Not Good... Not Good At All...

675 21 4

For those of you that have read this part already, proceed to the line of stars below!

Around eleven, you smiled at Mark and stood from the couch, putting the Wii remote down. "I think we should get going." You told Alex, who frowned. "You had a long flight, you should come get some sleep. I don't have work tomorrow so we'll be back, if that's okay with you?" You looked at Mark, who rolled his eyes.

"Of course it's okay with me. Maybe we can all go do something tomorrow, go to the park or something." He suggested with a shrug.

You smiled, nodding "That sounds like fun." 

Alex got up from the floor and smiled at the guys. "See you losers tomorrow." She said, heading to the door. 

Mark got up to walk you out, moving Alex's suitcase to your backseat before opening your door. "M'lady." He said, bowing slightly. 

Alex called shotgun and got into the car while you smiled at Mark. "You're ridiculous." You murmured, smiling. You kissed him, his hands coming to rest on your hips before he pulled back. 

"Let me know when you get home." He said, to which you nodded and got in the car. 


The next morning, you woke up and made breakfast before nudging Alex's shoulder. "Wake up kiddo, before your eggs get cold." 

Alex sat up and stretched, getting up to get a plate. "So what's on the agenda for today?" She asked, biting into a piece of bacon.

"Well we'll probably go hang out with the guys, maybe go on a nice little tour. Why, did you have something in mind?" 

"Not really," she shrugged, "just kind of gonna go with the flow." She said. 

"Alright cool. Finish eating and then get ready, the guys wake up pretty early." As if to prove your point, your phone vibrated on the counter and you got up, smiling. 

"Good morning beautiful." This was starting to be the norm for the morning. 

"Good morning handsome. How'd you sleep?" You asked him. Before you even put your phone down, Mark was calling you. 

"I slept fine thanks, and you?" Mark asked, his voice thick with sleep. 

"Fine thank you." You said, smiling as you leaned against the counter. 

"That's good," he said, "and Alex?"

You looked at Alex, who was just finishing her breakfast. "Good." You said. "So, King of the Squirrels, what shall we do today?"

Mark chuckled into the phone. "I was thinking we could go to the aquarium, maybe? Or the planetarium?"

"That sounds good, one sec." You pulled the phone from your ear and looked at Alex. "Mark suggested the aquarium or the planetarium." You told her.

"I wanna see Mark geek out about space!" She said quickly. "Wait no, I wanna see Jack geek out about the ocean! No, wait-"

You laughed and shook your head, talking into the phone again. "Ask the guys. She wants to see you and Jack get all nerdy about space and the ocean." 

"Well then I guess we'll do both." He replied. "I'm gonna make sure everybody's awake. I'll see you in an hour?" 

"Sounds good. See you then." You hung up and smiled at Alex. "Alright, I'm gonna shower first." 


An hour later you pulled into Mark's driveway and smiled when Chica came running out to the car. "Hi pupper! Hello!" You rubbed her chin and she licked your arm before going to say hi to Alex. 

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