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Sam Winchester

His footsteps were heavy against the pavement, his breath easy in his lungs. Sam trained since a kid to handle those kinds of situations. Dean created a diversion while he began to move around to find any exits. He heard the gunshots from Dean's direction, it urged him to work quicker than ever. After about seven minutes, he found a locked door. Sam used improvised thin sticks to upon the door up in less than ten seconds.

Dad's training was handy sometimes. Like now.

The gunshots continued to echo down the corridor. He flipped open the phone and sent Dean a message through Jared's phone. Sam sighed and pushed the door, it revealed a staircase. He took the chance and ran up. He sat stairs that could make him reach down on the other side to take them all safely out.

By the sounds of it, Dean handled it just fine. Sam sent messages to keep him updated on where he went to move them to the best and most effective exit available. When Cas had no powers, they would have to work as a unit. Sometimes, that saved Sam's ass when he least expected it.

Dean's and Cas's footsteps were quick to follow him, he explained the route under short breath. Since Cas wasn't an angel anymore, the wards in the building wouldn't work against them. However, they had to work hard to get anywhere. "They have surrounded the place with werewolves in the east area," Sam pointed before he moved the finger in the opposite direction, "over there are vampires and in the middle is regular demons."

"Crap," Dean facepalmed. "I got two rounds left, you can use the last shots to divide their attention while Cas get out. I will cover you," Dean said.

"No," Sam shook his head. "We can sneak out, that's the safest bet," he concluded. Cas nodded in agreement to him. Sam tightened his grip on the gun. His steps became quiet in the night outside. Dean copied his movements.

Cas was the quietest of the three of them. Sam used only his gun or his hands to cut out cameras from their way as Dean drew demon traps everywhere the demons could enter and refrain them from escaping.

When the monsters finally realized what they had done it was too late; the demon traps, worked as expected. The vampires got fried by sunlight from Cas's idea of using the windows to reflect the light tenfold. And Dean used the knife he stole from the demons to stab the werewolves.

It ended bloody, but at least they reached a stolen car Sam had preyed upon easily before all three of them got inside. "Where are we going?" Cas asked, disturbed by the silent thinking that went through his head.

"Back at the comic con," Dean answered and took the car out in a rapid movement before they were back on the road again. "Hell, the wants are already starting noisy on Jensen's official pages, they worry about Misha too. This means," Dean turned to Cas for a second as he ended his sentence, "you got to be there."

Before Cas could ask more about it, Sam cleared his throat. "Yeah, they will ask about stuff that happened during the last convention. You must lie, this is important."

Cas's eyes narrowed in fury. "Lying to honest humans? That's not how it should be done. They should be informed about the problem and they can help us," Cas said. His back was stiffer than before. Sam pinched his nose and tried to focus on solving the problem.

The bickering made his headache.

"They believe we are the actors. And if we come forward as the actual 'characters' everyone will think they are crazy," Sam reasoned to Cas. "We are real, sure but that doesn't mean we actually exist in this universe but our own." Dean gave him a glance of hurt but that was quickly covered underneath his mask of indifference.

"It's lying," Cas said in his defense, his lips pressed into a thin line.

Sam sighed. He moved his finger to his drenched cloth of monster blood he must wash up later. It stuck to his skin and his skin itch. "Because it's not just our asses on the line, Cas. It's Misha's, Jared's, and Jensen's too. If we don't care about their jobs, they will lose everything they wished for."

Dean nodded but he grabbed harder around the wheel. "I know is bullcrap coming from us, hell, I don't like it either. But these people mean something to so many. What we can do for them is at least save their jobs. And figure out how to get back, pronto," Dean tapped the wheel.

What Sam guessed was a seven-hour drive, they arrived at a motel, still a long way to go before they would be back at their destination. Dean had gone into the bathroom to shower, Cas blinked lazily with his eyes. He seemed confused by the body's gesture. "You are tired," Sam stated as a fact.

Cas frowned in confusion. "The human body requires sleep when an angel doesn't. However, it does make no sense," he frowned before he leaned on the bed he sat on. Sam laughed, he couldn't help it. Sleep was something even Dean needed but the big brother took the family businesses above everything but not him.

"Take a nap or something," Sam shrugged before he took on the television. Porn sounds exploded from the speakers and Sam flushed. Cas only raised his eyebrow. He turned it to the lowest volume and changed to Animal Planet. He relaxed to the soothing voice of the commentator.

Quickly Cas slept on the bed a bit away from him. Dean entered, fresh as ever. His apple-green eyes found Cas sleeping and he grinned. "Nothing beats a good night sleep," Dean crawled under the cover and turned off the light.

Sam listened to the slow breathing of his brother and new friend, Castiel.

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