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Jared Padalecki

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Jared Padalecki

Having to pretend one didn't know who raised Dean from hell wasn't the difficult thing, no, it was figuring out what was going on. Jensen was as shocked as himself a few hours earlier. Ending up in Illinois had certainly not been on his schedule, instead, Jared was supposed to be an interview with Comic-Con straight after the current episode was done filming. It was mostly busy this time of the year. They had to sell the next season to the fans. Some tend to take it overboard and all. Although, every time, there was a long list of what he couldn't talk about. The most frustrating part regarding Comic-Con in his opinion.

He already was aware Bobby didn't have information about everything else than what the writers had given that character. By his side, Jensen tensed up, grits his teeth together, and was moments away from screaming and Jensen horrified gaze made Jared pat his shoulder once. It was understandable in his position. This was Supernatural after all. Luckily Jensen's shoulders relaxed, his breath calmer, and his features softened. Jared kept reminding himself not to call Jensen for 'Jensen' since they must talk about lots of things.

Once Jared and Bobby had talked out their theories, Jared gestured for Jensen to follow him upstairs. A short flash of Sam as a child running up the same place while holding Dean's warmer, bigger hand momentarily shocked him. He shook his head and thought no more of it. Recently, Jared had in increasing manner, gotten memories of Sam Winchester. It was almost as if . . .

Jared didn't finish the speculation.

He opened the cracking white door into the room. Juvenile colors on the surfaces, two beds with neatly folded bed linen, a small bench made of wood where a lamp was, and some old papers, books, and other stuff. Jared closed the door behind them. He surveyed the place more. A window with outside shone in the dim light from the moon outside. A chill went down his spine. Jared gave a worried glance towards Jensen. "Did you see a white light then ended up exactly where the writers have written Supernatural's first episode of this season? I can't wrap my head around it. It shouldn't be possible," Jared started as he fumbled with the bedsheet. It had been brief. The moment the blaze passed, he had found himself in what Jared first concluded was a Supernatural scene. The arrival was simple, he had ended up in Sam's motel. Well, he was smart enough to get to Bobby's. With mathematical precision, he figured out Jensen had been zapped into it later than he was. Which would only make sense that Collins will arrive as well?

Jensen shrugged before he scratched his back head. "No, I didn't. I was talking to my mother on my cell phone before I was underneath the ground buried in a coffin. Had on Dean's clothes and everything went almost the same as the writers wrote it. One thing was missing; Castiel's introduction in the warehouse where Dean and Bobby were supposed to go. Another weird thing? I have Dean's knowing how to get into places, his strength, foggy memories I have never seen him before," Jensen informed him. He stared out the window until the room, the clear blue sky showed no sign of changing. He lifted one eyebrow at Jared. Jensen's voice was soft.

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