18 1 3

Jared Padalecki

The next day, they made ready for a hunt because a hunter friend calls them about a case some states over. But before they could make it that far, Misha stopped them in the doorway. Misha stared determined at them both. His lips were pressed into a thin line. "Where are you guys going?"

Both of them turned in classic Winchester sync, Jensen had the bag over his shoulder. "To a hunt," Jared said before Jensen started a big discussion about safety and stuff. Jensen tended to be shyer than people gave him credit for. 

Misha pushed past them, his stance comic considering he wore Castiel's clothes. "I am coming with you," he said stubbornly, not unlike his character.

Jared rolled his eyes. "You want to be a hero and everything? That is not how this works, Misha. You of all people should know that," he said and Jensen nodded by his side. Misha went back inside before sounds began to appear for some minutes before Misha returned to them. He had a backpack on his left shoulder.

"I don't care, no way I am being stuck in that creepy cabin, you guys coming?" He said as he walked in front of them. Jared and Jensen followed his path with their gaze before Jared decided to clear his throat.

"Misha, that's the wrong direction," he stated. Misha stopped and stared at him. Jensen joined up to him as he gestured Jared over. They walked together through the thick woods. Jensen and himself discussed among themselves what the monster could be.

Sometime later they reached the car, Jensen felt automatically in Dean's driver seat, he took the shotgun and that left Misha in the back. Jared explained where they were going although, Jensen didn't hesitate to take the impala effectively out of there.

"The deaths have been in an interesting pattern, you might recognize them, Jensen," Jared started. "It feels similar to one of the monsters we had back a year or two."

Jensen nodded, "what else?" he asked.

He rubbed his head. "People that died, is related to people they got a connection with according to the police records I managed to hack into. We need to see the bodies to know more about the vics," he continued. Misha perked up in the back of the car, clearly curious about where the conversation was taking them.

Days later on the road, with crappy motel rooms, the eatable food they arrived where they were supposed to be. Misha was available to find out what was injected into the vics. Jared studied the earlier case files but not before the siren they were hunting captured Jared. He couldn't control his actions at all when it happened. Jared saw it coming but wasn't prepared for the fear that struck him deep.

However, Misha and Jensen managed to kill the asshole with a bronze dagger in the blood from a past victim and stabbed her to death. The shock made him shiver where he was in the room at that moment. Jensen hugged him. They were like this for a while before Misha cleared his throat before they moved away from one another.

Still, the words the siren said crept him out; there is a new boss in town and that ain't you, Winchesters. The siren, she had made him close to kill Jensen. A person he saw as his own brother at this point. It broke him to consider it at all. They were quiet until they got back into the cabin again when the argument started for real.

"Misha was right, there is someone out there that has control over everything but I don't believe a woman could have done so," Jared started. He restrained himself from slamming his fist into a wall or someone else. Misha opened his mouth but was abrupted by Jensen's in an equally frustrated voice.

"Of course, you wouldn't! This isn't a normal acting day, Jared. This is Supernatural for God's sake!" Jensen said.

Misha cleared his throat and made them both stop there yelling for a minute. "Whatever is happening here it isn't good news. If the monsters are starting to obeying a new big bad we are screwed. Is only a question of time before demons or others will begin to kill us. One by one."

Jensen's jaw clenched and he directed a look that told him straight up the-newbie-got-a-point. Jared nodded back. However, the encounter from days before left a better taste in his mouth. He should have known better. Jared knew Sam better than anyone almost (except the writers, they had pages on the guy he hasn't seen yet).

"What do we do then?" Jensen asked, always with the obvious questions. He did want to joke about his Dean-sentence since the situation they were talking about was damn serious.

"Continue the cases, track down Crowley," Jared suggested.

Misha frowned at him. "Who is Crowley?"

"The demon king of crossroads," Jared responded and Jensen sat on a chair. His eyes had the faraway distance in them. He has been getting them more and more often. It began to bug Jared on end. They needed to talk through a few things. That included the freaky Ruby.

Misha turned pale as sheets. "Frugality or literally speaking?" Misha squeaked out. His eyes were blown wide as two big plates. He didn't blame the guy, Crowley could be scary when he wanted to be. Not that he was ever going to share that information with his friend, Mark Sheppard.

"Literally," Jared informed Misha, "I don't know what to feel about him, to be honest. Sees everyone as a potential deal and I don't like it," Jared sighed. Jensen moved over to the kitchen and started making food.

"I will wipe up a lasagne from what we got," Jensen said. "Is your turn to clean up, Jared."

Jared nodded before he walked over to the books John collected over the years in this cabin. Anything for a small lead.

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