22 1 0

Jared Padalecki as The Clown

Jensen Ackles as Jingle Bear

Misha Collins as Powerpuff Girl

Take 3 - Lazarus Rising

"It stinks, and how do I open this thing?" Jensen hits the fake coffin and groans. The stank of worms made Jensen gag. He wrinkles his nose in disgust. Pitch-black darkness. Basically a crappy situation. Carter's plan of a nice start. Asshole.

"Maybe 'cause you punch the wrong place, idiot," Jared responds off-camera and laughs. He chuckles before he hears a rough shove over his coffin. More earth falls. The camera starts shaking as the camera-man laughs. 

Take 5 - Undercover Slash Method Acting

Jensen slips Misha out of his grip, "oops, didn't see you there." He wiggles his eyebrows while he grins widely down at Misha - that's now on the ground.

Misha grunts and gives Jensen a death stare, "fuck you all."

Take 9 - Undercover Slash Method Acting

Jensen raises his eyebrow, "What? A man gotta—".

Jared tumbles in and glances at Jensen. "Fart," Jared's poker face betrays nothing.

Jensen starts laughing. "I was so close!" He gives thumbs up at the camera-man. "Keep rolling."

Take 2 - Mystery Man Going Rouge

"Has anything, uh, what was the rest?" Jared stops.  He stares blankly at the camera.

"'Has it happened anything supernatural to your script lately'?" Jensen corrects the whole sentence, not breaking character for one second.

"I heard nothing," Jared shifts over to Sam's voice. He taps Jensen's knee while Jensen smirks back.

Take 22 - Finding Misha Collins

Jared loses the painkillers from his grip before they fell onto the floor. "Oops."

Jensen raises an eyebrow, "seriously?" Sass entering his voice. Still, as gruff Dean says stuff.

"I thought you had them, Jen," Jared folds his hands in front of his feet. He gives Jensen a pout-face and puppy-eye back.

"Quit bitching around, Sam," Jensen snaps.

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