Releasing Tension

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***Warning! This chapter contains what I feel the need to call Literotica. So if you don't like that, you know what to do***

You stood in the side room, smiling at Mark as you held the camera at the table. This was your fourth attempt to film the opening scene to A Date With Markiplier, but it was a bit hard when everyone kept laughing, especially when Mark wanted it to happen all in one take, so if someone messed up, you had to do it over.

Finally, the first scene was filmed and you guys thanked the chef, smiling as you were ready to get in the car and film the next video section, where you had paid and you guys went to the theater.

Tyler stopped you guys though, seeing the rain outside. "If we film anything in the car, there will be rain and people will notice." He pointed out.

Mark frowned but nodded. "Well, we got the first video done. We can do more tomorrow." Tyler and Ethan volunteered to drop the "chef" off and go pick up some food for the movie night you guys were having.

The second the door closed behind them, Mark's suit jacket went flying and you were over Mark's shoulder as he marched up the stairs. You laughed and slapped his ass. "Mark! Put me down!"

"No time, they'll be back in half an hour," He declared, pushing the bedroom door open and throwing you onto the bed. He pounced on top of you and kissed you, his hands coming to your hips. You smiled into the kiss and pulled on the buttons of his dress shirt until he sat up and unbuttoned it, tossing it to the side. "Your turn," he murmured, moving your shirt up your body. You tugged it off and he smirked, kicking his suit pants and underwear off while you did the same with your jeans. "God, you're so fucking hot," Mark groaned, falling onto you and kissing your neck as you blushed.


"You're not so bad yourself," you told him, your hands tangling in his hair. His hand fell to between your legs and his finger slipped into your already slick hole. He grinned, raising an eyebrow at you, and you smiled back. "Yes, I've been wanting you all day. Shut up and give me what I want."

"Yes ma'am," he grinned, grabbing a condom from the little dresser beside the bed. He rolled it on and slid into you in one thrust, making you moan and scratch down his back. "Fuck," he groaned, catching your mouth with his. He licked your lips and thrust himself into you, his hips starting to pick up speed until you pulled your lips from his to try and get more air between each moan.

***(A bit of a tease, I know, sorry!)***

Tyler and Ethan didn't comment on the new hickey on your neck when they came in with food, or that Mark had taken a few minutes to open the door when they rang the doorbell. You pulled your hair into a bun and sat on the couch, grabbing a slice of cheesy bread as everyone sat down. "What are we watching boys?" You asked them.

"Not sure. Wanna watch something scary?" Ethan asked.

You cringed and Mark chuckled. "Scary's not really Y/n's thing."

You shook your head, swallowing hard. "I'll watch if you guys want to, but Mark, you better be ready to walk me to the bathroom tonight."

Mark chuckled and nodded, kissing your hair.

Tyler nodded and scrolled through the movies. "Let's watch Insidious."

You grumbled but just leaned into Mark's side, Chica jumping onto the couch to lay on your legs.

***Next Day***

You slammed the front door closed, letting your umbrella drop to the floor as you kicked off your rain boots.

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