26 1 11

Dean Winchester

The next day, Dean put on Jensen's clothes. It consisted of blue jeans, sneakers (did this guy ever use leather boots?), a Batman-t-shirt and a black jacket. Sam wore a Nasa shirt, darker jeans than his own, white shoes, and a hoodie. Dean raised his eyebrows at his little brother. "Really? A hoodie?"

Sam shrugged. "Apparently the guy likes to hide his hair, I got no idea why." Then they grabbed their bags and left the hotel. Dean got inside the taxi with Sam on his side. His face in distaste about how the car was. Nothing could compare to the baby. Dean wrinkled his nose.

Sam said the address and they were on their way. Dean took his hand underneath his cheek and stared out the window. People were outside, some shopped for clothes others, on their phones, others talked to one another. Some time passed before they arrived at the main entrance, Sam paid the driver prior to them both walking inside.

The warmth from the outdoor became eliminated once Dean entered his first footstep inside. Fans began screaming Jensen's name and he smiled nervously. Sam nodded to the people by their sides and greeted them. They were lead backstage, the nose dimmed down. Dean took his hand slowly over his face. "These fans are crazy and we do crazy stuff."

Sam moved his feet uncomfortable before he gulped. "They do it because they care, Dean. About everything we have done and what we will do. Whatever they ask out there, I will be on your side all the way," Sam said. His jaw clenched. "However, act as if you were Jensen. I am going to back you up in case something happens."

Dean smiled then. "Weapons? You got'em? 'Cause I am not trusting going out there without them. I smuggled some through just in case," Dean flipped up a small blade from his shoe. A relief went through when he saw the blade shine in the light from above. 

Sam reflected his grin and showed his knife. "Always come prepared." They heard the host introducing Jared and Jensen nodded for him to head to the stage.

"You can do it," Dean patted Sam roughly on the back and winked at him. He saw Sam wave at the audience before he began to talk to their host — apparently named Jackson Smith. Sam got huge applause before he waved himself to get in.

Dean steeled himself mentally and took a deep breath before he entered the podium. The light blinded him for a second, he raised his hand to cover his eyes from it. Warm air made him sweat already. Dean winked before he sat down. He greeted Jackson before they began the panel.

A fan from the back cleared her throat, "hey," she said in a shaking voice.

"Hey," Sam was rapid to answer.

She fixed her Supernatural sweater before she turned to him. Dean took a deep breath and prepared for what her question would be. Already the main episodes from the beginning of the season had begun airing. He wasn't quite sure what to think about that. "I was wondering what Dean feels about Castiel?"

Dean's smiled vanished from his face, he held tighter around the microphone. "Dean thinks he is an ass at first," Dean started, Sam cleared his throat and he glanced at his little brother. He turned to the fan again. "But there is something between them for sure." He thanked and said goodbye to the fan. Yet another took her place.

"Are the brothers actually together? And what do you both think about wincest?" He asked he had to repeat the sentence sometimes because Sam faked he didn't get to question to gain time for him to understand the words. It was way worse than Dean originally thought.

What kind of fans was it anyway? Like you don't...don't ship people from your family together, even Dean shuddered by the thought alone. He licked his lips before he answered. "They aren't in that way 'together' you know? They had rough lives. Dean learned to protect his little brother since he was five years old. Sam on the other side, I am not sure." He shrugged. Inwardly he panicked a bit.

Sam cleared his throat. "They have a dysfunctional relationship," Dean gave him a what-the-hell-dude-glare in his brother's direction before he listened to Sam's answer. "But it's because Sam cares about his brother's approval. A lot. More than one should, really." Sam took a deep breath. "But is understandable the 'ship' exist right? There is certainly chemistry between the brothers. However, that is all up to your interpretation."

Dean was in awe of how Sam had managed to answer such a tricky question when all the lights went out. Screaming erupted from every corner, Jackson attempted to call up the electric guys but Dean knew when there was trouble. His father had taught him since he could wield a gun. Sam stood ready with his knife and Dean nodded as he held his blade.

"Can you see anything?" Dean said in his low voice, pushing through the yelling, his left hand ready for a punch if he needed to act quickly.

"No, but there are shadows at the exits, I guess that's people. What monsters I don't know," his little brother answered. Then the lights came back on. The fans mumbled between themselves, Dean acted before thinking and hid his weapon. Sam followed his movements. Dean was rapid to note the shadows at the exits were indeed people.

They seemed to look far too straight to be usual persons. A voice echoed through the speakers. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to games," a voice loomed over them. Dean and Sam look around to find the source of the voice. "And your actors are the main players, let's begin shall we?"

A cold shiver went down his back and Dean took a deep breath. He spoke into the microphone, "show yourself! That's only fair."

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