17 1 4

Jared Padalecki

He closed the door to Jensen's room worriedly. Jared rubbed his eyes, he sighed. There were so many issues appearing rapidly. Jared had a hard time trying to keep up with them. To not even begun on the murdered people in cold blood. They were monsters, yes, but that didn't change the human vessels. Jared flipped open Sam's laptop, according to Kripke, the character's father gave it to him as a birthday gift.

He smiled by how he recalled the way Sam felt about it. A part of a father was represented in it, be it the actor or fictional character. He searched up the specific keywords for the demonic biblical story. Jared tapped his finger on the table, as his eyes narrowed on the page he read. 

Jared found a small leather notebook and began to jot down the important notes from the internet to their case. Soon, he filled page after page with words. He flinched when he heard Jensen unlocked the door from his room and walk up to him. He took his knuckle under his cheek as he frowned. 

"There has to be something or someone outside this crap that can help us," Jensen mumbled.

"Chuck," Jared concluded. Jensen nodded in agreement. "He writes the story right? So having us here would probably make changes in his script that he is not writing, Someone must be re-writing Dean's, Sam's, and Cas's story entirely for a greater motive," Jared said. He wrote it to the blank page. Already he had crossed out many others.

Jensen gestured to the kitchen before he made ready coffee. Jared watched how his new white bandage covered his right arm. He would need to help him to learn to shoot more precisely with his left hand. Jensen had changed into Dean's brown leather jacket, blue jeans, and a white shirt.

He came back and sat on the opposite side of him. Jensen seemed to be in deep, though, he kept touching the cup in front of him. The cling as nail down a table. Jared gave Jensen a bitch stare. "Come on," he rolled his eyes. "I am trying to focus here."

Jensen continued as Jared's words held no weight. "When I think about it, Dean got a crappy life. But is his, no way I am taking that away from him," he folded his hands in his lap. Jensen's green apple eyes stared at his hands before he curled them into fists.

Jared patted Jensen on the back as he rubbed his eyes. "Listen, I know is hard for to..." he took a breath. Jensen's eyes showed an emotion of hurt in them. "However, we have done things we shouldn't do. I still haven't figured out the spell Sam and Dean used to send the script to us. Although, finding Misha is first priority right now."

Jared called Chuck from Sam's phone.


Jared cleared his throat, "it's Sam Winchester." Jensen looked up at him, curious. His eye twinkled with amusement.

"Has it happened anything supernatural to your script lately?" He asked Chuck.

He could hear Chuck ruffles his hair before he heard a sigh on his end. "Yes, there have been moments when the text is rewritten without me touching the keyboard. Every time I try to fix it, it won't listen to me."

Jared nodded, "thank you." He cut off the call and thought.

Both froze in their seats when they saw who had appeared in front of them. Jensen's hand flinched to reach his gun but stopped when he realized the hurt of the arm hit him. Jared took a protecting hand and pushed Jensen to the chair again.

Crowley wore his usual pitch-black suit. His bread was normal, however, his gray eyes shone with excitement. Crowley's right hand held an angel blade he stared at. He moved his feet prior to turning to them. "Looks like you lost Feathers 2.0," Crowley hid the blade in his suit. His eyes scanned them both. His eyes especially on Jensen's wound.

"What do you want?" Jensen hissed. His hand still a curled fist. Even if he couldn't use one part of his arm, he was able to use the other. His gaze emerald.

"The same you do, find the lost angel and the Winchesters," Crowley shrugged. "And that girl is destroying my business. Hell is in chaos!" Crowley yelled out the last sentence in anger. His nostrils flared. He sighed. "Yeah, is bad."

Jensen raised up from the chair. It sounds echoed in the room. He grabbed Crowley with his healthy hand and forced Crowley up against the wall. Jensen grit his teeth together. Jared moved quickly; he grabbed the standard handgun Sam preferred to use and stood close by Jensen afterward. Crowley's eyes widened in shock.

He lifted his hand and threw Jensen to the surface on the other end of the room. Jensen whimpered but kept it to a minimum. Jared still held the gun up in Crowley's face. "Stop it," he commanded. "Or else I will shot you."

Crowley raised his eyebrow. "Hm...even the actor acts like Moose, fun," he said. He wiped off the dirt from his suit. "We got the same enemy here, and even if I dislike the Winchester boys. I need them. Not just hell but people on earth too."

"Shut your crap," Jensen snapped from the other side. His eyes narrowed. Jensen's footsteps soon reached Jared's. They exchanged a glance. Jared knew far too well, Crowley had his own agendas and wouldn't mind backstabbing them when the time was ready.

"How can we know you keep your end of the deal?" Jared said. His thought raced to solve the problem. To trust a demon could work but then Jensen was not too keen on it. They both tended to act and believe they were their characters sometimes.

Crowley shrugged, "you don't." He seemed indifferent from their threats.

Jared's hazel eyes narrowed. "Have it your way then," he took on the safety again.

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