16 1 9

Jared Padalecki

Suddenly, a strong headache hit him. Jared's hands flew to his skull. It itched and clawed inside his thoughts. Jared grits his teeth together in an attempt to mute the sounds inside. At some point his view became blurry. His hands hit the floor with a loud thud. Jared's shoulders were touched by Jensen's palms, avoided from his body to collide into the floor.

Then his breath became shallow and everything as colorful as the beautiful paintings he admired. Then it came from every direction, a black void that swallowed him whole.

Jared stood in a room, where a little boy watched Supernatural. He sat wearing a blanket with cars in yellow, black, white, and pink. His hair auburn color. Then behind him, Jared heard the sound of footsteps. Jared turned around, his fists ready.

Jared's hazel eyes widened in pure shock.

A woman Jared recognized from Misha's descriptions made him scared. The fear boiled in his chest. There was one change, though. She had her hood off, exposing her ice-blue eyes. "You killed my brother," Mel's voice shook with pure anger.

Just at that moment, the brother rose. Turned off the TV and slammed the door shut. "We can talk through this, okay?" Jared said. He wished he knew better what to do. Her anger was reasonable but Jared noticed the familiar sounds of a gun getting slammed together.

"No," Mel hissed. Things started shaking like an earthquake all around them, however, he noted she was unaffected by it. "You and your friends will feel the same pain I did and worse," Mel took a deep breath before she turned away. "Supernatural should quit airing."

Jared's heart twisted in his chest. His life work was relying on that tv show and everything it stood for. His hands clenched his heartbeat as a rabbit in flight from a wolf. Jared focused on finding an inner calm Sam often used to avoid using violence as Dean tended to do. "I know this must be hard for you but there are other ways to do this."

Then everything became clear again, he breathed in the air for what seemed like years. "Jared? Jared?" Jensen hugged him tightly not letting go of him. Jared took a deep breath, his hands moved on their own. He tugged Jensen closer. Misha cleared his throat.

"I am good," Jared said mostly to convince himself. He used his arm to push Jensen away from him. Jensen stared at him, not happy about his actions. "Just had a flash of something."

Misha kneeled in front of him and grabbed his shoulders. His nails dug into Jared's light brown jean jacket. "It was the woman, wasn't it?" He said in a confident voice. "It happened close to the same thing to me. It's some crazy shit, right?" Misha smiled but his smile did not reach his eyes.

Jared nodded. "Yeah, a brother died because of us. And she pushes it into us."

Jensen glanced in between before he rubbed his eyes. "Revenge? That's it?" Jensen said in a gruff voice. The one he used when Dean was disappointed about something. "Mel must really hate our guts. What have we ever done towards her?"

"Nothing but as you know, anger is blinding," Misha answered and ruffed his back head.

"You don't say," Jensen raised from his position and helped Jared up from the ground. "If she could contact both of you, that means she might do on me too."

"She could contact us both," Jared said, his eyes flickered everywhere. His thoughts taking a darker turn. She wanted blood, no debut about that. For he had a vague suspicion in it. But Mel was so young, so innocent. Why would she want that for herself? It didn't make any sense how he shifted it.

"So...a sad woman destroyed our lives? Seriously?" Jensen paced around in circles. The red in his eyes from the cry still there.

"Apparently so," Jared stretched his back. "The episode he saw was Dean's torture. I bet that was what triggered him in the first place. I can recognize the scene anywhere. 'Cause Jensen used a long time to figure out how to go about it," Jared continued.

Then a white small circle appeared in the air. Jensen followed his instincts as he pulled up the gun. Ready to shut at any notice of danger. The sound of papers fell to the ground echoed in the open space. The script from a few episodes none had gotten to read.

Jensen grabbed a copy and flipped through the pages. His mouth agape by the end. "This is more information about the season. Also the script we were supposed to act weeks ago."

Misha copied Jensen's prior movements. "It's true," Misha looked up at him in awe. Misha gave him his script.

"There is a message on the back," Jensen said excitedly before he quoted, "'Hey, this is Sam and Dean. We are the characters you act on tv. But we are real. Anyway, back to the point. We are planning to send over Cas's grace back to you guys. Got some problems, monsters getting loose everywhere, and that comic con? Worse time ever. Sam and Dean.'"

"Wow," Misha was the first to comment. "Are they serious? I don't think I am the right vessel for this," he glanced at his trenchcoat. He lifted parts of it with his fingertips.

"They have a plan, at least. Got to give it to them; they know their stuff," Jensen's shoulders for once relaxed, an honest smile plastered on his face. "I vote we go for it. Nothing to lose."

Jared cleared his throat. "We don't know how to respond. And Misha is at risk of dying if he takes it." That silenced the hope in his friend's gazes. He sighed. "I just...do not want any rushed choices. You should think about it, Misha."

Misha nodded slowly. "Sure, whatever you believe is best. Monsters in our world? Damn."

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