A Perfect Night

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You frowned a bit when Mark pulled up to your apartment, parking in the space closest to your door. 

"I had a really good time tonight." He told you, smiling as he turned a bit to face you. 

"So did I." You told him, giving him a soft smile, twisting your fingers together. "I'd invite you inside, but to be honest I still haven't unpacked more than two boxes and it's a mess in there." 

He laughed, shaking his head and taking your hand. "Don't worry about it, maybe next time." He said, though it was more of a question. He tilted his head a bit and looked at you. "There will be a next time, right?" 

You smiled, nodding. "Yes, I believe so." You told him, watching him smile. "I'd love to sit here and talk with you but I have work in the morning." 

He nodded understandingly and smiled, squeezing your hand. "Of course." He said, getting out of the car and coming around, opening your door. 

You got out and smiled at him as he offered you his arm, walking you to the door. "Thank you." You said, not really sure for which part of the night but saying it anyway.

"You're very welcome." He replied, smiling. You leaned forward and hugged him, relaxing into him when his arms wrapped around your waist, holding you to his chest. "I'll text you when I get home, okay?" 

You nodded and smiled up at him. He glanced at your lips, his eyes getting darker for a second before he looked into your eyes again, smiling with a slight tint to his cheeks. "I guess one kiss couldn't hurt." You said quietly, smiling at him, your cheeks on fire. 

He dipped his head down and caught your lips with his, which were surprisingly soft. You wrapped your arms around his neck gently, and he smiled into the kiss, pulling you to his chest by your waist until you were close enough for him to lift you up a bit, his forearm tight against your thighs to hold you up. You'd meant it to be a quick kiss but it had turned more to a very passionate one and you couldn't find any reason to complain. Your hands acted on their own, moving up to his hair, tugging gently. He made a quiet noise, somewhere between a groan and a grunt, and you smirked into the kiss as he licked your lip, asking for entrance. 

Of course, the second he did that, your phone vibrated in your back pocket, and on his forearm. He pulled back gently and looked up at you, smiling as he lowered you back to the ground. "I- uh... Sorry. That got a bit more heated than I'd intended." He told you quietly. 

You blushed, nodding. "Yeah, same here, I hadn't exactly meant to pull your hair." You said with a chuckle. 

"Oh no, don't apologize for that, I liked it." He said, his voice deeper than usual as he looked at you, eyes dark again. Your cheeks got even hotter as you looked away, surprised that he'd said that out loud, and he lifted your chin with his hand. "Good night, Y/N." He murmured, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before turning and heading back towards his car. He got in and waved, smiling at you as he pulled away from the curb. 

You watched him drive out of the parking lot and smiled softly, turning and unlocking your door. You went inside and leaned against the door for a second, thinking about the entire night. You hadn't known what to expect but you'd enjoyed every minute of it. Heading into your bedroom you changed into pajamas and went to wash your face. After a few minutes you laid in bed and sighed quietly, checking the message on your phone. It was your sister, saying she needed you to call her because she had great news. It can wait until tomorrow, you were falling asleep as it was. Right before your eyes fluttered closed, the King of Squirrels let you know he was home. You sent a quick "Good I'm glad. Good night Mark" and fell into a dreamless sleep.

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