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Sam Winchester

"You are right," Dean said. His tone was slightly worried. Dean rose from the couch. "We know he is supposed to be where the filming is at. Have you tried calling them?" Dean raised his eyebrow at him. With smooth movements, Dean crossed his arms over his chest. Anger radiated from his older brother.

"Already tried," Sam showed Dean his calling list. The producer team's number first on the contact list. When Sam saw the frown on Dean's face he took the black phone back. "Back at status quo." There had to be something they could do. He knew sending Castiel there was risky but it was no way around it. It bothered him. What if Castiel because of him? Sam swallowed thickly.

"How long has it been since you know, the angel went Missing In Action?" Dean rubbed his backhead. Tiredness swept from Dean's movements. He sighed. The rays of the sun-colored Dean's eyes in a golden color.

Sam pinched his nose. "Four days," he informed his brother. The room went into silence louder than the moon. However, Sam grabbed hold of Dean's clothes tightly. Forced him to look at his face. "We are going to figure this out." No longer was he sure who he tried to convince anymore. Himself or Dean. The line did not exist anymore.

Dean rolled his eyes and swallowed thickly. "Yeah, sure, Sammy," he said. "We have to leave. Permanently," he said determinedly.

Sam opened his arms as he moved uncomfortably on his feet. "Dean, these people need an explanation why we are not staying. A good reason," Sam walked out of the room before Dean could respond. To get into a shop and buy bags also other things were harder than he thought. People kept asking for autographs, screaming, yelling, someone even wanted a selfie. Sam realized he missed the hunting life. This had never been in his mind. Not until now.

When he came back Dean calmed down. "You told them we are leaving?"

"Yeah, I did. What's with all the stuff anyway?" Dean took one of his bags. Short surprise flickered over his face of the weight of it. "We aren't going to camp. I vote no on that one."

"In case we need food or something. I took in a few weapons." They both managed to get out without getting spotted. Sam stole easily a Toyota and gestured for Dean to get inside. Dean huffed before he sat on shot-gun seat.

"Remind me to never let you steal a car again," Dean rolled his eyes. The sarcasm thick in his voice. Dean started pressing the bottoms, Taylor Swift blasted through the speakers. Dean punched the open palm against the window. He swore to himself. After two-five attempts, Dean found a Zepplin he wanted.

Sam drove out of the parking lot. He grinned proudly of himself. "As I would," Sam said. Dean took up the map and checked the highways for the quickest route to Canada. Dean gave him the introductions as he bypassed town after town. The trees and road soon become Sam's only focus. Hours went by. A clock that would end in due time. Sam turned down the music when he heard the slump of Dean's head against the window.

The hum of the car relaxed Sam's tight hold on the wheel.

Getting there would take time. Time Castiel did not have. Sam was on the road until late at night. He parked on an abandoned road. The white lights from the city shone like Christmas lights in the dark blue hue of the sky. Sam glanced over his brother's drool from his mouth. He adjusted the car seat. He crossed his arms over his chest. Cold shivers traveled up his spine. But Sam moved a bit before he settled into the seat.

His rapid pulse in his heart makes it difficult to fall asleep. He had tried everything he knew to get Dean back. Yet there was always a 'no'. Demons were jerks. Sam recalled how he had tortured a crossroad demon to demand more answers. Nothing. Sam's thoughts drifted into asleep. where the nightmares of horror haunted him.


"Rise and shine, Sammy," Dean said and shook him. Heat Of The Moment by Asia became louder as Sam heard Dean turn up the sound. "Come on, we got places to be." Dean touched his shoulders again.

Sam groaned in protest. "Shut up, Dean," Sam mumbled doozy. He pushed Dean away. Just a minute more—

"I am going to put on porn if you don't," Dean said as he heard Dean shamble around with his hands in his pockets. "I got like six hours downloaded into Jensen's phone. I swear this guy doesn't use a good code."

Sam opened one eye. Dean smiled a huge grin in his direction. Already moved to put play then Sam's arm caught his hand. "Don't." Dean froze. His green eyes broadened comically. The dilated pupils made Sam removed his arm as if burned.

Dean opened his mouth to say something but thought better solution. Sam started the car and began driving again. The appeal for a good breakfast was gone. Dean's farts stank like shit though and did not help the situation. "Dean," Sam said.

"Yeah?" Dean had his palm under his chin his gaze directed at nature outside. His eyes had the far-away look in them. Dean blinked before turning in his direction.

Sam took a deep breath and steeled himself. "I am sorry," a pause. "I didn't get you back. I tried."

Dean nodded, his face betrayed nothing to him. "You don't have to, not to me," Dean patted his shoulder. "We are going to kill that bitch that hurt Cas and get going with the program, eh?" Dean raised his eyebrows.

Sam cleared his throat. "Sure," the untold lies at the tip of his tongue. "Just don't die again, promise?"

Dean glanced at him and shrugged. "I can't, you know is my job to take care of my pain in the ass little brother."

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