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Misha Collins

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Misha Collins

He gasped in the air. Misha touched the surface underneath his ass, he frowned at the hardness. When he looked downwards his blue eyes saw the single building that was Bobby's house. The fall could kill him, somehow Misha wasn't failing. It stated nowhere in his contract Misha had the danger of being magic-being. Jared had acted kindly towards him, Jensen not so much. They seemed like a nice bunch.

Taking a deep breath Misha stood up from the ground. The sky above his head shattered in lights. Pitch black surrounded the sky. Defeated Misha stopped up. 'This is the shittiest thing ever' Misha thought to himself. Behind him, a person in a cloak appeared. Hairs rose on his back when Misha felt eyes on him. He turned while the loud gasp escaped Misha's mouth. "Who are you?" Misha asks the person.

The person was lower than himself(unlike towering Jared, that guy is a giant). Face covered by a shadow as the slim hands held around a long cane. It curled at the top made of light wood. The person's shoes were black as the sky below their heads. "You are playing unfair, Misha," a female voice responded to his question. Misha staggered a few steps. Clearly young and inexperienced.

"How do you know my name?" Misha tried to avoid slipping the fear through his voice. He came with a better idea and decided to act on it. Inside the core that Misha used to techniques by changing personalities reimagined the persona of a cocky guy. "There is nothing here for you," Misha said confidently. It worked. The girl lifted her head wearing a frown on her features.

"This is impossible," Misha heard a new voice. Again a thrill of fear ran down his spine. 'It couldn't be possible' Misha thought. 'Is it my voice?'. He recognized the outfit by the first moments Misha's eyes laid on the clothes. It was Castiel. Castiel moved gracefully over to where they stood.

"Castiel?" Misha couldn't believe his own eyes and his voice squeaked. The angel showed no emotions when he meets his gaze. Misha regretted expecting anything else. Both of them held their gazes towards the girl. She moved uncomfortably on her feet.

"Angel of the lord, who may you be other than a human?" Castiel directed his question to him. The glint of an angel sword passed his stare. Immediately Misha froze in his motion, his gaze locking into Castiel's equal determined stare. Misha knew he dealt with powerful forces, however, he had no idea what to do. Unlike Jensen, Misha didn't have knowledge of monsters far less the kind he saw.

"I am Misha, an actor," he informed his character. Misha bit his tongue for a funny remark. Then white light made the whole place disappeared, the girl's smile painted on the back of his eyelids.

Misha's back laid on a bed, clawed into his back. Jared and Jensen's worried eyes were the first thing that meets him. He blinked a few times until Jensen took a relieving breath. Jared patted Jensen on the shoulder before he turned his gaze back to him again. "What happened back there?" Jared asked. Jensen rolled his eyes.

"I—I don't know, something came over me and I blacked out," Misha replied as he sat up in the bed. He felt like the awkward new kid. "I, uh," Misha started before he stopped midsentence by Jared's serious stare seemed to be done with him. A gun was by his side. Misha decided to shut his mouth.

Jensen winked Jared over, where they sat down on the bed opposite him. "It's not making any sense, first, we end up here, like some sort of joke. Then we get a Bobby that thinks we are Sam and Dean. Oh, and don't begin on the cases the Winchesters are getting this season," Jensen said to Jared. Jensen's hands clenched. Jared sighed before he rubbed his backhead.

"I got to call Ruby—"

"Sam still talks with her?!" Jensen almost snapped. His voice raised slightly making Misha flinch.

Jared shrugged. "Apparently he does, I have to keep in touch with her or else she would become suspicious. Ruby tried to kill me, Jensen. I had to act quickly, let me do this, okay?" Jared leaned against the door. Jensen nodded slowly. Misha changed between staring at Jared to Jensen. Something was definitely left unsaid.

Jared went out the door, leaving Jensen and Misha alone in the room. Jensen nervously cleared his throat. Misha's eyes were drawn to Jensen's as magnets. They sat there without moving a limb until Jared walked in again. He pulled up Sam's phone and sent a message before Jared's raised an eyebrow at their positions.

"You got to be kidding me," Jared slipped into his Texan accent for a second. "I know this sucks and everything but is necessary we communicate to survive," Jared slipped his phone into his pocket. He crossed his arms over his shirt. Jensen looked away.

"There isn't any use for an angel if Misha can't use his powers, Jared," Jensen answered.

"Hey," Misha finally snapped, being done with their bullshit squeals as two married midwives. "Castiel is powerful, don't bash the guy for not being here. Maybe he is helping people? Who knows?" His irritation grew in each word he said. Misha refrained from the urge to dancing around with his trousers(that he could do another day). By the way, Jared gave him hints of shut up, Misha wanted to yell out his anger.

He never signed in for this.

Nobody in drama school had told him either people snapped into new universes. However, the dream or whatever it was still bothered him. It seemed too real to be fake. And the young girl held answers Misha wanted to get. Well, getting the lead actors to agree would be harder than becoming president.

"Whatever, I am more worried about how we will explain to you ending up in our room tomorrow. Bobby isn't exactly the most trusting character," Jensen picked up a pillow and laid down. "I can't figure out where the hell Dean has gone. If everyone is referring us to them, that means they should be in our universe. I hope for god's sake Dean doesn't make me lose my job here. That would suck."

"I get where you are coming from, it's hard knowing where you will have a good job in the acting industry," Misha said. He drew the blanket over his body, settling into a comfortable position. Jared pushed forward an old chair ripped at the edges before he sat down. Jared picked a book while he passed the time reading.

"Guys, the next cases are going to be hard. The writers informed me before the new season began that they were planning up against the big stuff for season five. But they weren't sure if we ever were going to make it," Jared said after a while, his eyes still scanning the pages.

"Are you saying that the worst isn't written yet?" Misha asked curiously.

"Yes, the cases can be scary. Is worse knowing, this time, isn't props but the real deal," Jensen muttered and closed his eyes.

Misha changed position while he drifted asleep to Jared's page-turning and Jensen's slow and even breathing.

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