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Dean Winchester

Dean found Sam researching through the websites again, mostly about monsters they encountered before. Sam sighed and closed the computer in front of him. He pushed it away. Sam looked up at him.

"Cas is worried," Dean began. "In his angel radio by his reaction to speak is off the charts. Is not just us here anymore. That means monsters are out there probably. A question about time before they get suspicious. However, Cas's powers work, right?" Dean said.

"Yeah, it does," Sam said. "Which means the monsters would be able to do as well. I think Cas is willing to act on it. But we have to be here too for the midseason wrap up soon. Before we got a break, we can use it to our advantage later," Sam tapped his hand against the desk.

A knock was heard, Dean talked to the young lady that directed him to an interview. His heart smashed rapidly in his chest, his palms became sweaty, Dean took a deep breath to calm his nerves. He sat in front of a man that introduced himself as Mark-something.

"Jensen, you gave a strong performance in your last scene. How did it feel to make such a powerful scene into life?" Mark-something asked. His face filled with curiosity.

Dean unwillingly recalled the thunder around him, how his flesh was chained, all by himself. The pain from his wounds still fresh in his mind. The screams that never ended. Dean's hands clenched. He grinned, however, it didn't reach his eyes. A dark glint them. "It was very real to me," Dean said.

Mark-something nodded. His mouth moved to ask his next question. "What would you say is in store for Dean this year?"

Dean frowned, that was certainly an interesting question he hadn't thought about before about his own life. "The writers have plans for him, I guess," Dean shrugged when he did this the interviewer douche frowned at him. He continued as if he hasn't seen it. "Sam? He is central."

The interviewer seemed to fidget by his last words but by then Dean knew he couldn't take his words back. He meant every single one. Mr interviewer laughed nervously to lighten the now tense air between them. "It's serious acting right there, Jensen," Mark-something said.

"Oh yeah, it is," Dean responded and he put on heavy sarcasm. He leaned back in the comfortable chair, a smile played upon his lips.

"Is there anything you can share?" Mark asked, Dean first now discovered how dark brown eyes the man had. His hair pitch black and blue jeans.

"Dean's life is hell, but who's isn't? They are at a difficult point in their story as far I know in the script, makes last season easier to understand," Dean lied. His smile was gone from his face. The man became rigid in his chair.

"Thank you, that's it," Mark smiled and shook his hand.

They said their goodbyes before they departed from the building, Dean immediately went back to the trailer, he opened Jensen's Twitter and was shocked when he read through the replies. Fans were already discussing how Jensen's answers were different than how he normally answered. Dean's green eyes widened in fear. Some defended by commenting that he might have acted him too long. Others hit back by saying he was sick or something (Jensen in this case, Dean had heard enough victims believing he was crazy).

When he arrives back, Sam and Cas yelled at one another. Dean blinked a few times before the meaning of their words reached his brain.

"There are angels out there who needs my help!" Cas said in a demanding voice. The kind that reminded Dean of his own father. He swallowed prior to walking further in.

"We need you here, believe it or not," Sam said, his jaw clenched his eyes narrowed. His breath quick, Dean acted without thinking and put his hand on Sam's shoulder.

"Sammy," he said simply, the effect was sudden, Sam relaxed under his fingers. "What's happening?"

Castiel turned towards him, his body showed power even Dean feared. Not that he was ever going to admit that. It was a lesson John stuck in his head early in his life. He wasn't about to break it now. When his little brother needed him the most. "It must have escaped your notice. My brothers and sisters are facing a powerful enemy. I got to help them. According to their sources, a human is collecting a strong enemy toward us. And everyone we know."

"Fine," Dean said. "On one condition, you get back here as you quick you van once you are done. We can't risk the fans hunting our asses."

Sam crossed his arms, obviously wasn't happy about it. Before Sam could say his protest Cas had zapped out of the room. The silence returned once again between the pair. "If you have anything to say, say it," Dean said as he heads towards the kitchen, he wanted a snack. His eyes were about to drop out of his face.

"You know it's not a good plan to let an angel loose in America, right? For all that can happen, the fans will reveal we aren't the people they look up to," Sam said.

"Whatever," Dean mumbled, he eats happily on a pie he found. The taste a welcome feeling after the failure he was sure Sam would find one day or another.

Sam rolled his eyes and pulled open the computer. "We can find a way to find out what happened in the time frame Cas got the signals to narrow down the places the enemy is the most powerful. With that, we can begin to track an exit into our own world. However, it might not be able to take us both," Sam said.

Dean nodded. "Right, just getting us here just hasn't been easy either," Dean commented. His thought back when he come here first. His arrival was different than Sam's and Cas's. Weird.

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