Mermaids and Policemen

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Alex grinned, looking over at you as you slipped the weird tail over your hips. "This is going to be so cool!" She grinned.

You wiggled into place and smiled. "Try not to drown, mom will kill me if you do." You reminded her, then slid off the edge of the tank into the water. It took a second to open your eyes, making you blink quickly behind the small face mask you had on. Looking down into the tank, there were fish of every color and species. It was amazing! You swam down the glass and looked out into the aquarium, seeing a few people walking around. 

Alex tapped your shoulder and pointed at her tail, grinning. It was blue and green, while yours was purple and green. After a second she tapped your arm again and pointed to Mark and Jack getting into the tank in scuba gear. They had both pouted a bit about not being able to be mermen but Lily had promised they could be mermen next time, when the guy tails had come in. 

Mark swam over to you and smiled, waving. You grinned back and swam in a quick circle around him, blowing little bubbles. You took his hand and swam towards the glass with him, Bob and Wade waving as they walked up from inside the aquarium. 

Mark squeezed your hand, pointing to the little reef under you and you both swam down to explore.


Two hours later you were all sitting in the Aquariums parking lot, trying to decide where to get something to eat. 

"I think we should just head back to Marks for now." Jack said, yawning quietly. 

Mark nodded in agreement and suppressed a yawn of his own. "I'm with Jack-"

"I KNEW IT" Alex shouted, making everyone jump. "Septiplier is alive and well!"

Mark and Jack laughed, and Mark rolled his eyes. "Anyway, I'm tired and hungry. The planetarium can wait, we still have to drop Bob and Wade at the airport."

Wade leaned forward, smiling "We saw the planetarium last time we were here. Mark's gonna talk your ear off so you guys have fun." He said, Bob chuckling behind him. 

"Okay so we'll go back to the house, you guys pack up and relax, Y/n and I will pick up something to eat, and then we'll just hang out until it's time to get you guys to the airport." Mark looked around, everyone nodding in agreement. 

"Great, buckle up." You said, looking forward again. Mark reached over and squeezed your hand gently before pulling out of the parking lot.

After tw parking in the garage, everyone went to get out and you looked at Alex. "We're gonna stay at Mark's for a few days so I'm gonna bring your stuff." 

She looked from you to Mark, frowning slightly. "Everything alright?" 

Mark looked at you and you nodded. "Don't worry, just a precaution. I'll explain later." She nodded and got out.

Mark looked over at you, taking your hand gently. "We'll stop at your house, then at the police station and file a report. It'll be fine." He lifted your hand to his lips and you smiled softly, nodding. He let go and drove back down the driveway to your apartment. Mark parked and you both got out, heading up to your apartment. You led the way but stopped when you got up the stairs. "What?" Mark asked, looking past you before frowning. 

You shook your head, walking to the door and unlocking it. "Nothing, I just got a little paranoid." You murmured as he walked in, closing the door behind him. You went to your room and grabbed your suitcase, tossing in a few sets of clothes and anything else you'd need, while Mark closed and lifted Alex's. "Alright, let's go." 

Mark took your suitcase and carried it out to the car, putting them in the back while you locked the door. A minute later you were driving towards the police station. 


"Okay ma'am," the officer told you, "we'd filed the report, but unless he actually does something to you there's nothing we can do." He frowned and leaned a bit closer, looking from you to Mark. "My sister had a stalker a few years ago so I know that if he continues to contact you, you can file a restraining order, and any violation of that is jail time. If he keeps trying to contact you, get a restraining order. We have to respond to all restraining order violations in five minutes or less, so you'll be okay."

You looked at Mark and bit your lip. "Is there any water here?" 

The officer nodded, pointing to the back wall and Mark got up. "I'll get you some." 

When he was out of earshot you looked at the officer again. "I already have a restraining order. Is there anything else I can do?" 

The officer frowned and opened a drawer, grabbing a little can and handing it to you. "Pepper spray. But unless you can prove it's your ex, we can't put out a warrant for questioning. I'd suggest some martial arts classes, and not being alone. The odds are, if he's contacting you, he's going to try and see you. And when he does, we'll arrest him. I can't promise it won't be scary or anxiety-inducing, but I can promise we will get there within minutes. You'll be okay." 

You nodded and stood up as Mark came back with a little cup of water. You took it, thanking him quietly, and looked at the officer. "Thank you. Hopefully we won't need to call you." He nodded and Mark took your hand, walking out with you. You drank the water and threw the paper cup into a trash bin before getting in the car. 

"Let's head back. Everything's gonna be fine, I won't let anything happen to you." He promised, smiling softly as he drove towards his house again. 

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