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The red-haired woman took out a handcuff from her back pocket. She grabbed his right arm and chained it into the shelves. A sudden push left short breaths out of his lungs. Castiel leaned against the shelves. The books and papers dug into his back. Castiel bit his tongue. The pain agonized him.

"I prefer you telling me instead of having to cut your legs off, hm?" She tilted her head to the side. As an afterthought, she added, "my name is Chomie."

Castiel's breath momentarily stopped. Her. The one who had struggled to keep Dean out of his way. Originally, he planned to kill her. But the righteous man told him to stop. Which he had. Instead, Castiel knocked her unconscious before taking a fighting Dean Winchester up to his grave.

A smile spread on her face. "You remember me, good."

"No, I don't," Castiel said. His head went into his chest. Castiel coughed. Chomie folded her hand into a fist. In a flash, it collided into his stomach. Castiel closed his eyes and grit his teeth together. He gasped out. Colorful spots appeared in his line of sight. "That wasn't very polite," he commented.

"Is a simple question, where is it?" Chomie's hand gripped his hair and pulled.

"I said a few minutes ago, I don't know," Castiel stared straight into her now black eyes. Irritation builds in the pit of his stomach. He already said his answer. What was the point in asking again?. Pointless. Unnecessary.

Chomie knocked his head hard enough into the shelves, blood dripped down from his temples. Castiel grunted. Sparks of stings went through his body. Castiel's stare did not move for a long while. Chomie sighed and removed her hand. "Stay here, and don't let him get anywhere," Chomie pointed at him before she turned away. "I got some work to do." Only dust was left from the spot she had stood seconds before.

The rest made a half-circle around him. Their gazes directed at the exit. Good. He could work with that information. With his other hand, Castiel touched the shelves carefully. After a few heartwrenching minutes, Castiel's fingers brushed against a special kind of paper. He frowned for a moment. It was rougher around the edges. Heavier. Expensive. The piece of paper caught his interest and he carefully took the piece. Only a few words were on it.


1 angel wing, blood from 1 sacrifice, and 1 rabbit foot. But can only be done with life for a life concept.

In some hurried written lines were a Latin spell. Castiel read it over. There. A way home was possible. Quickly, before the demons caught up to him. He hid the paper in his pocket. Castiel went silent when he heard running footsteps. The demons raised their guns to the door. His heart hammered in his chest.

Sam appeared in the doorway and shooting one demon dead. As the others turned to re-aim, Dean tackled Sam down to the floor. Bullets created holes in the walls. It took exactly twenty minutes before the demons laid death scattered around the floor. John had taught them well. People outside started yelling and screaming for the police. Chaos erupted.

Dean's hand on his shoulder snapped his attention back. "Dean," Castiel started. "We can go home."

Sam took up a needle from his pocket and opened the handcuffs. Dean and Sam exchanged a glance between each other. Sam moved to him again. "Based on what? I have researched everywhere."

Castiel found the piece of paper. "This," he gave it to Sam. "I don't understand what the writer means by 'life for a life', it could be any kind of life on earth. Wasn't specified."

Dean took a deep breath and tapped his knees before he rose. "Okay, we will figure this out later, firstly, we got to get out of here." Sam nodded and helped him up.

They moved rapidly away. A few people yelled after them. But Castiel paid them no mind. Castiel directed the two others to the motel.

Once inside the room, they sat around the plastic table. Dean is the one to start the conversation. "Angelwing is easy, even without mojo since you got them, right?"

Castiel answered, "I do not have any access to my wings but I did found some during the comics cons we had. I was losing power but didn't want to tell you."

Dean nodded. "Good, and the rabbit food we know were is from past episodes or we can buy one on the internet."

Sam took up Jared's credit card. "Got it covered."

"Only the sacrifice left. Though the life for a life doesn't look too good," Dean crossed his arms over his chest and leaned backward in his chair.

"It doesn't," Sam said.

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