But the end of the second voicemail made your heart stop.

"Dark just bought a ticket to New York. He'll be here two hours after you land. Please, tell me where you are. I'm worried."

You had to put the phone down and wrap your arms around your stomach to try and pull yourself together. You actually felt sick. They shouldn't have followed you, that was a bad idea. Not just because of Michael, but Mark had obligations, friends, fans to make videos for.

You looked at the phone again and brought it to your ear, playing Dark's message. "Y/n, what's going on? Why are you doing this? Please don't do this. What did he say? Why didn't you tell us?" You could hear him try to gather himself. "Please don't leave, Y/n."

You turned the phone off and threw it into your bag, suddenly trying to hold back sobs. What the hell had you done? You had Dark saying please, using your name. He sounded so worried. And Mark, did Mark even know what was happening? Or was Dark blocking him out, trying to keep him from feeling this?

You shook your head and wiped your face. You couldn't do this. Leaving was the right thing to do. It kept them and Alex safe. That's what mattered. Eventually, they'd decide you weren't worth it and they'd move on. It might take a while but they'd move on. It would be safer for them if they did. You'd only been together what, four months? That was nothing. Easy to forget. They'd be fine. Michael wouldn't hurt them and that was all that mattered.

You said all of this, but you still felt sick. Off. Your stomach was tight and your heart was pumping harder than ever. Everything just felt not okay.

***Dark/Mark's POV***

Dark landed and hurried out to the pickup area, where Alex was waiting. "Jack is on his way, but he won't be here for a few hours." She told him.

"Have you heard anything? Did she land here?" Dark asked, his voice tight.

Alex frowned with a shake of her head. "I think she did, she hates this airport but if he bought the tickets, this is where they landed. But I didn't see them. She hasn't answered any of my calls or texts. You?"

Dark shook his head and sat down, his head falling into his hands. "I just don't understand. Why would she just leave like this? What did he say that would make her-" He stopped, looking up at Alex. "He must've threatened us. She would've told us if he threatened her."

Alex's frown deepened. "That's what I was thinking. She isn't home, and she's not with any friends, as far as I know, I called everyone I could think of."

"So she's with him," Dark stated.

"We don't know that. She could be with someone I don't know, I don't know many of her college friends."

Dark shook his head and let it fall back into his hands. "She's not with me and she's not with you. So either way, she's not safe here."

"What do we do?" She asked him quietly, biting her lip as she sat next to him.

Dark stared at the floor in front of him. "I have no idea." He stood up and looked at Alex. "You go home, and see if you can find her through her friends. I'll wait for Jack."

"You don't know this city Mark, and neither does Jack. Besides, if anyone hears from her, they promised to call me."

Dark nodded and sat down again. "Then we wait."

Alex looked over at him and bit her lip. "We wait," she agreed. "How's Mark doing with all this?" She asked him.

"He doesn't know. When I took over, I blocked him out."

"What? Dark, he has to know about this," Alex said.

"I'm hoping we find her soon. I'll ask her what happened and then I'll tell him and explain it."

Alex frowned over at him and shook her head. "That's a terrible idea. He should know what's going on. If we don't find her today, then what? Do you take two days from him? Three? Five? He has to know. You took over when I said that she was leaving, but he heard that. He's probably so confused, and worried... He has to know that Michael made her leave."

Dark rubbed his face between his hands and sighed. "You're right." He stopped blocking Mark, and Mark took over, turning to look at Alex.

"What the hell is happening," he asked immediately, "where's Y/n?"

"We don't know. Michael did something, he made her leave. She said she was coming to New York but I didn't see her when she landed and no one knows where she is."

Mark closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "We have to find her. She can't be with him, he'll-" His voice came to an abrupt stop like he was choking, and Alex turned, hugging him.

"We'll find her, Mark. We will." Alex promised.

Mark just hoped they found you before Michael could hurt you.

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