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A Few Days Later (Really sorry I keep doing this but I don't wanna shower you guys with filler chapters, especially after not updating for a month and a half {super sorry about that too, sorry!})

You stood in the kitchen looking into the fridge, off today. "Mark?" You called, frowning. "We really need to go food shopping."

Mark walked into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I know, I meant to order from PeaPod while we were at PAX but with everything going on, I forgot. I ordered on the plane but it won't be here until the day after tomorrow."

You pouted, leaning back into his chest as you pushed the fridge doors closed. You did not want to order out every meal for the next two days. "Let's run to WalMart or something, get some stuff to hold us over for the next couple days."

Mark smiled and kissed your neck sweetly. "I'll go, no point in both of us going and being stuck in a twenty-minute line. Plus, I had an idea for the channel that I wrote down, I wanted you to tell me what you thought."

You turned and smiled up at him, nodding. "I'm sure it's great. Okay, you get us some food and I'll look at your idea." You pecked his lips and walked into the living room, his laptop on the coffee table. "Do you know what to get?"

"Milk, some carbs, some proteins, the usual."

"Don't forget the fats!" You reminded him, "I want some junk food. Chips or something."

"Alright, be back in a few." He said, grabbing his keys and kissing your head from over the couch on his way out.

You pulled Mark's laptop to you and couldn't hold back your grin. The top of the page said "A Date With Markiplier, a Build-Your-Own-Adventure Series." Twenty minutes later you understood Mark's idea, short videos with clickable options to further the story, with multiple endings and even a Darkiplier appearance. You grabbed your phone to tell Mark how great it sounded when Chica ran into the living room and stood in front of you, growling to the side.

You frowned and got up, looking that way. When you didn't see anything you looked down at her and smiled. "What's wrong Chica-Bica?" You asked, patting her on the side gently.

"I don't think she likes me." Your head snapped up, Michael standing in the doorway.

"How did you get in here?" You asked, stepped back.

"The backyard door was open. Shouldn't your boy-toy be a little more careful, being famous and all?"

"Get out of my house." You told him, moving back towards the stairs. Chica backed up with you and you made a mental note to give her some extra treats if you didn't die in the next ten minutes.

"Don't be that way babe-"

"I am not your babe! Now get out of my house before I call the cops."

He smiled and shrugged, leaning against the doorframe. "Call them. They're a bit busy with some of my friends right now, it might take them a while to get here."

You looked at the odd brace on his forearm and tilted your head. "How's the wrist? It sounded like he shattered it, but I guess he'll have to try again."

Michael's face darkened and he glared at you. "I'll break your neck before he can." He said, pushing off of the wall.

You turned and ran up the stairs, Chica right beside you. You could hear him on the stairs when you got to your bedroom, pulling Chica inside and shoving the door closed, locking it. You turned and looked for something to push in front of the door, settling for jamming Mark's chair under the doorknob and pulling a snarling Chica towards the bathroom, locking that door too. "Y/n! Open the door!" You could hear him through both doors and Chica's barking.

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