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Jared Padalecki

The drive to New Orleans took longer than he anticipated. A few weeks earlier Jared never dreamed of him ending up in Supernatural. Here he was. Jared arrived days later at the motel. Nothing fancy. Its neon sign flickered Remson For Treaters Motel. The windows lit into an open reception and a young kid behind the desk. Her blonde hair was tied into a knot. With a pink pen, she draws on a paper. Jensen crossed his arms over his chest. A groan came from Jensen.

Jared resisted the urge to roll his eyes. He shoved Jensen lightly. "Buddy, time to wake up," Jared pushed again. Harsher.

"Five minutes more," Jensen groaned again and made himself comfortable against the door.

Jared pushed his hands through his hair. "Our world depends on us, Jen, get your ass out the door before I call the cops so you never get the car." A satisfied grin spread on his face when Jensen clumsily grabbed the door handle and sat straight up. Jensen blinked prior to turning to Jared.

"That is such a douche move, Jared," Jensen grunted. He yawned for a long while.

Jensen got their stuff or as Jensen liked to call it 'Dean's survival bag for newbies'. Jared opened the door. The dust made Jared cough into his palm. His sight blurred for a few seconds. The girl he saw earlier winked at him. Jared put his hand on Jensen's shoulder while he cleared his throat. "Uhm, two queens," Jared put a few dollars up from his back pocket. The girl opened her mouth to protest. "Keep the change." Jared gestured for Jensen to head over to the room the kid had taken on the desk. "Thank you."

Jensen raised his eyebrow at him. Then he suddenly tightened his grip on his shoulder. Jared grits his teeth together until they hurt. He knew exactly what went through Jensen's head. Queerbaiting as Destiel shippers called it. The people that saw Castiel and Dean. As a couple. Yeah. It wasn't huge in the fandom yet. Another ship had that title. Jensen smiled. "It's okay, my man is little, shy, hm?" With that, they left the room.

Jared slapped Jensen's backhead the moment they were behind closed doors. "Really?" His voice raised an octave. "We don't need to mess up our characters' lives more than it already is." Jensen kept silent and avoided his glance.

"I was doing what Dean would have done," Jensen put the bag on the ground. Jensen crossed his arms over his chest. "You know what?" Jensen's green eyes narrowed. His nostrils flared. "Don't answer that." Instead, he opened up the bag and put up a row of guns to clean up. Which he began to do seconds later.

Jared grabbed the laptop and moved away from Jensen. He restarted the personal computer before he began his research. Pretended. Jensen focused intensely on the gun he was cleaning. Jared took some of Sam's experience to hack the databases to police unsolved cases. He had learned how to gain access to Sam's mentally from the other universe. Technically his own, when he was picky about it.

A few new sites popped up on his screen. Silently he moved back to the bag and picked up John's journal. He browsed through until Jared found what he was looking for. His finger hovered over the word possession. A chill rolled down his spine. His heart thumped as loud like a horse's running. The pieces began to fall together. The locations. Everything. Jared's eyes avoided stopping at Jensen. His best friend would loathe what he had in mind. But there was no other option.

"Jensen," he said. Jensen continued to wipe the gun with the cloth. His movements rash, unforgiving and pissed. Ignoring Jared concluded. "Jensen," Jared said with more force behind his name. Jensen finally glanced up at him and stopped. The sounds ceased in the room.

"What?" Jensen's hands twitched. A false smile on his face. The sarcasm dripped from his words.

Jared blinked. Jensen embraced Dean so well, he did it without thinking sometimes. Just as now. "I got to head out and buy some groceries, anything you need?" Internally he thought up a list for the trap he was going to make. Red spray paint. Record the demon exorcism on a loop. Salt. Gun with salt bullets.

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