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Jensen Ackles

He saw Crowley turn toward Misha. "Actually, I do," Crowley said before he glanced back at them. "Demons are valuable sources, in my pocket when you know where to place them," Crowley glared at him as he pointed in Jensen's direction. "And you are not Squirrel."

Jensen rolled his eyes. "I am Dean fucking Winchester, take it or leave it," Jensen said in a tone lower than usual, Misha's eyebrows raised in surprise. The new guy had yet to know how sunken his voice was capable of.

"Fine," Crowley snapped. "What is it in it for me? It got to be something," Crowley said.

Misha and Jared took forward rare items they hunted before, they gave it over to Crowley. Crowley inspected them with a keen eye. "Well, that's good enough for now. The person you described? Has been whispered about in many places around America. She was last seen by a shapeshifter down in Lawrence, Kansas," Crowley informed them.

"Good to know," Misha said. "Any, uh, dangers on the way, or is it completely safe?" Misha asked, his eyes flickered and he avoided Crowley's gaze. He seemed shaken by the encounter and Jared pat him on the back. They exchanged a short glance between one another.

"It's safe," Crowley said irritated. "Now, I got a hell to start," when the last words escaped his mouth he disappeared from thin air. Misha flinched a bit and Jared turned to him. His eyes said everything his lips weren't stating.

He needs space.

Jensen nodded. They walked back to the car again, he got himself seated on the driver seat. Jared by his side and Misha behind. They ignored Misha for most of the trip, knowing how scary Crowley's meetings could be by his prior doings in acting with Mark Sheppard.

Some days later they came into the city Dean and Sam knew very well. They tracked down the shapeshifter after some struggle. He wore the body of his victim, a nerdy guy with too-big glasses, freckles. The shapeshifter called himself Joakim Smith. He sat bound in a chair in a bunker Misha had found.

Jensen was in this moment inside a chilly dungeon. His boots slammed harshly against the floor. He was already tuning into how Dean would handle it. Jensen heard clearly how Dean did things torture for information, if that doesn't work, threaten the monster about how you are going to kill everyone he ever cared about.

Jensen flipped the silver blade in his hand. "I don't want to hurt you but unless you are giving me the information I look for I will have no other choice," Jensen walked and took his time to walk around Joakim.

Joakim glared in fury back at him. "Really, Winchester? That's the best you got?" The shifter nagged him, clearly, to piss us off Jensen heard Dean comment in his place like he sometimes did. It was the Dean, Jensen was used to hearing.

"Well? One chance, that's all I give you," Jensen said coldly. His eyes narrowed. "You see, I am not your normal person here. Either you do what I say or take the consequences."

The shapeshifter spat at his face, Jensen wiped disgusted the liquid from his face. Without prior notice to the other, he hit the bone of the shapeshifter. The scream filled the room. It ached in Jensen's chest. He wasn't really like this. Dean could be but not him. Jensen grits his teeth together and took the blade back.

The shifter whimpered in pain. Blood poured on the surface below, the shapeshifter's chest heaved for air, Joakim's emerald eyes met his own. He grinned now. "I didn't believe you had it in you."

Jensen tightened his grip on his silver blade. "Where is she?" He muttered, his grip on the blade ready to stab again if he ever needed to do so again. Dean approved but Jensen was more focused on the mouth of the monster. "Tell me."

"She is a savior," the shifter started. "She is here to save us all from you," the shapeshifter smirked and Jensen punched hard into the shifter's face.

The crimson-colored water began to slip from the shifter's wound, his mouth bloody. Parts of his face filled with marks because Jensen continued to hit until the shifter gestured for him to stop. He leaned slightly back and look down.

"Mel wants back what once was hers. She told me to wait for her in a secret location. She left a code for us to solve. Which you will never get," Joakim smirked again, an anger and uncontrollable urge went through his bones. Without a thought, Jensen sliced the throat of the monster.

It took him a few minutes to realize what he had done. Jensen slumped to the ground, tears going freely. He heard the door going open, the familiar steps of Jared before he slid beside him on the floor. "You did what you had to do," Jared said.

Jensen's gaze was blurry from shed tears. "Really? Since that kid never deserved to die, Jared. He was..." He cleared his throat. "An innocent, just like you and me," Jensen stared at the wall. Jared rested his face on his shoulder.

"Listen, Jen, is going to be okay," Jared said.

Jared helped him up and they walked into the main room. Where Misha and Jared had made a map from where the cases were leading them. Jensen stared at it; photos of roadways, articles about cases, key people, lore, mythology, and everything the brothers would think of using.

He smiled, "good job guys. Now we know what to do next. Misha, if you have any problems, don't be afraid to tell me or Jared. Okay? We don't want to lose anybody," Jensen sat in front of Misha as he said so.

"I understand," Misha nodded. "It's a rough life, right?" Misha said and Jensen threw his head back and laughed.

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