"Meet My Girliplier!"

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The next morning, Alex shook you awake with a grin. "Y/n, get up, you have to see this." She laughed, hurrying out of the room again. 

You grumbled but got up, walking towards the stairs. "What is it?" 

"Shhh!" She said quickly, pointing down the stairs. 

You took a few steps, tilting your head to try and see what she was talking about. It only took a second to realize she wanted you to hear, not see. There was quiet singing coming from the kitchen. You turned to look at Alex with wide eyes and she was grinning. "Is that-" She nodded, her grin getting a bit scary it was so wide. 

"Can you feel the love tonight," Mark's voice floated out of the kitchen and you sat on the top step, listening. Alex sat next to you, her chin resting in her palm. Mark actually sounded really good. It was clear he was trying to keep his voice down, but even when he sang softly it was nice.

"Watcha doin?" Jack asked from right behind you, making you both jump. 

"Jack! Don't do that!" You scolded, while Alex shushed you both quietly. You pointed down the stairs, then to your ear, and Jack leaned down a bit, listening. He chuckled quietly and shook his head at the two of you, but sat on the landing to listen. 

There were a few seconds of silence, then footsteps. The three of you got up and ran back to your rooms as quietly as possible, making you laugh into the pillow when you were laying down. Someone knocked on the door gently before it opened a bit. "Y/n? Are you decent?" 

You smiled softly and sat up, looking at the door. "Yes, I'd like to think so." You teased. 

Mark walked in and sat on the edge of the bed, beaming at you. "Ha ha, very funny. How'd you sleep?" 

"Pretty good," You told him, "and you?"

He shrugged, a small smile still on his lips. "Pretty good. I made breakfast, coming down?" 

"Yep, I'll be right there." Pushing the blanket away, you got out of bed and he grabbed your arm, pulling you to his chest. "Hey don't you dare," you warned, "I haven't brushed my teeth yet!"

He laughed and rolled his eyes, leaning down and pressing his lips to your forehead. "Hurry up then, I'd like a good morning kiss." He let go and smiled. "I'm gonna go make sure Jack and Alex are up." 

By the time you'd brushed your teeth and pulled on some jeans and a t-shirt, Mark, Jack and Alex were at the table. You sat down and smiled at them. "Good morning everybody." 

"Morning." Alex and Jack said.

Mark set a plate down in front of you and smiled, tilting your head up to kiss you. You blushed lightly but smiled. "Thank you babe, looks great." You told him as he sat down again. You took a bite of the omelette he'd made and raised your eyebrows in surprise. "Holy crap this is really good!"

He smiled, shrugging. "I can't cook much, but what I can cook, I've perfected." He explained. 

"Yes you have" Alex said around a mouthful of omelette. You gave her a look and she covered her mouth, swallowing her food before apologizing. 

After breakfast Mark's phone went off, and he stood up. "Crap, I've gotta upload a video. I'll be back." He said, heading upstairs. 

Jack shook his head and grinned. "I keep telling him to queue them but he always forgets." He laughed.

You started clearing the table as Alex took out her phone, scrolling. "Y/n," she called, "everyone's asking who was laughing in Mark's video."

You bit your lip, looking at her. "They aren't mad, are they?"

She shook her head, looking through the comments. "A few are a bit jealous, but the rest are just curious and optimistic." She scrolled again before reading aloud. "'Mark is there a girl there? Do you finally have a girliplier?!?' 'Markimoo has a Markiboo!' 'Guys he smiles every time he looks to the side, he's happy! When do we meet our new mom?'"

You blushed and hid your face behind your hair, glad they weren't upset. Mark's fans were almost everything to him, and you could never get in the way of that. 

Mark came into the room and smiled, leaning against the doorframe. "So people are pretty excited about my girliplier." 

You smiled, nodding. "I know, Alex was just looking through the comments." Walking over to him you kissed his cheek. "I'm just glad they aren't mad at you." 

"I like to think my community is very kind and accepting." He replied. Jack nodded and Mark looked down at you. "I don't suppose you'd want to be in a video today?" 

"I thought we were gonna go to the planetarium?" You reminded him. "I still wanna see you get all nerdy about space."

Jack tilted his head, thinking. "We could always do the video there?" He suggested. 

Alex nodded enthusiastically "I wouldn't mind filming it for you guys." She told you all. 

Mark smiled down at you again. "I think that's a great idea."

"Okay then, to the planetarium." You agreed, kissing Mark's cheek. 


"Mark, do you wanna do your intro out here or inside?" Alex asked, holding his camera as Mark bought the tickets. 

Mark stepped back to look at the planetarium's sign, then nodded. "Out here I think. Plus it'll be a nice background for the thumbnail." He moved to stand under the logo and Alex gave him a thumbs up when she'd started recording. "Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome to the planetarium! Bob and Wade went home yesterday, but Jack is still here, plus a couple other surprises, so we decided to come geek out about space! Because, as we all know, space is cool!" He nodded and waved everyone forward. "Don't worry about cutting or anything, I'll edit it together later."

Walking inside, Jack said hello to everyone and Mark spit random facts about space. Most of the visit, you were trying not to laugh at their antics, or smiling when Mark said "cool," then apologized for not having a better word for the vast subject that is space. 

When you guys had gone through almost the entire planetarium, Mark smiled. "Alright, I know you guys have been waiting for the surprises I mentioned earlier." Jack grinned and moved to the camera, taking it from Alex. "I figured the best place to introduce you all to the girl I like would be in a place I like, so I'd like you all to meet my girliplier." Jack turned the camera towards you and you blushed lightly, giving a little wave. 

"Hi." You said quietly. 

Mark smiled and came over, wrapping his arm around your waist. "Y/n here is a bit on the shy side, but once she warms up to you guys, you'll like her just as much as I do." Your blush got darker but you smiled at him and he chuckled, kissing your forehead. "And we can't forget our biggest fan, Y/n's sister Alex." 

Jack turned to Alex and she waved excitedly. "Hey everybody! She's super worried you guys will get mad at Mark but I told her, that's not how this community rolls." 

Turning the camera back to Mark and you, Jack laughed when you pointed at Alex. "Hey!"

 "Y/n, your cheeks are as red as Mark's hair." Jack grinned, reaching over to poke your cheek.

Mark laughed and you glared at Jack, slapping his hand away playfully. "Alright, no more teasing my girliplier." Mark looked at the camera again, smiling. "You guys will be seeing more of Y/n. So thank you everybody so much for watching, and as always, I will see you, in the next video. Ba-bye!" You both waved and Jack stopped recording. 

"I think that went well." Jack said, smiling. Alex nodded, clapping to herself.

Mark smiled and kissed your nose. "You're adorable, you know that?" Blushing, you hid your face in his chest, and he chuckled before taking your hand. "Come on, let's head back to the house, I'm sure Chica misses us."

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