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Jared Padalecki

Branches as far Jared's eyes could see. Not a soul in sight. Rays of sunlight hit the ground under his feet. The cold air fresh in his lungs. Misha and Jensen stood quietly behind him. The shock of meeting their characters is still plastered on their faces. Jared brushed his palms together and sighed. First things first; how the hell would they get out of here? It's basically nowhere land. "Guys," Jared said.

Jensen nodded and walked up to him. "Do you know where we are? I am sure Sammy shared some memories with you like Dean did when I drove to Bobby's house." He puts his hands into his pockets and rolls on the tip of his feet. The breath Jensen did became white in the freezing temperatures. Already Jared noticed Jensen pulled up his walls. His eyes distant, his shoulders raised, tense, his mouth pressed into a thin line.

Jared shook his head. "No, he didn't, but I can get us out of here anyway," Jared pointed at his watch. He made it in the right direction with the shadows. He gestured to Misha to come over too. His palms were red with cold. Jared explained where he planned to take them. He got two nods and began to show the way.


Three and a half-hour later

His feet were sore. For every step, agony spread to his backbones. Sweat dripped down to his brown t-shirt. The white plaid did little for the weather. In the distance, a roadway came into sight. Jared smiled tiredly. Cars passed by every ten minutes or so Jared calculated. Being famous had its perks and this was definitely one of them.

After a while, his boots finally hit the pavement. Misha leaned on Jensen as Jensen easily helped him up to where Jared stood. Misha glanced over at him, "Pad, thank you."

Jared moved his head to Misha. "You are welcome, we couldn't have done this without you, though. I appreciate everything you have done for me and Jensen. We wouldn't be here without your," Jared stopped. A flash of deep sorrow appeared in Misha's blue eyes. Instead, they had a mutual silence of understanding.

Jensen managed to get an old truck to stop. Jensen moved into the shotgun seat, while he and Misha moved to the back. The old man stared at them from the rear window. His grey-blue eyes were intense. "Aren't ya the fellows from Supernatural?"

"Yeah," Misha responded and leaned on his feet. "I am Misha Collins and those guys are Jensen Ackles and that's Jared Padalecki."

Jared stretched his arms and yawned. "Dude, don't reveal your role to the man if he hasn't caught up yet."

The man laughed. "So where are you heading? Home to good ol' America or back to set?"

"Back to set," Jensen said firmly. "They had some issues we will fix for them."

"Aren't you three supposed to be at," the man thought for a moment. "Comic cons?"

"Yes," Misha shrugged. "But we got lost on the way and here we are," Misha rubbed his backhead as he avoided the man's glance. His lips pressed tight. Jensen glanced back at Misha, worry covered his features. Then Jensen moved his gaze forward again without saying a word.

Jared cleared his throat and told the driver the directions to head back to Vancouver where he lied the people would be waiting for them once they got the call Jared said he would do. After some hours in silence. Jensen decided to start talking to the driver to cover up the tense silence everywhere.

When the sign showed up that they were back in Vancouver, Jared let out a breath in relief. All the muscles that were tight since leaving Supernatural, finally, calm. A smile crossed his lips. Back home. That was all he had wanted. And he had it. Because of team free will as Jensen had coined it.

They thanked the driver once he had parked and Misha invited him for a few drinks to a later date. Jensen raised his eyebrow at that and he started laughing. People gave them odd glances but Jared didn't give a damn.

On the other side of the road were the trailers, the white colors in stark contrast to the dark green woods, and the proud trees around. Loud voices broke the peace. Most wore shirts with leather jackets, others had caps on their heads while some held a warm coffee in their hands. The white air came up from the coffee when it hit the colder air. Suddenly someone exclaimed in the group, "Jensen."

Jared immediately recognized the owner of the voice, it was Arrie. His freckled face and dark brown hair were what Jared saw first before he was in a huge bear hug. Jared patted Arrie's head. "It's Jared, dumbass," Jared said kindly and made some space between them. Arrie looked up at him, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

His whole crew, or family as Jared considered them as were around them all now. Hugs were exchanged, others cried, and happiness as well. How did they know they weren't their characters if they had been us all the whole time? Jared wondered to himself. He brushed the thought to the side and enjoyed the moment instead.

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