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Jensen Ackles

He exchanged a glance to Jared, his mind already playing out alternatives. Crowley was their best bet at the moment, no matter how much Jensen disliked it. His hand went to touch the wound on his right shoulder. It still hurt from the impact to the wall moments before.

"Apart from asking us to help and hell in chaos — that I don't give a damn about. How do you plan to find Misha?" He said through grit teeth. Jensen pressed his index finger to his temple. Crowley never was a favorite of his to act against. But in this case, Crowley controlled the crossroads.

Damn that asshole.

"You two know Feathers 2.0," Crowley shrugged before he turned to Jared again. "Unless you don't want to save him of course, I wouldn't mind telling Misha that," Crowley continued. He put the angel blade back into his coat as if nothing had happened.

"No," Jensen said. Before Crowley began to talk again, Jensen let his death glare hit Crowley's eyes with brutal force. "We are not letting Misha behind. That's not what the brothers would want either. You hear?" Jensen yelled by the end of sentences. His left hand in a first, he badly wanted to punch Crowley with.

Jared cleared his throat and Jensen backed down quickly. He wanted to hear Jared's option even if he already knew the answer. They had acted long enough together to understand each other in gazes, gestures, and non-said words. it made their relationship their own. Jared was family in Jensen's eyes.

"Do you have any leads?" Jared asked. He raised his hands as he pointed to the space around them. "Because we can't do much without that."

Crowley nodded. "I do, actually," he said. A proud smirk on his face. "He is in heaven, there is a park in Los Angels that will be the entrance. I can count on you finishing the job," before Jensen managed to get an answer in, Crowley had disappeared.

Jensen glared at Jared in confusion. "Are we going..." he attempted to understand he actually was going to heaven. Hell. He rubbed his healthy arm and frowned. "To heaven?" He said perplexed.

Jared frowned and turned to fix their bags before they headed out on the road again. "Looks like it," he said in wonder. He smiled reassuringly at him. "Come on, let's go," he patted his healthy shoulder and gestured him to get into the car. Jensen obeyed and went into the shotgun seat.

For days they traveled around the country before Jared managed to track down the city for sure. In that, Jensen knew the exact location. Jared really could research, he was grateful for that. Jensen slumped on the plastic chair in the motel room. He had his head toward the wooden table. "What do we got this time?" Jensen groaned in frustration.

"I am sure this is the place," he heard the jarring sound of a laptop turned in his direction. He lifted his head and blinked until the picture Jared showed to him came into view. A red switchback came into his sight. A wooden house on its side and two sandpits by the side. 

"Seriously?" Jensen winced when he rolled over to his hurt right arm, Jared gave him a worried glance. "The angels got no test, dude," he shrugged and flinched in pain.

Jared shoved over the painkillers to him. "Thanks," he mumbled before he took one from a glass of water he had earlier taken from the kitchen.

"You don't have to go, Jensen," Jared said.

"I am going, end of the discussion," Jensen slammed his fist against the table. He got the weapons they always had on trips like these. "You coming?" He raised his eyebrow. Jared followed silently after him. Jared took the wheel again, to Jensen's irritation. But he couldn't do anything about it. His arm still hurt like hell.

Jared was the first to kill off the angels at the gate and helped Jensen through it. Jensen glanced anxiously around. There were no angels as far Jensen's eyes could see. But the white walls and clean floors reminded him of a hospital. "Nasty crap," he commented.

Jared leads the way since he had the whole thing planned from the moment they entered. When they closed into the room, Jensen's eyes widened in surprise when he heard the blast of wind hit the walls. Jared licked his lips as his eyes narrowed.

Jensen knew that look.

Jensen grabbed tighter around the angel blade in his hand, Jared moved a few steps ahead. Suddenly, monsters ran to them. Jared took his bicep and slammed him to the wall so he didn't get run down by crazy panicking monsters. He bit his underlip as the red sparkles shut up from his arm to his head. "Damn it, Jared."

Jared let go of him when the monsters had passed them in hurry. "Sorry, Jensen," he patted his back. Jensen decided to take the lead this time. He encountered a room so destroyed he wondered if the angels even party at all.

On the wall left to him, Misha stood, his eyes gleamed light blue. "Wow," Jared said in awe. Both lifted their handguns they always wore in their back pockets in synch. Then by a heartbeat, they were inside a warehouse.

Jensen's felt his breakfast get up to his throat and he threw up, Jared moved on his feet while he squinted. Jensen recognized the dazed look in Jared's eyes. He gripped hold of Jared's shoulders and sat him slowly to the floor. Misha blinked and lifted his hands, his mouth open in shock.

"Nice save, Misha," he wiped the liquid from his mouth and wrinkled in disgust about how he smelled. "How about a forewarning next time?" Jensen helped Jared up from the ground and blinked a few times so he didn't get dizzy himself.

"I, uh, don't know how I did it. It just happened, I wanted it to go away," Misha said muttering.

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