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Jared Padalecki

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Jared Padalecki

He woke up having his book all over his face. Jared grunted before he yawned. In front of him, Jensen still slept fondly, Misha as well. He stretched his arms. Jared stood up and roughly awoke Dean—No, Jensen. Sometimes he could forget Jensen was not his character. "Jensen," Jared said urgently. "Your house is on fire." That awoke Jensen.

Jensen's rapid breathing, however, he sighed. "I hoped this was a bad dream," Jensen muttered to himself. Jensen blinked before he went to change into Dean's clothes. His hand automatically going for Dean's leather jacket before he left for the bathroom. Jared went over to awake the newbie actor. Misha groaned in protest as he slowly woke up. He followed Jensen's example once the bathroom was ready.

Jared just went into a random room to change before he walked back. "So, how do we introduce Cas? Misha obviously can't prove he's an angel," Jared crossed his arms over his chest.

Jensen shrugged. "He doesn't trust people easily. The best is that we tell the guy Cas is a friend of Dean and Sam. Let him do the hunting drill," Jensen suggested. Misha's face grew paler and paler. Jared closed the door behind Misha. They exchanged a short look of understanding that didn't escape Jensen's eyes.

"What's the hunting drill?" Misha asked. He moved uncomfortably on his feet. Misha's clear blue eyes flickered between him and Jensen. Misha's fear filled the room. Jared cleared his throat. Misha lifted his features towards his direction.

"Bobby is basically going to check if you are a monster or not. Use blades, holy water, and other items to identify you. Misha, there is nothing to worry about. You aren't any of those things. It will go okay," Jared informed Misha. Misha let out a relieved breath. Jared couldn't blame him; a hunting drill sounded harsher than it actually was.

"But what if angels start to appear?" Jensen rubbed his back head. "We can't just come and say 'Hey, there are angels that are out to kill us.' That's stupid," Jensen stood beside the door ready to open it. Jared thought for a few minutes. Jensen held a fair point. He had to inform what he knew what would happen next. He had information up to the third episode and from there, they were on their own.

"The angels should come around, this time, Jensen," Jared said. Both Jensen and Misha looked shocked at him. "And we have to make Bobby think it's his conclusion that leads to Dean believing an angel saved him."

"But Dean doesn't think angels even exist or care about him," Jensen stated. A flash of pure surprise passed his eyes. Jensen flicked his fingers when he realized what he was hinting at. "Oh! I should make Dean don't give a crap about it. Then it's a case, right?"

"Yeah," Jared nodded. Misha glanced between the two of them. Totally confused. Jared mentally facepalmed. Misha had yet to learn the code of a classic Supernatural episode. It would end up harshly on him, he was supposed to run away from angels.

"Do you guys read each other thoughts or something?" Misha said in awe.

"No, I have known Jensen for years. We see each other all the time," Jared said before he walked out the door that had opened for them. He prepped himself to get into Sam's head at a moment's notice. Misha followed.

They moved quietly down the stairs. Jared noticed Bobby by his desk studying the angel lore like he expected him to be doing. "Bobby, mornin'," Jared switched over to his Sam's voice. Bobby was about to answer him when his eyes landed on Misha. He opened and closed his mouth a few times.

"Who the fuck is that?" Bobby stood up. His body tense.

Jensen laid a protective arm in front of Misha. Misha stumbled steps backward. Jensen put on his serious face, Jared knew Jensen was able to handle the situation just fine. But Misha, a whole another story. Misha shivered. His hands shook.

"It's a friend," Jensen as well went a tuned lower to match Dean's. "He needed help on a case." Jensen hadn't moved from his spot, though, Jared saw Jensen's palm closing into Dean's handgun he always kept with him.

"Your friend is not a hunter, quit lying boy!" Bobby smacked his fist against the table.

Jensen smiled nervously. Jared decided to come to the end of the conversation as quickly as possible. "We just met him. He needed help," Jared said. That part was at least, not a lie. "His name is Castiel. Did you find any leads who pulled Dean out of hell?"

Bobby's light blue eyes narrowed before he sighed. "Yes, no demon is strong enough to do so, the only creature stated is angels but we have never seen one," Bobby crossed his arms over his chest.

You are about to be surprised Jared thought to himself. "Why would they take out Dean in the first place?" Jared asked. He already knew the answer but wanted to get Bobby on right track.

Jensen's features turned hard. "I don't understand. Why should God care about me? I chose to do what the hell I want. He doesn't exist." He lowered his hands. Yet his green eyes showed a true confusion in them. His mind tuned into Sam just as he knew Jensen got into Dean's. They have done this for years. This was their home run.

"I, uh, think because he got plans for you?" Misha asked in Cas's voice. "God doesn't save people at random," he informed Bobby. "There is a reason for it. Bigger Godly things and stuff."

Jensen gulped but his underlying anger was still present. "If you say God works in mysterious ways I am going to kick your ass," Jensen's green eyes narrowed. Castiel — Misha rolled his eyes. He lifted his hands in defense.

"What you are saying is that your friend Castiel had a case. Dean got saved by an angel even if I have never witnessed one?" Bobby asked confused. He glanced between Jensen and Misha sometimes. Jared nodded.

"Yes, whatever is out there is dangerous. The case is complicated," Jared began. "An angel has said need Dean for something. They never told me what," he lied. Of course, he had taken this from the script since Cas wasn't here Jared would have to improvise the storyline into right track no matter how hard it might be. "The angel never told me his name. But Dean is the key."

"What?!" Jensen snapped. Jared flinched. Misha's body almost slammed into the wall. Bobby looked worried towards Jensen.

"I don't get it. Why would God care now?"Jensen said rapidly. He sighed at what he was about to do. Jared gave Jensen pleading eyes, that got his attention.

"I am sorry, Dean but I have to go. People out there rely on my help. I have important things to get done," Jared moved towards the door, not giving a glance to Misha. He turned once to see Jensen be completely confused. He found the impala while he began his drive to where he was supposed to meet Ruby.

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