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Jared Padalecki

"Mind using your Cas mojo to heal my right arm?" Jensen asked after they had gone to clean themselves up from the power surge Misha now controlled. Right now, Jared followed behind Jensen's back, Misha walked by his side.

Misha and Jared exchanged a worried glance between each other. For one, Jared was pretty sure Misha didn't know how to use the mojo yet. Misha's eyes became two huge blue plates, his mouth agape. He rolled his eyes and strengthened more up, not that Misha had much height on him. "I don't know how to use it yet, Jensen," Misha said.

Jared cleared his throat and gained the attention of his best friend and friend. "Guys, the characters actually went through with it," he turned to Misha with excitement. "That means, they believe the true threat is where we are," he continued. A plan began to take form in his head.

"Really?" Misha did nothing to hide his sarcasm in his voice. "Since last time I checked the characters couldn't communicate to us," he rubbed his head. Jared kept in from showing Misha the paper they got from the Winchester brothers a few days prior.

Jensen laughed. Jared gave him a what-the-hell-man glance and Jensen stopped up, Jared noticed they stopped in an open gate where cars bypassed them quickly. Already some people glanced at them with worry in their eyes. Some mumbled they were crazy or just drunk. Oh, right. The topic Jared wanted to discuss was nowhere near 'sane' after all.

Misha got them into a more closed up street where there merely people that had no houses to live in were. The thoughts Jared pushed down for weeks were beginning to take a toll on him, Jensen's familiar strong palm touched his shoulder. As in way to say I am here with you. However, his thoughts took a darker turn even then.

He shot people in with Sam's gun. Before and still. The demons held innocent people as vessels and he wished he could help to kill the demon without the person in it. Jensen's firmer grip forced him back to the present. "You all right?" Jensen asked.

"I am fine," he lied. Jensen didn't buy it but decided not to push him anymore. In those moments, it was jarring how similar Dean and Jensen could be. Though, Jensen tried to avoid sounding like the guy. 

Misha moved on his feet as he stared into his palms. He opened and closed them a few times before he took a deep breath. Blue light lit up the small street from Misha's eyes, Jared flinched in surprise. Misha touched Jensen's wounded right shoulder. Jensen winced under the contact and grit his teeth together.

Jared blinked until the light dimmed down. Jensen stretched his arms, a surprising glint in his eyes. "Woah, Cas's mojo really works, awesome!" He grinned from ear to ear.

"Yup, he is an angel," Misha wiggled his eyebrows. Misha faced Jared now, his brows furrowed. "So, what do we do now, master detective?" He asked, curiousness in his tone. Jensen turned his attention to him as well.

"We plan an attack," Jared said more confident than he felt. Jensen's green eyes narrowed at him. "This is obviously what they want. Sam, Dean, and Cas are taking enough risk to pull Cas's grace over to us unless they wanted us to use it," Jared noted Jensen nodded slowly.

"I barely know how to use Cas's grace," Misha counter-argument.

Jared rolled his eyes, "you just healed Jensen's arm."

"That's different," Misha's hands clenched by his side, his body rigid. Jared took up his palms to signal the universal give-up sign. Misha smiled when he saw it. Jared restrained to roll his eyes again and make Misha's hell.

Jensen would happily help him prank the friend.

"I think we should use Cas's powers to figure out where Mel is, hopefully without killing any of us. And I and Jensen figure out a way to get back. Maybe she is the key to ending this," Jared said. Jensen patted his back, a proud smile on his face Jared couldn't help but mirror back.

"That still requires me in using the mojo in a specific way I don't know yet. And all the demons that are after our asses right now, what about them?" Misha glanced between them, his eyes now in their normal blue color.

"Don't worry, Mish," Jensen answered, a cocky grin replaced on his face. "I and Jared will have no problem'em killing them. If that's what takes to get us back, I won't mind. Dean's world is freaking me out after all," he said.

Sam's phone vibrated in his pocket, Jensen raised his eyebrow as Misha froze on his spot. Jared quickly saw who the caller ID was. "It's Bobby," he lifted his gaze to the people, Jensen, and Misha in this case.

"Answer it," Jensen suggested.

Jared nodded and started the call, he cleared his throat before he settled back into Sam's mindset in about a second. "It's Sam," he said casually as if he hadn't broken Misha out of heaven hours before.

"Where have you boys been?!" Bobby's voice raised in volume for each word he said. By Jensen's and Misha's shocked expressions he knew they heard some parts of it too.

Jared thought up an excuse quickly than he expected. "We have been hunting the Yellow-Eyed demon, Bobby," he reassured Bobby from his side of the phone.

"Is that so?" Jared heard Bobby ruffled through some papers before he answered him, "because you haven't called in once about it. This is not how we do things," Bobby continued.

Sorry sir Jared could practically hear Sam in his mind saying those words but he kept them back; this wasn't John he was dealing with but Bobby. "Sorry, Dean got problems with the impala—"

"Dean is just fine," Bobby cut him off. "And you, Sam? Anything I should know about the fellow of yours?"

Jared gulped, "no," he said.

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