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Sam Winchester

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Sam Winchester

When he realized that his brother was really there, a relief so strong went through his body. The tension of an unsuccessful attempt of bringing his brother let his mouth bitter with guilt. "Starting on who gets you out from hell, right?" He lifted one eyebrow before he glanced around. A team held a sign that had Supernatural season 4 Episode 1: Lazarus Rising written on it in bold letters. He sighed. "I think I know where we are," he rubbed the back of his head.

"What?" Dean asked surprised, he blinked a few times. "Oh, that," he lifted his finger in the air before he pointed at the sign Sam already had read. "I am...whoa, I don't get it, we are on a set?" Dean's voice heightened in volume for each word.

"Not any set, Supernatural, to be precise," Sam nodded towards the working people. He did his best to hold the frustration out of his body language. "We need to get out of here." Dean gave him a glance in agreement. Soundlessly he turned to leave the building, somehow he found the way out.

A few white trailers stood some meters away, pairs of impala's stood on the far end. The silence left him feeling exposed. Sam hurried over to the trailers before his big brother could see the impala's on the other side. He entered the trailer named J. Padalecki. It was like a small house in a car. His eyes landed on a sofa on the other end and he slumped down on it. Tiredness slipping into every bone of his body, he struggled to be awake.

"I think a powerful demon brought me up from hell, it won't make any sense otherwise," Dean sat down beside him. He gave him a pointed look. Sam waited for Dean to complete his theory since he knew he had more on his chest. "I mean, getting out of hell isn't easy. It's made so nobody gets out, you know," Dean continued.

"But what can it be? The people here are aware we are actors. Something we are not, we are hunters," Sam wondered. "And by their last names, I bet they aren't brothers like we are," he noticed a bang of hurt pass through Dean's green eyes. Dean opened and closed his mouth a few tries yet he answered later.

"We are not brothers here?" Dean's eyes flickered around the room. His eyes never rested in one place. "Fate has pulled a damn joke," he muttered a few seconds later. Sam resisted the urge to wanting to squeeze Dean's shoulder to reassure him, he was still Sam.

"No, Padalecki and Ackles, are definitely not family," Sam's eyes landed on the clean kitchen ahead of them. His stomach rumbled and Dean smiled. He stood up to see if he found any food in the cabinets. "Well, this guy is ..." Sam turned to show the access of food.

"You kidding?" Dean said excitedly as he raised from the sofa. "This is delicious, maybe Jared isn't that bad, hm?" Dean took out the cereals as he beamed towards him. Sam opened the fridge and took out water for both of them.

"I prefer healthy, your food can be used in a Darwin experiment," Sam shrugged. Dean rolled his eyes. He put out milk at the table as he stretched his back before he started eating.

"It's food," Dean said insisting between bites. He continued to consume the food with loud slurps in the small space they were sitting in. Sam held back the insult in the back of his mouth when he heard a loud thud hit the trailer. Dean immediately stopped eating, his hand over where Sam concluded where Dean's usual handgun was. Without making a sound, he gestured Dean to follow the mysterious sounds that came from above.

He walked over to the door and slowly opened it. The cold air hit him and he lectured himself this was nothing compared to what he saw. He took each carefully, Dean following him effectively behind. Sam showed his hand and Dean stopped moving when he was straight behind him. "There is someone here," Sam whispered so only Dean could hear.

"Sure, God finally moved his sorry ass," Dean sarcastically answered. The wind became stronger around them, Sam covered parts of his face with one of his hands. He struggled to get enough air to his lungs.

Just as quickly as the wind had come it disappeared. Sam lowered his palms before his eyes focused on the person ahead of him. The black ruffled hair was the first thing he noticed, the second the trenchcoat and a black suit. Finally, his eyes lifted to meet the person's sky blue eyes, of a summer breeze, a faint memory almost gets to the front of his mind. Sam blinked a few times. As he progressed this, he heard his brother's angry voice. Shattering the peace in mind for the second time this night, he controlled himself.

"Who the fuck are you?" Dean hissed. The being, human, whatever it was titled his head before his eyes narrowed and acknowledged him. His jaw clenched, his hunter instincts this wasn't a normal monster they were dealing with.

"I am an angel of the lord," the angel answered his brother. Sam frowned. Do angels exist? I have just seen demons Sam thought to himself, he glanced over at his brother. Respect almost won over his gut feeling but he decided to stand in front of Dean anyway. I won't risk losing my brother again.

"What's your name?" Sam asked curiously. Dean shoved his shoulder as he gestured to him he had no weapon. Yet again, he exchanged a knowing glance with his brother.

"Castiel," Castiel informed him simply. Dean's eyes burned in a wave of dangerous anger, his nostrils flaring. Castiel took a step forward and Sam put a hand to hold Dean back. He felt his brother's strong chest behind his palm. A nudge was all it would take to make Dean charge forward.

"So, Cas, care to explain what the hell is going on?" Dean still pressured Sam to let him pass through(most likely to kill the shapeshifter-human) he guessed.

Castiel's walked closer to him and his brother, Sam's hazel eyes narrowed slightly at the creature's every move. He hoped to find out a weakness he could use to his advantage. "This isn't supposed to happen, according to the prophet this was never written. Dean, this is an alternative universe of our own," Castiel's eyes held full intensity towards Dean.

"I never told you my name," Dean glanced at him, he let down his arm and Dean stood closer to the creature.

"You are the righteous man and your brother, a sin," Castiel said indifferently. Sam felt hurt for a short moment before he looked away. Dean stared questioning at him. "There has to be a reason why God has done this, he works in mysterious ways," Castiel continued.

"Shut up! This is insane, man, why should an 'angel' be here? In my whole life, I never fought or saw one," Dean's breath came heavily out of his mouth. Sam took his hand on Dean's shoulder, warning him of going any further.

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