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He saw Sam's determined steps towards him. However, no sign of anger rather a perked interest. Dean withdrew from him and walked over to his little brother. Castiel followed quietly in his footsteps. Sam gestured for them to walk further away from the set before he started talking. People around them resumed their tasks of cleaning up the set. Laughter, sarcastic, and questions that Castiel had no reason to listen to.

"You said you needed a vessel, isn't that right? And it's a choice the person has to take?" Sam turned to him. His hazel eyes shone with excitement. Dean seemed confused by his side. Sam pointed at him before he continued. "That means you had power when you arrived here."

Castiel nodded. "That's true," he said. Then Castiel's features frowned. He could still not fathom why Sam lied to his brother about his powers himself. Castiel's fingers straightened the tie and Dean gave him a weird look in his direction. He felt uncomfortable in his own skin. Castiel reminded himself his vessel had nothing to do with it.

"When we first met you, you collided into the trailer. It should mean your angel powers are functioning in this world," Sam Winchester concluded. Dean was about to open his mouth as Castiel responded. 

"However, I can't get through the veil to warn my other brothers about the event that has happened to us all," Castiel said indifferently. Dean moved up to him, his eyes close to black how his eyes dilated.

"Cut the bullcrap," Dean hissed. "Why do you know us anyway? The last time I checked God didn't care," he spat into Castiel's face.

He blinked a few times before he wiped away the liquid from his face. A sigh went out of his vessel's body. "God works in mysterious ways, Dean. As the script already stated, you lack faith." Castiel stated. Sam cleared his throat.

"You said someone was in danger, your actor, Misha? If that's the case, it's worse than I suspected," Sam ruffled his hair. Green met hazel. Castiel stared fascinated by the body language that happened in that second.

"Yes, there was a young girl there. I could feel a strong corrupt power in her. Demonic. But none I have ever seen," Castiel informed Sam.

Dean bit his underlip and turned away. "We need a plan," he muttered under his breath. "I don't know if you guys are correct. Since if you are, three innocent people are living and faking our lives," Dean slammed his fist against a nearby trailer wall.

Some humans began to squeal and Castiel frowned in confusion. Sam grabbed his arm so they were out of sight but the flashes of cameras made him uncomfortable. The building they stood behind was painted gray although, it slowly had become dirtier towards the years. No sigls of any kind were protecting it. 

Sam and Dean discussed. While Castiel attempted another try on what Dean called 'angel radio', however, there was no radio in the first place. Only waves that communicated to other waves. That was how it was supposed to work.

The only sounds he heard were the breathing of the earth around him. There were more people out who tried to film them. Unwillingly, Castiel's jaw clenched. This was no safe place in his eyes. For all he knew, the girl planned to kill them.

"Cas," Dean's voice snapped him back to reality, the electricity of earth disappeared before his eyes.

"What is it?" Castiel's hands laid on the sides of his overcoat. Dean pointed to the people on the other side.

"I think they want your autograph," Dean smiled. Castiel had already lost count of Dean's freckles he made an effort to do.

Castiel glanced over to the girls on the other end, he raised his eyebrow. He was a warrior, not a celebrity. "I do not have any reason to do so. I am not the man they are looking for," Castiel stated and Sam started smiling while Dean laughed.

"You are for them," Sam said, his face still lit up by Dean's laughter.

"I am in no way related to Misha Collins," Castiel said.

The hours passed and they went back to what apparently was Sam's—Jared's apartment. He also found out, Jared owned the alpaca and was married to what Dean stated early on as 'fake Ruby'. Castiel did not know who this Ruby was. She commented on something that caught his interest.

Jared and Jensen had been fighting before the event that crashed them here. Later Sam and Dean ate a hamburger and a salad. Castiel sat with his hands folded under the table, his body as usual. Unmoved. He toned out the heavy tension in the room.

Dean's anger flared his soul in red colors as Sam's kept being dark with shades of black. Castiel knew there were signs of demon blood in his blood system. Finally, Dean put the hamburger on his plate. Sam looked at him immediately.

"Did you use the powers, I told you not to practice?" Dean's word hit with precision.

Sam sighed, his eyes narrowed. "I swear, I didn't utilize them," Sam answered. Castiel caught on his lie but concluded to not point it out. This was something the brothers had to work through together. Yet, Dean did not Sam about what he did in hell. How could he? The sight Dean was...Castiel moved slightly on the chair by the thought.

"Really?" Dean shot back. "Since is sure as hell looks like it."

"Huh, what about your time in hell, Dean? Ever plan to share what happened?" Sam's hands clenched into fists. "I couldn't..." Sam stopped and took a breath before he continued. "Watch your dead body." Sam stood up and left the room.

Dean stared for ten minutes into the wall, ignoring Castiel completely. Castiel leaned closer to Dean to catch his attention. "He deserves to know the truth," Castiel said as he chose to appear out in the big garden. He stared. Castiel required little else at the moment.

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