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Jensen Ackles

When Misha became gone in front of him, he glanced at Jared. Jared nodded back at him. Jensen had gotten a good look at the man. He wore a dark blue sweater, black pants, one gun all of this already in Jensen's head. He filtered his mind for any demon that fit that description. However, he found none.

Then he grits his teeth together when his body reminded him of the wound on his right arm, Jensen winced when he moved the flannel further up and over it. "Crap," Jensen said. Then he continued to rip off the rest of the cloth. Jared looked at him worried through his hazel eyes.

"Wait, I will get you some meds for that," Jared took the keys from him without asking. He opened the trunk and glanced over a few times. He closed it before he went to the front. Jared unlocked the door, checked everywhere before he found the white box of meds.

Jared found some alcohol in the backseat, he took a deep breath and stared back at him. In the meantime, the pain burned through his tissues like fire. Jensen did his best to keep his swearing to a minimum. Jared guided him to the backseat of the car, sat him down on the seat, and had now two thin metal pieces ready to take the bullet of his wound.

"Have you ever done this before?" Jensen joked to distract himself. He knew far too well about Jared's mental problems but between them, they were open about everything. That meant Jared barely would register the meaning behind it.

"You know the answer to that," Jared raised an eyebrow as his eyes focused on his wound. He slowly irked one of them into the flesh.

Jensen screamed.

"Oh, shit, I am sorry, Jensen," Jared was quick to apologize. After some hurtful minutes later Jared managed to get the pieces out and grabbed a bandage from the white box as he added pressure to the wound. To put it nicely; it sucked.

Jensen's heart beat rapidly, he struggled to breathe straight by this point. He saw colorful spots appear wherever he looked. Jared put his hand on his chest to relax him. "Hey, I got you," Jared assured him. Jensen's eyes met with Jared. He leaned against the seat. The tiredness swept over him.

Although, the anger to kick the demon's ass was there still. Jensen closed his eyes. "Thank you, Jared," Jensen mumbled. He blinked a few times. "We are not letting Misha be stuck in this mess. I won't forgive myself if we don't."

Jared took his hand on his left shoulder, carefully to check he wasn't hurting him any more than he needed to. "I will do my best, but first, you got to get better. Can't help anyone else when you are hurt," Jared said. He had a fair point, however, Jensen had begun to get addicted to the feeling of being a badass hunter. But the price was big.

He slipped into darkness, the warmth enveloped him.

Jensen stirred on the middle soft bed. He frowned, as he moved his fingers slowly to gain the feeling back into them. His eyes landed on the brown wooden ceiling above his head, Jensen yawned. The sun was on the way down outside, by the looks of it. The rays of yellow light cheerfully illuminated his room. He heard Jared's footsteps before he opened the door.

His face was tight by the ruling emotions inside. Jensen saw the worry in them. "I am fine," Jensen said, his voice hoarser than he anticipated and he coughed. Jared pointed at the small glass filled with water by his side. Jensen drank it up in one sip. He cleared his throat. "So, I guess we got to plan a way to get Misha back," Jensen shrugged.

Then the itch flared up by his right arm, he flinched and grit his teeth together. He remembered far too well who had done that. Jared immediately moved over to him and pressed him to the wall with slight pressure. Jensen rolled his eyes and breathed out his frustration. "Where are we anyway?" He asked.

"At a motel, outside town," Jared was quick to answer. "Staying at the bunker was too risky, so I found this place, and here we are," Jared continued. Jensen's eyes scanned Jared's face for a while. He thought for a bit before he decided what to do next.

"Smart move, Sammy," Jensen used his voice to make Jared laugh. "And did you call Bobby? The guy must be worried sick by now," Jensen said. His fingers played with the bedsheets, there not so much more he could do at this point. Jared withdrew his pressure from him.

"Yeah, I told him we are having a bigger enemy here than we expected and that he should be on the lookout for more demon activity, I didn't tell him is the Yellow-Eyed demon or anything like that or about Mel. He got enough on his plate," Jared stood up from the bed while he walked around in the space. Jared froze in his movements as if realizing something important.

"There are some big pieces on the board we are missing. How else would the demon know exactly where we were and when? Someone must have tracked us since we arrived here," Jared commented. "Plus, Mel told me in a vision, Supernatural was the reason her brother died. And it should be canceled."

"Crowley?" Jensen suggested. "He knew back from when I and Misha went out to eat before we got attacked by a bunch of demons. One realized I wasn't Dean and escaped," Jensen sighed and attempted not to let it go to his head.

Jared shook his head. "This is personal, it's planned," Jared muttered. Jared walked over to the door. "Get some rest, I will see what I can do. And Jensen, no unnecessary chances, alright? We got to save Misha."

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